Markus Zenger
Binnenmigration und psychische Gesundheit in der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie – Relevante Faktoren 20 und 30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung
ZusammenfassungFragestellung Welche Faktoren spielen für die psychische Gesundheit von Binnenmigrierten im Vergleich zu Nichtmigrierten eine Rolle?Methode Daten der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie aus den Jahren 2010 und 2020 wurden benutzt, um mithilfe von Bootstrapping-basierten Mediationsanalysen Binnenmigrierte mit Nichtmigrierten in ihrem Grad der psychischen Belastung zu vergleichen.Ergebnisse Binnenmigrierte berichteten 2010, aber nicht 2020, weniger psychische Belastung. Dieser Effekt verschwand, nachdem Kovariaten und Mediatoren inkludiert wurden. Wichtige Mediatoren waren Lebenssituation, enge politische Verbundenheit mit der BRD, Gewinner der deutschen Einheit, Sicherheit am Arbei…
Psychometrische Überprüfung der deutschen Version der Health Regulatory Focus Scale
Psychometric evaluation of the German version of the Health Regulatory Focus Scale Objectives: This study examines the psychometric properties of the German version of the Health Regulatory Focus Scale (HRFS), which measures health-related promotion- and prevention-based motivation. METHODS The study is based on data from the 28th (N = 332) and 29th survey wave (N = 253) of the Saxony Longitudinal Study. It examines item characteristics, factorial, convergent and prognostic validity as well as the influence of sociodemographic variables. RESULTS The psychometric properties of the German version are excellent, after removal of Item 5. A two-factor structure as well as good validity were conf…
From Bi-Dimensionality to Uni-Dimensionality in Self-Report Questionnaires
Abstract. The common factor model – by far the most widely used model for factor analysis – assumes equal item intercepts across respondents. Due to idiosyncratic ways of understanding and answering items of a questionnaire, this assumption is often violated, leading to an underestimation of model fit. Maydeu-Olivares and Coffman (2006) suggested the introduction of a random intercept into the model to address this concern. The present study applies this method to six established instruments (measuring depression, procrastination, optimism, self-esteem, core self-evaluations, and self-regulation) with ambiguous factor structures, using data from representative general population samples. I…
Validation of the German version of the Bodily Distress Syndrome 25 checklist in a representative German population sample
Abstract Objective The Bodily Distress Syndrome 25 (BDS 25) checklist is a self-report instrument that can be used for case finding of a BDS in both clinical practice and research. We assessed the reliability and the internal and external validity of the German version of the BDS 25 in a sample of the general German population. Methods The psychometric properties of the BDS 25 German were examined in a representative cross-sectional German population survey which included 2386 persons aged ≥14 years. Validation instruments included the Somatic Symptom Scale 8, the Giessen Subjective Complaints List 8 and the Patient Health Questionnaire 4. Participants were asked if they had been diagnosed …
A reanalysis of the center for epidemiological studies depression scale (CES-D) using non-parametric item response theory
Abstract The “Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale” (CES-D; Radloff, 1977 ) is a questionnaire used world-wide to measure depressive symptoms. Although the original four-factor-structure has been widely accepted and replicated, some studies point to other factor-structures like a one- and two-factor-structure. The goal of the current study was to evaluate the factor structure of the CES-D (one-, two- and four-factor-structure), which was found using classical test theory (CTT), with two non-parametric item-response-theory-models (Mokken-Scaling; Monotone-homogeneity-model; MHM and Double-monotonicity-model; DMM). To this end, a representative German sample was analyzed (N = 2…
Measurement invariance, validation and normative data of the Jenkins Sleep Scale-4 (JSS-4) in the German general population across the life span.
Abstract Objective As sleep disorders have become a major concern in public health, there is strong need for a brief and sound measure for sleep problems. The purposes of the study were to 1) evaluate factor structure and measurement invariance, 2) validate the scale based on sociodemographic data and distress, and 3) provide norm values for the general population. Methods In a representative survey of the German population N = 2515 participants (14 to 95 years) filled in the 4-item Jenkins Sleep Scale (JSS-4), sociodemographic questions and the Brief Symptom Inventory-18 (anxiety, depression, somatic symptom load). The JSS-4 was analyzed by principal component analysis, confirmatory and mu…
Psychometric evaluations of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R), based on nine samples
The aim of this study was to examine psychometric properties of the Life Orientation Test-Revised (LOT-R).The LOT-R was administered in five clinical samples, three samples of the adult general population, and one sample of adolescents. Seven of the studies were performed in Germany and two in Colombia. All of the sample sizes were above 300.Cronbach's alpha coefficients were between .57 and .75 for the eight adult samples, the correlations between the scales optimism and pessimism ranged from -.05 to -.37, and the coefficients of temporal stability (test-retest correlations) of the scales ranged from .43 to .69. There were no systematic age and gender effects observed in the nine studies. …
Predicting presenteeism via effort-reward imbalance and dispositional optimism: Is it the interaction that matters? Results from The Saxony Longitudinal Study
BACKGROUND The importance of experienced work stress and individual traits as well as their interplay is analyzed with regard to dysfunctional coping behavior in case of sickness. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to examine the predictive capability of effort-reward imbalance (ERI) including overcommitment, meaning the intrinsic propensity in terms of excessive work-related expenditure (OC), in consideration of dispositional optimism/pessimism on presenteeism. METHODS A total of 353 men and women aged 38 from the 25th panel wave of The Saxony Longitudinal Study in 2011 were included in the analysis. Effort-reward imbalance (ERI) including overcommitment was assessed with the Effort-Rewar…
Psychometric Properties of Two Brief Versions of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist: HSCL-5 and HSCL-10
The Hopkins Symptom Checklist–25 (HSCL-25) is a widely applied measure of depression and anxiety. The present study examines two of its short forms—the HSCL-5 and HSCL-10, which have been proposed by previous research—in a representative sample of the German general population. To this end, we conducted exploratory and confirmatory analysis on two subsamples ( n = 1,246 and n = 1,216). Our results suggest that, compared with the HSCL-25, both short forms represent economical ways of assessing depression and anxiety. Model fit was good and correlations with established measures demonstrate convergent validity. Both HSCL short forms are strongly invariant across sex, and we found evidence fo…
Revised Short Screening Version of the Profile of Mood States (POMS) From the German General Population
The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and validating a short form of the Profile of Mood States (POMS). The POMS is a widely-applied measure for the assessment of an individual's mood. Thus, it is of great relevance for many research questions in clinical and social psychology. To develop the short scale, we first examined psychometric properties and found the optimal 16-item solution among all valid combinations of the full POMS in an exploratory subsample (n = 1,029) of our complete representative sample of the German general population. We then validated this model in a confirmatory subsample (n = 977). Additionally, we examined its invariance across age groups and…
The course of fatigue in patients with gynecologic and breast cancer
Objective: The objective of this study is to examine the course of fatigue in female cancer patients during the first months after treatment. Methods: We examined a sample of 110 patients suffering from gynecological or breast cancer. Fatigue was assessed with two questionnaires, the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI) and the fatigue scale of the quality of life questionnaire European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC QLQ-C30). Participants were tested during their stay in the hospital (t1), two weeks after discharge (t2), and three months after discharge (t3). Results: Fatigue in the patients’ sample was markedly higher than the general population reference val…
Measuring Illness Behavior in One Minute
Abstract. The present study addresses shortcomings in previous psychometric research into the Scale for the Assessment of Illness Behavior (SAIB) and develops a short form, the SAIB-10. We used ant-colony optimization to construct a subset of items in an exploratory sample ( n = 1,187) and affirmed it in factor analysis in a confirmatory sample ( n = 1,208). We find excellent model fit and evidence for strict invariance across sex and age. As expected, there were associations with distressed personality, perceived social support, and mental health. Finally, we report normative values for usage by researchers and clinicians. In sum, the SAIB-10 is an economical measure of illness behavior a…
Kurzversion des Bielefelder Fragebogens zu Partnerschaftserwartungen (BFPE-12)
Zusammenfassung. Die Kurzfassung des Bielefelder Fragebogens zu Partnerschaftserwartungen (BFPE-12) ist ein Selbstrating zur Messung partnerschaftsbezogener Bindungsaspekte. Neben der Messung der Dimensionen Akzeptanzprobleme, Öffnungsbereitschaft und Zuwendungsbedürfnis können Personen Bindungsmustern zugewiesen werden. Die vorliegende Studie evaluiert Faktorenstruktur und psychometrische Eigenschaften des Instruments anhand einer aktuellen bevölkerungsrepräsentativen Stichprobe. Die Stichprobe umfasst N = 1574 Personen. Es wurden soziodemographische Variablen, der BFPE-12, die Kurzform des Depressive Experiences Questionnaire Self-Criticism sowie der Patient Health Questionnaire-4 erhoben…
The eating disorder examination-questionnaire 8: A brief measure of eating disorder psychopathology (EDE-Q8)
Objective The aim of this study was to develop, evaluate, and standardize a short form of the well-established Eating Disorder Examination-Questionnaire (EDE-Q). The newly developed EDE-Q8 was required to reflect the originally postulated structure of the EDE-Q. Method Data were drawn from two nationwide representative population surveys in Germany: a survey conducted to develop the EDE-Q8 in 2009 (N = 2,520); and a survey conducted in 2013 (N = 2,508) for the evaluation and calculation of EDE-Q8 percentiles. Results The EDE-Q8 had excellent item characteristics, very good reliability and a very good model fit for the postulated second-order factorial structure. Furthermore, a strong correl…
A brief form of the Perceived Social Support Questionnaire (F-SozU) was developed, validated, and standardized
Abstract Objectives Development of a brief instrument (F-SozU K-6) for the measurement of perceived social support in epidemiologic contexts by shortening a well-established German questionnaire (F-SozU K-14). Study Design and Setting The development of the F-SozU K-6 consisted of two phases; phase 1: the F-SozU K-14 was presented to a general population sample representative for the Federal Republic of Germany (N = 2,007; age: 14–92 years). Six items for the short form were selected based on the maximization of coefficient alpha. Phase 2: the new short form (F-SozU K-6) was evaluated and standardized in an independent second population survey (N = 2,508, age: 14–92 years). Results The F-So…
Betreuungsbedarf und subjektiver Unterstützungswunsch von Krebspatientinnen im Längsschnitt – Prädiktoren und Korrelate
The need for psychosocial support and patients' desire for psychosocial support in female cancer patients - predictors and correlates Objectives: The aims of the present study were to determine the need for psychosocial support of cancer patients, the subjective request for support and to examine the relationship between the need for psychosocial counselling, psychological distress and quality of life. Methods: 112 patients (consecutive) answered questionnaires about mental stress (GAD-2 and PHQ-2), quality of life (SF-8) as well as the Hornheide Screening Instrument (HSI) during their hospital stay (T1), two weeks (T2) and three months after their discharge (T3). Results: The need for psyc…
Recalled parental rearing style, self-esteem, and psychopathological symptoms in the general population
The enduring impact of perceived parental behavior on self-esteem as well as anxiety and depression in adults is still unknown. In a large random route sample (age range 18?92), 4,747 subjects were asked to complete questionnaires about recalled parental rearing, selfesteem, anxiety, and depression. Structural equation modeling was used, and the data from the mother and the father version of the FEE (a questionnaire for recalled parental rearing) were analyzed separately. A model proposing that self-esteem mediates the relationship between parental behavior and psychopathological symptoms fits the data rather well (CFI = .95, RMSEA = .05, TLI = .94). Hence, the recalled authoritative parent…
The Narcissistic Personality Inventory 8: Validation of a Brief Measure of Narcissistic Personality
The present study was conducted with the aim of constructing and validating a short form of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI). The NPI is the most widely-applied measure for the assessment of narcissistic personality traits and, therefore, it is of great relevance for many research questions in personality and social psychology. To develop the short scale, we first found the optimal eight-item solution among all valid combinations of the NPI-15 items in an exploratory subsample (n = 1,165) of our complete representative sample of the German general population. We then validated this model in a confirmatory subsample (n = 1,126). Additionally, we examined its invariance across age…
Assessing Procrastination
Abstract. The short form of the General Procrastination Scale (GPS-K; Klingsieck & Fries, 2012 ; Lay, 1986 ) is a reliable self-report scale measuring general procrastination. The presumed one-dimensional factor structure of the scale, however, has never been examined. Thus, the purposes of this representative study were to examine its dimensionality and factorial invariance across age and sex, and to provide norm values of the German general population. The GPS-K was administered to a representative community sample ( N = 2,527; age range 14–95 years). A confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted. To explore convergent validity, standardized scales of distress and life satisfact…
Health-related quality of life in Colombia: reference values of the EORTC QLQ-C30
There are normative data of the quality of life (QoL) questionnaire EORTC QLQ-C30 (the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire) for several European countries and Korea, but not for Latin America. The aim of this study was to provide these normative values for the general population in Colombia and to assess differences in terms of age and sex. For that reason, a sample of 1500 representatively selected individuals of the Colombian population completed the EORTC QLQ-C30 form. Results showed that mean scores of the Colombian population are similar to those obtained in European countries; whereas the mean values from a Korean study were lower (…
The Core Self-Evaluation Scale: Psychometric properties of the German version in a representative sample
The Core Self-Evaluation Scale (CSES) is an economical self-reporting instrument that assesses fundamental evaluations of self-worthiness and capabilities. The broad aims of this study were to test the CSES's psychometric properties. The study is based on a representative survey of the German general population. Confirmatory factor analyses were conducted for different models with 1, 2, and 4 latent factors. The CSES was found to be reliable and valid, as it correlated as expected with measures of depression, anxiety, quality of life, self-report health status, and pain. A 2-factor model with 2 related factors (r = -.62) showed the best model fit. Furthermore, the CSES was measurement invar…
Detecting Authoritarianism Efficiently: Psychometric Properties of the Screening Instrument Authoritarianism – Ultra Short (A-US) in a German Representative Sample
With right-wing-extremist and -populist parties and movements on the rise throughout the world, the concept of authoritarianism has proven to be particularly valuable to explain the psychological underpinnings of these tendencies. Even though many scales to measure the different dimensions of authoritarianism exist, no short screening instrument has been tested and validated on a large scale so far. The present study examines the psychometric properties of the screening instrument Authoritarianism ��� Ultrashort (A-US) in three representative German samples (n = 2,524, n = 2,478, and n = 2,495). Using exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, the A-US demonstrated acceptable internal co…
Psychometric evaluation of the Eating Disorders in Youth-Questionnaire when used in adults: Prevalence estimates for symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder and population norms.
Objective Restrictive eating behaviors occur across ages, but little is known about symptoms of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), especially in adults. This study sought to examine the prevalence of symptoms of ARFID in the adult population, providing a psychometric evaluation of the Eating Disorders in Youth-Questionnaire (EDY-Q) and population norms. Method In a representative survey of the German population, N = 2,424 adults (1,297 women, 1,127 men; age 49.5 ± 17.5 years) were assessed with the EDY-Q and measures of eating disorder and general psychopathology for divergent validation. Results The point prevalence of self-reported symptoms of ARFID amounted to 0.8% (20/2,…
Psychometric Properties of the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20), Derived From Seven Samples
Abstract Context Fatigue is a frequent symptom in patients suffering from chronic diseases. The Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) is often used to measure fatigue. The aim of this article was to test the scale structure of the questionnaire. Methods The MFI-20 data were obtained from seven samples, including general population samples and samples of patients with different diseases (N between 122 and 1993). Five confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) models were tested for each sample. Results The scale structure postulated by the original test authors could not be confirmed by the CFAs. The inclusion of a method factor which considers the positive versus the negative orientation of t…
Loneliness and its relation to mental health in the general population: Validation and norm values of a brief measure
Abstract Background Loneliness has been increasingly recognized as an important determinant of mental health. The purposes of this study were to (1) determine the degree of loneliness of women and men across different age groups, (2) explore its association with distress, (3) psychometrically evaluate the Three-Item Loneliness Scale, (4) provide norm values. Methods The Three-Item Loneliness Scale was applied in a representative survey of the German population (N=2527; 14–95 years). Standardized scales were used measuring distress (depression and anxiety symptoms, perceived stress, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, fatigue, life satisfaction). Factor structure and measurement invariance acro…
Psychometrische Evaluation und Normwerte einer Ultrakurzform der Sense of Coherence Scale “SOC-3”
ZusammenfassungKohärenzsinn ist eine psychische Ressource, die maßgeblich zu einem adaptiven Coping im Umgang mit belastenden Situationen beiträgt. In der vorliegenden Studie untersuchen wir eine Ultrakurzform der Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-3) in einer repräsentativen Stichprobe der deutschen Bevölkerung (N=2.018). Das 3-Item-Modell wies exzellente Gütekriterien sowie eine akzeptable Reliabilität auf. Über Altersgruppen und Geschlecht konnte partielle strikte Messinvarianz des Modells nachgewiesen werden. In Bezug auf Konstruktvalidität demonstrierten unsere Analysen starke Überschneidungen der SOC-3 mit längeren SOC-Versionen (−9 und−29). Analog zu den SOC-Langversionen wurden erwartung…
Is the General Self-Efficacy Scale a Reliable Measure to be used in Cross-Cultural Studies? Results from Brazil, Germany and Colombia.
AbstractThis study evaluated cross-cultural measurement invariance for the General Self-efficacy Scale (GSES) in a large Brazilian (N = 2.394) and representative German (N = 2.046) and Colombian (N = 1.500) samples. Initially, multiple-indicators multiple-causes (MIMIC) analyses showed that sex and age were biasing items responses on the total sample (2 and 10 items, respectively). After controlling for these two covariates, a multigroup confirmatory factor analysis (MGCFA) was employed. Configural invariance was attested. However, metric invariance was not supported for five items, in a total of 10, and scalar invariance was not supported for all items. We also evaluated the differences be…