Jussi Nyrhinen

Does airlines’ eco-friendliness matter? Customer satisfaction towards an environmentally responsible airline

The looming climate crisis requires an immediate response, also on an individual level. Consumers are being asked to reduce and replace their carbon-intensive consumption behaviors. One of the consumption behaviors with the largest impact is air travel. The growing awareness among consumers has led to the advent of flight shaming, which could seriously endanger airlines' existing business models. One way for airlines to respond to this threat is by becoming more eco-friendly. We therefore wanted to study whether the environmental responsibility of an airline could be positively associated with customer satisfaction and whether that could translate into more customer loyalty towards an eco-f…

research product

Who are the Showroomers? Socio-Demographic Factors Behind the Showrooming Behavior on Mobile Devices

This quantitative study focuses on socio-demographic variables and their associations with different forms of showrooming behavior. The purpose of this study is to find which consumer groups based on age, gender, and income level are demographically the most probable showroomers, and how much each of these variables explain showrooming. The data used is a structured online survey from 1,028 Finnish omnichannel consumers aged between 18 and 75 years. We compare the means of demographic groups’ shares on different aspects of showrooming, and then use partial least squares structural equation modeling with confirmatory factor analysis to see how much each of the variables explain showrooming. …

research product

The role of social capital in digitalised retail servicescape

This chapter examines how digitalisation has altered the way consumers experience the social interaction and service environment while shopping in retail stores. In this, we draw on the concept of servicescape, which comprises both tangible and intangible features which make up the service experience. Recognising the three realms of servicescape (physical, digital and social), we explore the role of social capital in determining the customer experience in digitalised retail servicescape. We demonstrate that social capital has two specific roles. Firstly, it is an integral part of the customer experience and thus contributes to the service experience. Secondly, social capital is created in t…

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The Effect of Consumer Local Engagement and Personal Values to Local Store Patronage

The question of why customers patronize small stores is important to academics and practitioners alike, but the perspective of rural and local retail patronage is understudied and underdeveloped (Pan and Zinkhan 2006; Brown and Dant 2006; Runyan and Droge 2008). Also, store patronage from the standpoint of local communities seems to have been only little investigated (Runyan and Droke 2008).

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Kauppa asuinalueen keskuksena : kyläkaupasta yksityisten ja julkisten palveluiden käyttöliittymä -hankkeen loppuraportti

Alueiden rakennemuutoksen myötä palvelut keskittyvät keskusalueille. Toisaalta samanaikaisesti etenkin maaseudun väestön ikääntyminen on lisännyt tarvetta lähipalveluille. Verkkopalvelut, lähikauppa ja tässä hankkeessa tutkitut pelkistetyt palvelukonseptit yhdessä mahdollistavat kuitenkin arjen palvelujen tuotannon myös reuna- ja haja-asutusalueille, mikäli paikallinen ostovoima riittää ylläpitämään kauppaa. Jotta kyläkaupoilla olisi paljon tarjottavaa myös tulevaisuudessa, käynnistettiin maaliskuussa 2013 kaksivuotinen hanke "Kyläkaupasta yksityisten ja julkisten palveluiden käyttöliittymä". Projektia rahoitti Hämeen ELY-keskus. Hanke liittyi Manner-Suomen Maaseudun kehittämisohjelman 2007…

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Young adults' online shopping addiction : The role of self‐regulation and smartphone use

Online shopping addiction can be defined as an Internet-based behavioural addiction which may lead to economic problems. Even though shopping is increasingly common through mobile devices, the effects of smartphone use on online shopping addiction are underexamined. Following a survey of 1000 18 to 29-year-olds in Finland, we examined young adults' online shopping addiction and economic problems from the perspective of self-regulation and problems in regulating smartphone use. The results indicated that low self-regulation in an online environment facilitates online shopping addiction, which further leads to dissatisfaction toward personal money management through indebtedness. Moreover, we…

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Kulutus koronan aikaan - ja sen jälkeen : tutkimus COVID-19-epidemian rajoitustoimien vaikutuksesta kuluttajien käyttäytymiseen, taloudelliseen toimintaan ja hyvinvointiin

Tässä kyselytutkimuksessa (N=1000) selvitettiin koronavirusepidemiasta johtuvien rajoitusten vaikutusta työikäisten (18-65 vuotta) suomalaisten kuluttajien käyttäytymiseen arjessa sekä koronarajoitusten vaikutusta heidän taloudelliseen tilanteeseensa ja koettuun hyvinvointiin. Lisäksi tutkittiin kuluttajien arviota kulutuksesta rajoitusten purkaannuttua. Tutkimustuloksista käy ilmi, että valtaosa vastaajista koki koronarajoitukset tarpeellisiksi. Vain harvat ajattelivat, että arkea rajoittavista määräyksistä, kuten kauppojen ja palvelujen aukiolojen rajoituksista tai liikkumisrajoituksista oli suurta haittaa. Miehet kokivat haittoja naisia yleisemmin. Liikkumis- ja matkustusrajoitukset hait…

research product

How is social capital formed across the digital-physical servicescape?

This study examines how consumers create social capital in interactions with other customers and service personnel while shopping in retail stores that consist of both physical and digital locations. We draw on servicescape literature to explore the role of social capital in determining the social realm in digital-physical servicescapes using data from focus group discussions. We demonstrate how customers utilize both the digital and physical servicescapes in a convergent manner to form the social realm of the servicescape with the other people in service encounters. The implications provide guidelines on how the integration of digital and physical channels facilitates trust, human contact,…

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Psychosocial Perspective on Problem Gambling : The role of Social Relationships, Resilience, and COVID-19 Worry

AbstractThe COVID-19 pandemic has amplified several psychosocial risks and problem behaviors among vulnerable individuals. Given that gambling has high addictive potential, it is important to consider the underlying mechanisms of problem gambling. This study examined psychosocial factors associated with pandemic-time problem gambling.Cross-sectional data were gathered via an online survey of 18–75-year-old Finnish, Swedish, and British respondents (n = 2,022) who reported having gambled at least occasionally during the pandemic. Measures included problem gambling, loneliness, COVID-19 worry, social support, and psychological resilience. Control variables included gender, age, and education.…

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The Effects of General and Mobile Online Shopping Skilfulness and Multichannel Self-Efficacy on Consumer Showrooming Behaviour

Although showrooming behaviour is a characteristic aspect of modern omnichannel retailing, our understanding of its antecedents remains limited. In this study, we aim to address this gap in prior research by examining how showrooming behaviour is affected by three different kinds of perceived consumer capabilities: general online shopping skilfulness, mobile online shopping skilfulness, and multichannel self-efficacy. The examination is done by utilising data from 1,024 Finnish consumers, which was collected with an online survey in 2021 and is analysed with structural equation modelling (SEM). In summary, we find mobile online shopping skilfulness to have a strong positive effect on showro…

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The use of the Dark Web as a COVID-19 information source : A three-country study

The Dark Web (i.e., the anonymous web or Darknet) contains potentially harmful COVID-19-related information and content such as conspiracy theories and forged certificates. The Dark Web may particularly attract individuals who are suspicious about the pandemic, but there is no research concerning the use of the Dark Web as a COVID-19 information source. In this study, we investigated the role of COVID-19 skepticism, online activities, and loneliness in the use of the Dark Web platforms as a COVID-19 information source. The data (N = 3000) were gathered in April 2021 from 18 to 75-year-old respondents from Finland (n = 1000), Sweden (n = 1000) and the United Kingdom (n = 1000). The responden…

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An Ethical Perspective on Loot Box Purchasing : Examining Psychosocial Antecedents and the Association with Indebtedness

Loot boxes are popular random reward mechanisms in digital games, attracting players to invest real money to enhance their gaming experiences. Loot boxes share striking similarities to gambling and might contribute to one’s economic strain, but more research is needed on the underlying vulnerabilities and motivational traits in loot box purchasing. This paper examines associations with self-reported increase in loot box purchasing and debt problems during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. International survey data were collected in 2021, consisting of Finnish, Swedish, and British respondents (N = 2,991) aged 18 to 75. Partial least squares modeling was used as an analytical techniqu…

research product

Children as social actors negotiating their privacy in the digital commercial context

This study advances research on children’s negotiation of online commercial privacy by identifying an act of digital agency by children that may serve their current needs but can also impact children negatively. Secondly, it identifies certain factors children consider while evaluating the trustworthiness of apps and websites before disclosing information online. Eight focus group discussions with children (13–16 years) in Finland’s capital region are analysed using thematic analysis. Our findings highlight that while children’s digital literacy education is needed, ensuring that education translates to children’s online practices is also essential. We also recommend increasing corporations…

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The impact of consumer local engagement on local store patronage and customer satisfaction

This paper examines the drivers of local grocery retail patronage. Drawing on institutional and social network theory literature, we develop a framework to investigate how consumers’ personal values and engagement with local communities affect their satisfaction and local store patronage. We test our model with survey data on 1504 Finnish consumers. Our results show that the relationship between customer local engagement and local retail patronage is indirect rather than direct, and it is mediated by the vitality of local services, social interaction, and consumer satisfaction.

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Tulevaisuuden kuluttaja : Erika 2020-hankkeen aineistonkuvaus ja tutkimusraportti

Julkaisussa esitellään keväällä 2011 kerätty Erika 2020 Tulevaisuuden kuluttaja -kyselyaineisto. Kyselyn tavoitettu otos oli kaikkiaan 1641 18–75-vuotiasta suomenkielistä suomalaista. 18–65-vuotiailta kuluttajilta aineisto kerättiin verkkokyselyllä ja yli 65-vuotiaat haastateltiin puhelimitse. Otantamenetelmänä käytettiin yksinkertaista satunnaisotantaa. Verkkokyselyn vastaajat poimittiin tutkimusyrityksen Internet-paneelista ja puhelinhaastatteluihin otanta toteutettiin yhteystietoalan yrityksen rekisteristä. Aineistonkeruusta vastasi Jyväskylän yliopiston sosiologian oppiaine. Kyselyn toteutukseen osallistuivat lisäksi Jyväskylän yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulun, Tampereen yliopiston johtami…

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