Carlos Roma Mateo

Circulating Histones and Nucleosomes as Biomarkers in Sepsis and Septic Shock

Sepsis, severe sepsis, and septic shock are among the leading causes of death worldwide and their incidence is constantly increasing. Despite early intervention in intensive care units (ICUs) mortality remains high. There is great interest in understanding the genetics and epigenetics of the host in response to infection because of two reasons: the peculiarities of each patient, and the unclear associations identified between genetic polymorphisms and susceptibility to sepsis. In addition, chromatin remodeling and epigenetic changes occur in crucial genes involved in the inflammatory response and also in the immunosuppression found in sepsis. The early and accurate diagnosis of sepsis is a …

research product

“Alimental, querido Watson” – Escape room virtual para la asignatura de Alimentación y Dietética

[EN] "Alimental, querido Watson" is a digital educational escape room created for the subject "Nutrition and Dietetics" of the degree in Medicine at the University of Valencia. The objective of this activity was to maintain the students participation and adherence in the subject in spite of being teached in an on-line asynchronous way during the 2020/2021 academic year. Furthemore, we also wanted to encourage their learning by solving the different enigmas, always related to the contents of the subject. The results from this activity show that, as expected, students had a greater involvement and satisfaction with the activity, as well as a higher academic performance. Therefore, our experie…

research product

Epigenetics As The Driving Force In Long-Term Immunosuppression

Epigenetics is an emerging frontier of biology, with the potential for deciphering the intricate molecular and transcriptional cellular programs, therefore contributing to explain the pathological evolution of sepsis, one of the most elusive syndromes in medicine. The evolution of sepsis depends not only on the pathogen which originated the infection but also on the genetic and epigenetic background of the host. Short-term mortality of sepsis and septic shock is high, being considered a public health concern worldwide. Immunosuppression is the predominant driving force for morbidity and mortality in late deaths and long-term deaths of survivors from a sepsis episode. In this regard, apoptos…

research product

DEBATMITAL 2.0: 2ª Edición de los debates sobre mitos en alimentación

[ES] En la segunda edición del DEBATMITAL, se ha vuelto a utilizar el debate como herramienta docente para abordar el tema de los Mitos en la Alimentación, en la asignatura optativa del Grado en Medicina de la Universitat de Valencia, “Alimentación y Dietética”. Como novedad respecto a la edición pasada, este curso se ha debatido sobre temas de actualidad acerca de la alimentación, sobre los que existe controversia real en la comunidad científica. Los alumnos han valorado la actividad aún más positivamente este curso: la vuelven a preferir respecto a la lección magistal y además creen que les ayuda a adquirir varias competencias propias de su grado. En base a esta experiencia, se consolida …

research product

Uso del debate como herramienta metodológica docente en estudios del Grado en Medicina: DEBATMITAL

[EN] The main purpose of the DEBATMITAL project is to increase the participation of students in the practical session on "Myths of Food" that is part of the optional subject “Nutrition and Dietetics" of the degree in Medicine of the University of Valencia. In front of the master class, which was basically the tool used in previous courses, students are organized into discussion groups to debate some food-related statements commonly heard. The assessment that students make of this initiative is very positive. They indicate that they have learned, they have had fun while participating in the debates, and that they prefer this tool to the master class. Therefore, the debate is a teaching tool …

research product