Angela Carra
Potential use of new diphenylurea derivatives in micropropagation of Capparis spinosa L.
A protocol for in vitro multiplication of caper (Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris) from nodal segments collected from mature plants was developed. For shoot multiplication, one auxin (indol-3-butyric acid, IBA) and cytokinins of two different classes were used: the N6-substituted adenine derivatives 6-benzylamino purine (BAP), and the two synthetic phenylurea derivatives N-phenyl-N′-benzothiazol-6-ylurea (PBU) and N-phenyl-N′-(1,2,3-thidiazol-5-yl) urea (thidiazuron, TDZ). Maximum shoot production was achieved from explants cultured with the adeninic cytokinin BAP (4 μM) and the auxin IBA (0.5 μM). New shoots longer than 1 cm were used for rooting. To induce root formation, three auxins…
In vitro plant regeneration of caper (Capparis spinosa L.) from floral explants and genetic stability of regenerants
A new technique to regenerate caper plants (Capparis spinosa L. subsp. rupestris) starting from flower explant is reported. In vitro plant regeneration was attempted using stigma, anthers and unfertilized ovules of unopened flowers collected in the field. Plant regeneration was achieved from unfertilized ovules on MS medium supplemented with 88 mM sucrose and 13 lM 6-benzyladenine (BA). New individuals obtained from unfertilized ovules were used as source material for micropropagation and multiple shoots were obtained on MS medium sup- plemented with the adeninic cytokinin BA and the auxin indole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Explants obtained in micro- propagation step were used for rooting step u…
Is in vitro micrografting a possible valid alternative to traditional micropropagation in Cactaceae? Pelecyphora aselliformis as a case study
Several taxa of Cactaceae are endangered by overcollection for commercial purposes, and most of the family is included in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES). Micropropagation may play a key role to keep the pressure off wild populations and contribute to ex situ conservation of endangered taxa. One of the limits of micropropagation is the species-specific requirement of plant regulators for each taxon and sometimes even for different genotypes. With the micrografting technique the rootstock directly provides the scion with the necessary hormonal requirements. In this paper we present data on in vitro grafting of Pelecyphora aselliformis Eh…
Long-Term Field Evaluation of Conventional vs. Micropropagated Plants of Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium
Pyrethrum is a perennial herbaceous plant endemic to the eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea, and introduced in large areas of nearly all continents, where it is cultivated for the industrial extraction of pyrethrins. Pyrethrins are a group of six closely related monoterpene esters, widely used as natural insecticides. The world production of natural pyrethrins is lower than the market demand, and a wider introduction of this crop within the Mediterranean agrosystems could be an appealing opportunity for farmers and manufacturers. The availability of adequate amounts of selected plant material to bring into cultivation is, however, one of the major issues. Therefore, the in vitro propagation …
In vitro propagation of the relict laperinne’s olive (Olea europaea L. subsp. laperrinei)
Olea europaea L. subsp. laperrinei (Oleaceae) is an endemic taxon of the mountainous regions of central Sahara, consisting of currently fragmented and small relict populations. The tree can propagate vegetatively or by seed, but no recent natural regeneration was observed in the Algerian massive populations, some of which are considered threatened with extinction. Sterile triploid individuals were also identified in some populations showing increasing vigour. As a result of its long persistence and despite its rarity, the Laperrine's olive is an iconic component of Saharan mountain ecosystems. The aim of this study is to develop an efficient micropropagation protocol for both diploid and tr…
Autotetraploid Emergence via Somatic Embryogenesis in Vitis vinifera Induces Marked Morphological Changes in Shoots, Mature Leaves, and Stomata
Polyploidy plays an important role in plant adaptation to biotic and abiotic stresses. Alterations of the ploidy in grapevine plants regenerated via somatic embryogenesis (SE) may provide a source of genetic variability useful for the improvement of agronomic characteristics of crops. In the grapevine, the SE induction process may cause ploidy changes without alterations in DNA profile. In the present research, tetraploid plants were observed for 9.3% of ‘Frappato’ grapevine somatic embryos regenerated in medium supplemented with the growth regulators β-naphthoxyacetic acid (10 µM) and N6-benzylaminopurine (4.4 µM). Autotetraploid plants regenerated via SE without detectable changes in the …
Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from pistil transverse thin cell layers of lemon (Citrus limon)
Callus induction, somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration were obtained in Citrus limon (L.) Burm. (cv. Femminello) from cultures of pistil transverse thin cell layer explants [(t)TCLs]. Explants were cultured on two different media, based on Murashige and Skoog salts and vitamins, supplemented with 500 mg l-1 malt extract (MSI), or 500 mg l-1 malt extract and 13.3 ¼M 6-benzylaminopurine (MSII). Sucrose (146 mM) was used as carbon source. Somatic embryos appeared 3 months after culture initiation from stigma and style (t)TCLs; they were observed at the surface of the (t)TCL-derived callus. Although ovary (t)TCLs showed the highest callus formation, they never differentiated somatic emb…
Propagation of Calendula maritima Guss. (Asteraceae) through Biotechnological Techniques for Possible Usage in Phytotherapy
The genus Calendula (Asteraceae) includes several species that are renowned for their therapeutic properties and/or use as ingredients in the preparation of cosmetics. The rare and critically endangered sea marigold, Calendula maritima Guss., an endemic species from Western Sicily, has also been recognized as a potential “farm plant species” for several important compounds used in cosmetics. However, the few remnant populations of this species are currently threatened with extinction because of several factors, such as hybridization with the congeneric species Calendula suffruticosa subsp. fulgida (Raf.) Guadagno and anthropogenic disturbance of its habitat. Therefore, in order to preserve …
Somatic embryogenesis and flow cytometric assessment of nuclear genetic stability for Sansevieria spp.: an approach for in vitro regeneration of ornamental plants
Sansevieria Thunb. species are traditionally known as succulent ornamental plants worldwide. They are also cultivated for medicinal, fodder, soil conservation and fiber uses, and for their capacity to reduce environmental pollution. Sansevieria sexual propagation is limited by the lack of viable seeds, and reproduction is largely made via vegetative propagation by suckers or cuttings. For these reasons, genetic improvement by conventional breeding is limited. To overcome this problem and to address the increasing demand from customers for novel Sansevieria varieties, many commercial companies regularly use in vitro propagation, as is the case in the breeding process of several ornamental pl…
Influence of Culture Conditions on In Vitro Asymbiotic Germination of Anacamptis longicornu and Ophrys panormitana (Orchidaceae)
This study is the first approach to in vitro asymbiotic germination of two species of Sicilian threatened terrestrial orchids, Anacamptis longicornu and Ophrys panormitana. Seeds were collected in the wild and cultured in two different media—Orchimax medium (OM) and Murashige and Skoog (MS)—and exposed to different photoperiods and temperatures to evaluate the best conditions for the specific stages of development. The germination of A. longicornu was very high on OM (95.5%) and lower on MS medium (21.4%), whereas O. panormitana germinated only on OM medium, with significantly lower percentages (12.0%), compared with A. longicornu. This difference is caused by variation in quality and quant…
Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis in eight Italian grapevine cultivars and the genetic stability of embryo-derived regenerants as assessed by molecular markers
Abstract Embryogenic cultures have been used in cryopreservation, genetic transformation, propagation, virus elimination, induced mutagenesis and in many other biotechnological applications, providing excellent opportunities for biotechnology advances in grapevine. Unfortunately the efficiency of somatic embryogenesis (SE) is genotype-dependent in addition to showing interaction with explant type used and the plant growth regulator (PGR) composition. In order to identify the interaction of these parameters in SE, we tested eight wine grapevine cultivars, three explant types (ovary, anther/filament and stigma/style) and four PGR combinations in a statistically designed experiment. The genoty…
Genetic instability in calamondin (Citrus madurensis Lour.) plants derived from somatic embryogenesis induced by diphenylurea derivative
Somatic embryos were regenerated in vitro from calamondin style-stigma explants cultured in the presence of N (6)-benzylaminopurine (BAP) cytokinin and three synthetic phenylurea derivatives, N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N-phenylurea (4-CPPU), N-phenyl-N'-benzothiazol-6-ylurea (PBU) and N,N'-bis-(2,3-methilendioxyphenyl)urea (2,3-MDPU). The phenylurea derivative compounds tested at micromolar level (12 muM) were able to induce a percentage of responsive explants significantly higher from that obtained with BAP and hormone-free (HF) conditions. In order to verify the genetic stability of the regenerants, 27 plants coming from different embryogenic events were randomly selected from each different …