Jari Syväranta

Impacts of biomanipulation on lake ecosystem structure revealed by stable isotope analysis

Rehevöityneiden järvien ravintoketjukunnostus epäonnistuu useinJärvien ravintoketjukunnostusta eli biomanipulaatiota on käytetty paljon rehevöityneiden järvien kunnostuksessa. Biomanipulaatiossa pyritään poistamaan järvestä pieniä eläinplanktonia syöviä kalalajeja, lähinnä eri särkikaloja ja pieniä ahvenia, jolloin eläinplanktonin määrä ja yksilökoko kasvavat. Tällöin kasviplanktonia ravintonaan käyttävä eläinplankton pystyy paremmin kontrolloimaan kasviplanktonin määrää järvessä. Biomanipulaation onnistumisen kriteerinä voidaan siis pitää kasviplanktonin määrän vähenemistä ja siitä aiheutuvaa veden kirkastumista. - Varsin suoraviivaisesta teoriasta huolimatta saavutetut tulokset eivät aina…

research product

Use of stable isotope analysis to evaluate the possible impact of fish migration on a lake biomanipulation

1. A lake restoration project involving mass fish removals was started to improve further the water quality of a lake recovering from severe eutrophication. The effectiveness of such biomanipulation as a lake management option could be compromised if removed fish are rapidly replaced by large-scale immigration from a connected lake. 2. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) was used to examine the migrations of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) and roach (Rutilus rutilus (L.)) between two connected lakes in central Finland, Jyvasjarvi and the larger Paijanne. Baseline δ15N signatures in primary consumers were significantly higher in Jyvasjarvi and this difference was reflected further up the food chain i…

research product

Top consumer abundance influences lake methane efflux

Lakes are important habitats for biogeochemical cycling of carbon. The organization and structure of aquatic communities influences the biogeochemical interactions between lakes and the atmosphere. Understanding how trophic structure regulates ecosystem functions and influences greenhouse gas efflux from lakes is critical to understanding global carbon cycling and climate change. With a whole-lake experiment in which a previously fishless lake was divided into two treatment basins where fish abundance was manipulated, we show how a trophic cascade from fish to microbes affects methane efflux to the atmosphere. Here, fish exert high grazing pressure and remove nearly all zooplankton. This re…

research product

Distribution of Herbivorous Fish Is Frozen by Low Temperature.

AbstractThe number of herbivores in populations of ectothermic vertebrates decreases with increasing latitude. At higher latitudes, fish consuming plant matter are exclusively omnivorous. We assess whether omnivorous fish readily shift to herbivory or whether animal prey is typically preferred. We address temperature as the key factor causing their absence at higher latitudes and discuss the potential poleward dispersion caused by climate changes. A controlled experiment illustrates that rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus) readily utilize plant matter at water temperatures above 20 °C and avoid its consumption below 20 °C. Field data support these results, showing that plant matter dominates…

research product

It takes time to see the menu from the body: an experiment on stable isotope composition in freshwater crayfishes

For many applications and ecological studies in which wild individuals are brought to laboratory it would be essential to know accurately how fast novel diet is reflected in composition of different tissues. To study the effects of two different diets on the stable isotope composition of freshwater crayfish muscle and hemolymph, we conducted a three month experiment on noble crayfish (Astacus astacus) and signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) by feeding them sweet corn (Zea mays) or Baltic herring (Clupea harengus membras) as novel food. During the experiment, the crayfish were given 0.4 g of selected food daily and the amount consumed was recorded. The samples for the stable isotope a…

research product

Reply to LoganDodge: 'stable isotopes challenge the perception of ocean sunfish Mola mola as obligate jellyfish predators'.

Syvaranta et al. (2012) recently provided stable-isotope data from eight small-bodied ocean sunfish Mola mola (L. 1758) captured from the Italian fishing port of Camogli on the Ligurian coast. Representative data were also given for members of pelagic and neritic–coastal food webs. The level of 13C and 15N enrichment shown by M. mola relative to their putative obligate diet of gelatinous zooplankton (gelata) (based on the locally dominant Pelagia noctiluca and literature data) was used to question their obligate consumption of such prey. Furthermore, the M. mola were isotopically more similar to neritic rather than pelagic fishes captured locally, prompting the suggestion that juvenile M. m…

research product

Whole-lake experiments reveal the fate of terrestrial particulate organic carbon in benthic food webs of shallow lakes

Lake ecosystems are strongly linked to their terrestrial surroundings by material and energy fluxes across ecosystem boundaries. However, the contribution of terrestrial particulate organic carbon (tPOC) from annual leaf fall to lake food webs has not yet been adequately traced and quantified. In this study, we conducted whole-lake experiments to trace artificially added tPOC through the food webs of two shallow lakes of similar eutrophic status, but featuring alternative stable regimes (macrophyte rich vs. phytoplankton dominated). Lakes were divided with a curtain, and maize (Zea mays) leaves were added, as an isotopically distinct tPOC source, into one half of each lake. To estimate the …

research product

Combined effects of eutrophication and warming on polyunsaturated fatty acids in complex phytoplankton communities:A mesocosm experiment

Climate change and eutrophication are among the main stressors of shallow freshwater ecosystems, and their effects on phytoplankton community structure and primary production have been studied extensively. However, their combined effects on the algal production of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), specifically, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are currently unresolved. Moreover, the proximate reasons for changes in phytoplankton EPA and DHA concentrations are unclear, i.e., the relative importance of ecological (changes in the community composition) vs. ecophysiological (within taxa changes in EPA and DHA levels) factors. We investigated the responses of phytopla…

research product

Within-lake variability in carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures

SUMMARY 1. We assessed spatial and temporal variation in carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures in different compartments of a single lake ecosystem. Stable isotope analyses were made on samples of particulate organic matter (POM), zooplankton, periphyton, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish collected from several locations throughout the ice-free period. 2. No spatial variation in d 13 Co rd 15 N values was found for pelagic samples of POM and zooplankton. However, pelagic d 15 N signatures increased steadily through the summer resulting in an almost 6& average increase in POM and zooplankton. A concurrent decrease in epilimnetic nitrate concentrations suggested that the increase in …

research product

Accounting for littoral primary production by periphyton shifts a highly humic boreal lake towards net autotrophy

1. The prevailing view that many humic lakes are net heterotrophic is commonly based on pelagicmeasurements alone. Poor light conditions in humic lakes are assumed to constrain littoral primaryproduction (PP), such that the littoral zone has been considered an insignificant contributor towhole-lake PP. However, that assumption is based on models and inferences from pelagic processeswhich do not take littoral zone structure into account. Many lakes have an extensive ring of aquaticvegetation lying near the water surface, which provides substratum for epiphytic algae under well-illuminated conditions.2. We measured both pelagic and littoral PP and community respiration (CR) in Mekkoj€arvi, a s…

research product

Zooplankton, lipids and stable isotopes: importance of seasonal, latitudinal, and taxonomic differences

We found considerable seasonal, latitudinal, and taxonomic differences in zooplankton lipid content and concur- rent d 13 C values of zooplankton. We collected cladoceran as well as cyclopoid and calanoid copepod zooplankton from boreal and subarctic lakes throughout a year, allowing us to study zooplankton likely subjected to different isotopic fractionation processes and with highly variable lipid contents. Considerable seasonal variation was observed in the differ- ence between bulk and lipid-extracted zooplankton d 13 C values, indicating that seasonally changing lipid content intro- duced notable variation in zooplankton d 13 C values. The difference between bulk and lipid-extracted ma…

research product

Effects of predation pressure and resource use on morphological divergence in omnivorous prey fish

Background. Body shape is one of the most variable traits of organisms and responds to a broad array of local selective forces. In freshwater fish, divergent body shapes within single species have been repeatedly observed along the littoral-pelagic axes of lakes, where the structural complexity of near shore habitats provides a more diverse set of resources compared to the open-water zones. It remains poorly understood whether similar resource-driven polymorphism occurs among lakes that vary in structural complexity and predation pressure, and whether this variation is heritable. Here, we analyzed body shape in four populations of omnivorous roach (Rutilus rutilus) inhabiting shallow lakes.…

research product

Bacterial community response to changes in a tri-trophic cascade during a whole-lake fish manipulation

Microbial communities play a key role in biogeochemical processes by degrading organic material and recycling nutrients, but can also be important food sources for upper trophic levels. Trophic cascades might modify microbial communities either directly via grazing or indirectly by inducing changes in other biotic or in abiotic factors (e.g., nutrients). We studied the effects of a tri-trophic cascade on microbial communities during a whole-lake manipulation in which European perch (Perca fluviatilis) were added to a naturally fishless lake divided experimentally into two basins. We measured environmental parameters (oxygen, temperature, and nutrients) and zooplankton biomass and studied th…

research product

Influence of littoral periphyton on whole-lake metabolism relates to littoral vegetation in humic lakes

The role of littoral habitats in lake metabolism has been underrated, especially in humic lakes, based on an assumption of low benthic primary production (PP) due to low light penetration into water. This assumption has been challenged by recent recognition of littoral epiphyton dominance of whole-lake PP in a small highly humic lake and of epiphyton as an important basal food source for humic lake biota. However, as these studies have mostly concerned single lakes, there is a need to test their wider generality. We studied the whole-lake PP and community respiration (CR) in eight small humic lakes in southern Finland during July 2015 using 14 C incorporation to measure pelagic PP and the c…

research product

An Empirical Evaluation of the Utility of Convex Hull and Standard Ellipse Areas for Assessing Population Niche Widths from Stable Isotope Data

Stable isotope analyses are increasingly employed to characterise population niche widths. The convex hull area (TA) in a δ¹³C–δ¹⁵N biplot has been used as a measure of isotopic niche width, but concerns exist over its dependence on sample size and associated difficulties in among-population comparisons. Recently a more robust method was proposed for estimating and comparing isotopic niche widths using standard ellipse areas (SEA), but this approach has yet to be tested with empirical stable isotope data. The two methods measure different kind of isotopic niche areas, but both are now widely used to characterise isotopic niche widths of populations. We used simulated data and an extensive e…

research product

Epiphytic bacteria make an important contribution to heterotrophic bacterial production in a humic boreal lake

Bacterial production (BP) in lakes has generally only been measured in the pelagic zone without accounting for littoral BP, and studies of BP at the whole-lake scale are very scarce. In the dystrophic humic lakes, which are common throughout the boreal region, low light penetration through water has been assumed to seriously limit available habitats for littoral organisms. However, many highly humic boreal lakes have extensive partly submerged vegetation around the lake perimeter which can provide well-lit substrata for highly productive epiphyton. We measured epiphytic BP on the littoral vegetation and pelagic BP in a small highly humic boreal lake in Finland during an open-water season an…

research product

The influence of lipid content and taxonomic affiliation on methane and carbon dioxide production from phytoplankton biomass in lake sediment

The greenhouse gases methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are end products of microbial anaerobic degradation of organic matter (OM) in lake sediments. Although previous research has shown that phytoplankton lipid content influences sediment methanogenesis, current understanding on how OM quality affects methanogenesis is still limited. Such information is needed to more accurately assess how lake greenhouse gas emissions may change in response to anthropogenic activities. We cultured 11 phytoplankton species from five classes and studied how taxonomic identity, C : N ratio, lipid content, and fatty acid composition of phytoplankton biomass affects the CH4 and net CO2 production in anaero…

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Vulnerability of the North Water ecosystem to climate change

High Arctic ecosystems and Indigenous livelihoods are tightly linked and exposed to climate change, yet assessing their sensitivity requires a long-term perspective. Here, we assess the vulnerability of the North Water polynya, a unique seaice ecosystem that sustains the world’s northernmost Inuit communities and several keystone Arctic species. We reconstruct mid-to-late Holocene changes in sea ice, marine primary production, and little auk colony dynamics through multi-proxy analysis of marine and lake sediment cores. Our results suggest a productive ecosystem by 4400–4200 cal yrs b2k coincident with the arrival of the first humans in Greenland. Climate forcing during the late Holocene, l…

research product

Stable isotopes challenge the perception of ocean sunfish Mola mola as obligate jellyfish predators

Evidence is provided from stable isotope analysis that aggregations of small ocean sunfish Mola mola (total length <1 m) feed broadly within coastal food webs and their classification as obligate predators of gelatinous zooplankton requires revision.

research product

The influence of lipid content and taxonomic affiliation on methane and carbon dioxide production from phytoplankton biomass in lake sediment

research product

Changes in feeding niche widths of perch and roach following biomanipulation, revealed by stable isotope analysis

Summary 1. We made an empirical test of a recent proposal that feeding niche widths might be determined as variance of stable isotope values. We determined δ13C and δ15N values of perch (Perca fluviatilis), roach (Rutilus rutilus) and their prey from a biomanipulated lake, when the mass removal of fish led to reduced inter- and intra-specific competition and increases in zooplankton abundance and body size. 2. After the first fish removals, both perch and roach mean δ13C values decreased and mean δ15N values increased, indicating a greater diet contribution from pelagic sources. 3. Variances of both δ13C and δ15N values first increased in both fish populations, indicating a wider food spect…

research product

Changes in fish mercury concentrations over 20 years in an acidified lake subject to experimental liming

Abstract Lake Iso Valkjarvi (southern Finland, Europe) was divided in two with a plastic curtain in 1991. One half was neutralized with CaCO 3 , and the other acted as a control. Mercury concentrations of perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) and northern pike ( Esox lucius ) in the limed and control side of the lake were studied both before and after the treatment. Average Hg concentrations of perch and pike were 0.40 and 1.2 μg g −1 (ww) in the early 1980s and 0.25 and 0.72 μg g −1 (ww) a decade later at the time of liming. Ten years after the liming the Hg concentrations of perch in the limed and control sides of the lake were 0.21 and 0.28 μg g −1 (ww) and those of pike were 0.69 and 0.43 μg g −1…

research product

Influence of littoral periphyton on whole-lake metabolism relates to littoral vegetation in humic lakes

The role of littoral habitats in lake metabolism has been underrated, especially in humic lakes, based on an assumption of low benthic primary production (PP) due to low light penetration into water. This assumption has been challenged by recent recognition of littoral epiphyton dominance of whole-lake PP in a small highly humic lake and of epiphyton as an important basal food source for humic lake biota. However, as these studies have mostly concerned single lakes, there is a need to test their wider generality. We studied the whole-lake PP and community respiration (CR) in eight small humic lakes in southern Finland during July 2015 using 14C incorporation to measure pelagic PP and the ch…

research product

Periphyton support for littoral secondary production in a highly humic boreal lake

Steep stratification and poor light penetration in highly humic lakes typically restrict oxygenated littoral areas to narrow lake margins. However, in some instances, surrounding floating vegetation mats can sustain highly productive periphyton and more diverse invertebrate communities than pelagic areas. Little is known about how these littoral food webs function or the extent to which the pelagic and littoral food webs are coupled. We added 15N-labeled ammonium nitrate to the floating moss mat surrounding the littoral zone of Mekkojärvi, a small highly humic and fishless lake in southern Finland. Our goal was to increase the δ15N values of periphyton to investigate the diets of littoral i…

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