K. H. Schicketanz

Is the EOG Influenced by Nicotine? Relations to the EEG

Cigarette smoking causes a number of effects in the human body, not the least of which may be attributed to nicotine. The problem under investigation is whether, by smoking retinal activity is influenced, and whether measureable changes are found by electrophysiological testing.

research product

Measurements of the volume and density of intracerebral tumors by CT following therapy.

For the interpretation of curative measures in patients with cerebral tumors CT is of increasing importance. The therapeutic effects can be demonstrated by close follow-up studies without any of the disadvantage of invasive neuroradiological methods. Our investigations of 125 patients with cerebral tumors are based on volume and density determinations. The CT studies of removed or inoperable tumors followed by radiation and/or cytostatic therapy prove that the best results follow a combination of both. In the present cases however, if CT proves postoperatively, at the end of radiation or at the beginning of the application of cytostatics that there is a residual mass, a complete remission c…

research product

Magenentleerung nach Magenresektion mit und ohne erhaltene Duodenalpassage

Bei Hausschweinen wurden 2/3-Magenresektionen mit erhaltener sowie ausgeschalteter Duodenalpassage durchgefuhrt, die Magenentleerung szintigraphisch uber 4 h gemessen und einer Vergleichsgruppe nichtresezierter Tiere gegenubergestellt. Fur die halbfeste, mit 99mTc markierte Testmahlzeit fanden sich experimentell keine Hinweise fur eine verzogerte Magenentleerung nach Ausschaltung der Duodenalpassage durch Roux-Rekonstruktion. B-I- and B-II-Roux-Resektion differierten in der Magenentleerung nicht. Die Langenanderung der bei der Roux-Rekonstruktion verwendeten Jejunumschlinge von 40 auf 20 cm hatte keinen Einflus auf die Magenentleerung. Die Roux-Rekonstruktion mit trunkularer Vagotomie fuhrt…

research product

Seasonal Variations on the Cortisol Concentration of the Subretinal Fluid in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment

Probes of the subretinal fluid were obtained from 115 nonselected retinal detachments, operated on during the period from November 19, 1973 to December 20, 1974. All patients had no known endocrine abnormalities and had not ever received topical or systemic corticosteroid therapy. Subretinal fluid Cortisol was determined by competitive protein binding analysis. A statistically significant increase in mean subretinal fluid Cortisol concentration was found for the winter season (3.3 µg/100 ml), as compared with the summer months (1.5 µg/100 ml). This finding sharply contrasts with the seasonal incidence of the idiopathic retinal detachments which reaches its maximum in the months June to Augu…

research product

Modified cryopreservation and xenotransplantation of human parathyroid tissue.

Introduction: A modified cryopreservation technique for human parathyroid tissue was compared with the standard method using a programmed freezer. Methods: Total parathyroidectomy was performed in three groups of 6-week-old Rowett nude rats. Group I (control) underwent no transplantation of parathyroid tissue (n=9). After 10 days, the rats of groups II (n=15) and III (n=15) underwent xenotransplantation of 20 mg cryopreserved human parathyroid tissue, which had been stored in liquid nitrogen at –196°C for 1–22 months prior to xenotransplantation. The parathyroid tissue was derived from 15 parathyroidectomized patients with renal hyperparathyroidism. Two tissue samples were obtained from eve…

research product

Das Elektro-Okulogramm der zentralen Retina

Das Elektro-Okulogramm (EOG) stellt das indirekt abgeleitete Bestandspotential der Netzhaut dar und gilt als Summenpotential, hauptsachlich des Pigmentepithels, der Sinnesepithelschicht und der Choriocapillaris der Aderhaut.

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