Marie-france Corio-costet

Effects of isoxaben on sensitive and tolerant plant cell cultures .I. Metabolic fate of isoxaben

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Les "mots" de la résistance

Avant d'entamer le dossier, voici un petit glossaire à l'usage des gestionnaires de la résistance aux produits phytopharmaceutiques.La résistance aux PPP est un phénomène souvent complexe, faisant appel à des notions de biochimie, génétique, sciences de l’évolution. De ce fait, pour apprécier au mieux les articles de ce dossier, il apparaît utile d’avoir sous la main un mémento donnant une définition scientifique des termes les plus courants.

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Prévenir et gérer les résistances aux produits phyto

CONTEXTE - La sélection de génotypes debioagresseurs résistantsconstitue un des effetsnon intentionnels del’utilisation des produitsde protection des plantes(PPP). Le suivi et la gestion de ces génotypesreprésentent un enjeuagronomique majeurafin de préserver durablement l’efficacité des PPP.PRINCIPE DE GESTION - La résistance estle résultat de l’adaptation des bioagresseurs àla pression de sélectionexercée par les pratiquesde contrôle. Les élémentsde compréhension présentés dans cet articles’appliquent à tous lesPPP, qu’ils soient d’originesynthétique ou d’originenaturelle. Notre objectifest de sensibiliser leslecteurs à la nécessité dediversifier les leviers deprotection des cultureset de…

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Etude sur le mode d'action d'un herbicide : l'isoxaben. Effets sur des cultures de cellules de soja sensibles et tolerantes

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Une première à Avignon, les JÉR, journées d'échanges sur les résistances

Pour le professionnel du conseil à l'utilisation de produits de protection des plantes, il n'est pas toujours évident d'accéder aux connaissances scientifiques sur les résistances à ces produits (cas de résistance, mécanismes d'évolution, stratégies de gestion de résistances...). Pour le scientifique, il n'est pas toujours facile d'avoir une vue actualisée de la situation au champ (problèmes émergents, questions que se posent les professionnels...). La solution ? Les JÉR, dont le but est de permettre un dialogue direct entre recherche et " terrain " !

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Isolation and characterization of a Vitis vinifera transcription factor, VvWRKY1, and its effect on responses to fungal pathogens in transgenic tobacco plants

International audience; Pathogen attack represents a major problem for viticulture and for agriculture in general. At present, the use of phytochemicals is more and more restrictive, and therefore it is becoming essential to control disease by having a thorough knowledge of resistance mechanisms. The present work focused on the trans-regulatory proteins potentially involved in the control of the plant defence response, the WRKY proteins. A full-length cDNA, designated VvWRKY1, was isolated from a grape berry library (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Cabernet Sauvignon). It encodes a polypeptide of 151 amino acids whose structure is characteristic of group IIc WRKY proteins. VvWRKY1 gene expression in …

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Sterol profiles of Serratula tinctoria, a plant producing ecdysteroids: plant and cell cultures

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JÉR 2015 à Dijon, les résistances sur le grill

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Genetic Transformation of Serratula tinctoria (Dyer’s Savory) for Ecdysteroid Production

Serratula tinctoria is a perennial plant of the Compositae family with medium-sized, serrated leaves and purple flowers (Loste 1937). This plant, also known as dyer’s savory, is widespread in Europe but with an irregular distribution. Inflorescences (capitula) are purple and are usually unisexual, staminate, or pistillate. In Europe, the flowering period extends from July to September. More than 40 species have been described in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. The plants produce large amounts of secondary metabolites, in particular ecdysteroids at very high concentration in roots (up to 2% dry wt.), in flowers, and in leaves (Bathori et al. 1986; Rudel et al. 1992; Corio-Costet et al. 1993b…

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Chenopodium album L. (Fat Hen): In Vitro Cell Culture, and Production of Secondary Metabolites (Phytosterols and Ecdysteroids)

The name Chenopodium is derived from the Greek words chenos (goose) and podos (foot), because the leaves often resemble goose feet. This genus consists of ca. 120 species, widely distributed over the world, 45 of which have been described in India.

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Serratula tinctoria (L.) (Dyer's savory): In vitro culture and the production of ecdysteroids and other secondary metabolites

The name Serratula is derived from the Latin word serra, which means saw. It designates perennial plants of the Compositae family with medium-sized, serrated leaves and purple flowers (Loste 1937). More than 40 species have been described in Europe, North Africa, and Asia. The most common is Serratula tinctoria, also known as dyer’s savory. This species, 30 to 80 cm high, grows on all kind of soils, and is widely distributed in central and northern Europe (synonym: Carduus tinctoria, Scop; French name: serratule des teinturiers; German name: Faberscharte). In France, for example, Serratula tinctoria is widespread but with an irregular distribution, rare in the north and near the Mediterrane…

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DEFISTIM-Projet Collaboratif FUI : Accélérer, optimiser et développer la mise en marche des stimulateurs des défenses des plantes (SDP), avec l'appui des outils d'aide à la décision (OAD)

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Sterol and ecdysteroids profiles of Serratula tinctoria (L.) : plant and cell cultures producing steroids

Abstract Cell suspension cultures have been obtained from Serratula tinctoria, a plant producing ecdysteroids. Sterol profiles and ecdysteroid contents have been analysed and compared in plants and cell cultures. In particular, the composition of free and esterified sterols was investigated using appropriate analytical techniques. In plants, esterified sterols were more abundant (50–70% of the total sterol) than in cell cultures (13–36%). A selectivity for sterol esterification was noted: in plants, the triterpenes (as amyrins) were esterified, whereas it was the 4-desmethylsterols (sitosterol and cholesterol) in cell cultures. Ecdysteroids were present in higher quantities in plant (0.1–1.…

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Sterol and steroids profiles in Serratula tinctoria: a plant producing ecdysteroid

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Effects of isoxaben on sensitive and tolerant plant cell cultures .II. Cellular alterations and inhibition of the synthesis of acid-insoluble cell wall material

International audience

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Biosynthèse des stérols chez Chenopodium album et Serratula tinctoria: deux plantes produisant des ecdystéroïdes

National audience

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Une classification unifiée des produits de protection des plantes

CONTEXTE - La classificationdes PPP (produits de protectiondes plantes) par mode d’actionest un outil pour faciliter le suiviet la gestion de leurs ENI (effetsnon intentionnels) en particulierdes résistances de bioagresseurs à ces produits. Il existeactuellement plusieurs classifications, chacune concernantun seul type d’utilisation (herbicide, insecticide/acaricide,fongicide). Selon son usage,un même mode d’action, voireune même substance, est alorsrépertorié(e) dans des classifications différentes.PROPOSITION - Dans le butde faciliter le suivi et la gestiondes effets non intentionnelsdes PPP, cet article présenteune nouvelle classification deces produits :– unifiée, exhaustive, intégrée,«…

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Effects of the ingestion ofSerratula tinctoria extracts, a plant containing phytoecdysteroids, on the development of the vineyard pestLobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

We describe here the effects of extracts from Serratula tinctoria, a plant producing phytoecdysteroids, on the growth and development of Lobesia botrana, an economically important pest in vineyards. Leaves, hairy roots, or semi-purified (by Sep-Pak procedure) methanolic extracts from this plant were incorporated into an artificial diet given to insects. Larval growth, mortality, weight, and sex-ratio were investigated, as well as sterol and ecdysteroid contents. Experimental diets induced an important mortality in the first, second, and third larval instars, but also in pupae. As males appeared more sensitive to extracts, sex ratio was significantly modified on experimental diets (particula…

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Intéraction Vigne-champignon-insecte: Etude de l'impact alimentaire d'un champignon phytopathogène (Botrytis cinerea) sur le développement d'un insecte ravageur (Lobesia botrana)

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