Romano L
Cinema as a Place of Educational Practice during the Fascist Regime in Italy (1922-1943)
The evolution of Italian cinema in the first half of the twentieth century is intertwined with the historical events that marked Italy in the period between the two world wars: the coming to power of fascism and the rise to power of Benito Mussolini. Its protectionist policy favored the growth of the film industry that, in few years, created new forms of representation and made cinema a popular and mass art with a great pedagogical impact. He defined cinema as “the strongest weapon” because, through a strategic use of moving images, it had the power to “rule the gaze of the spectators”. After the advent of the sound cinema, from the thirties, the political intervention of the regime promote…
La deduzione personalistica della democrazia nella pedagogia di Luigi Stefanini
Through a historical reading of the Luigi Stefanini’s philosophy (Treviso 1891 - Padua 1956), this paper presents the democratic theory of education that he elaborates in the years of the Reconstruction. Stefanini proposes a personalistic deduction of democracy, where the educational act becomes a place of event of the social person. Education for democracy coincides with a path of spiritual growth that causes the person in the individual and that has a mystical foundation: first the ego experiences itself and then meets others as similar but singular subjects. In this educational process the teacher is very important, because he acts as an intermediary between the disciple and the absolute…
La cura del corpo nella storia
In this chapter, the authors present a historical reconstruction of body care as physical education, starting from oral civilizations and going through the classical, medieval and modern ages. Until 1800, the body was the object of attention of various religious and worldly views, while from the twentieth century onwards, body education as physical education was valued, becoming a subject of primary importance in the education of the person.
This paper presents Buddhism as a paideia where the personal education takes place through the so-called three jewels: the Buddha, the Dharma and the Sangha, or the Master, the Way of Truth and the Spiritual Community. These are three refuges where the disciple carries out an interior search that, contrary to belief, does not happen in solitude but with the careful guidance of a Master and with the spiritual companions of the community. Finally, it’s affermed the great relevance of a millenary religion that today offers practices of interiority education to cultivate spiritual qualities such as wisdom, generosity, patience, love and compassion to build a new humanity.
Educare alla democrazia cosmica per un mondo di pace. La lezione di Ernesto Balducci
Nel secondo Novecento Ernesto Balducci (1922-1992) elaborava l’idea di una democrazia planetaria nell’orizzonte del suo progetto pedagogico di un nuovo umanesimo. Si trattava di rispondere alla crisi che già segnava le democrazie occidentali, dove la violenza e lo scontro con “l’altro” prevalevano sul dialogo e sul bene comune. L’educazione a una democrazia sostanziale non può realizzarsi – è questa la lezione attuale di Balducci – se non come educazione alla pace e al dialogo interreligioso, entrambi orientati verso un “ecumenismo creaturale” che non fa distinzione tra le persone ma trova sempre punti d’intesa che conducono oltre le ideologie, le credenze, le culture. Un mondo di pace può …
La formazione del docente di storia nella scuola primaria si è dovuta confrontare, nel corso della storia della scuola italiana, con non poche sfide pedagogiche. In primo luogo, la ridefinizione dell’identità del sapere storico, avviata fin dal secondo dopoguerra, ha prodotto una innovazione didattica che, messa a tema nei Programmi ministeriali per la scuola elementare del 1985, ha inaugurato la didattica del laboratorio storico. Inoltre, la crescita della didattica e il dibattito sulla formazione scolastica, intensificatosi negli anni Novanta, hanno avuto come esito l’introduzione delle competenze nell’insegnamento della storia. Sullo sfondo di queste due emergenze non vanno trascurate qu…
L’educazione nella storia
This Chapter reviews the numerous practices and customs that man has used, from prehistoric times to today, to educate the younger generations. The author presents the results of a historical investigation that reconstructs the complex forms of education over the centuries, taking place within particular space-time coordinates.
La pedagogia di Aldo Capitini. Un misticismo al servizio del bene comune
This contribution presents Aldo Capitini (1899-1968), a representative and original figure of the Italian culture of the twentieth century. In the anthology of his unpublished writings, his pedagogy appears as a paideitic philosophy founded on the principle of the coexistence of everyone, which has the task of indicating to each subject their responsibility towards the other and the common good. The coexistence, the openness, the addition, the transmutation, the value, the teacher-prophet, the open school, the reform of the University: these are some of the Capitinian themes that catch the reader's attention on the extraordinary relevance of a pedagogy that promotes the encounter between ed…
La pedagogia generale, le altre scienze pedagogiche e le scienze dell’educazione
This chapter clarifies the composite and dialectical nature of general pedagogy, clarifying its relationship with the pedagogical sciences and with the educational sciences, that insist on specific issues concerning the educational reality. In fact, although it is distinct from the other human sciences, general pedagogy lives a constitutive relationship with them, even if it assumes the pedagogical problem in a radical way, that is, by studying education as such.
Françoise Dolto (1908-1988)
Françoise Dolto, a French psychoanalyst of the twentieth century, has an important role not only in the history of the psychoanalytic movement but also in the history of education, because she gives new attention to early childhood starting from the encounter between psychoanalysis and pediatrics. Her interest in education matured during the sixties of the twentieth century when she understood the importance of prevention in the treatment of pathologies of children, teenagers and adults. Her pedagogy has a non-traditional and transdisciplinary approach and is defined as "education medicine", where education is a search for truth and a commitment, for the adults, to establish a relationship …
Teaching Nonviolence in the Italian primary and infant School of the second post-war: Aldo Capitini (1899-1968) and Idana Pescioli (1922-2016)
My research investigates the proposal of the education’s philosopher Aldo Capitini about the nonviolent teaching in the Italian Second Post-War infant and primary school and focuses on the nonviolent educational practices which has been carried out. Especially, Idana Pescioli, a teacher of the primary and infant school, has been the one to experiment new educational methodologies and a nonviolent approach in the schools of children. I am using a historical-hermeneutic method and various sources: literary sources, documents in public and private archives, ministerial school regulations, internet sites, direct sources. The results achieved so far have highlighted the contribution that Aldo Ca…
A Prognostic Model for Estimating the Time to Virologic Failure in HIV-1 Infected Patients Undergoing a New Combination Antiretroviral Therapy Regimen
Abstract Background HIV-1 genotypic susceptibility scores (GSSs) were proven to be significant prognostic factors of fixed time-point virologic outcomes after combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) switch/initiation. However, their relative-hazard for the time to virologic failure has not been thoroughly investigated, and an expert system that is able to predict how long a new cART regimen will remain effective has never been designed. Methods We analyzed patients of the Italian ARCA cohort starting a new cART from 1999 onwards either after virologic failure or as treatment-naïve. The time to virologic failure was the endpoint, from the 90th day after treatment start, defined as the firs…
La scuola come comunità educante nella pedagogia italiana del secondo Novecento
The aim of this paper is to present a historical reconstruction of the Italian debate in the second half of the twentieth century about the community as the destiny of education and school institution. After the reflections of the immediate post-war period, when the notion of community is combined with the idea of a substantial democracy, there is the idea of a school as educating community suggested by the Faure Report in the seventies. The educational debate on the school as an educating community is very rich of different voices that interpret, during the second half of the twentieth century, a need that is not always satisfied, but that is the sign of a constant attention to the communi…
La pedagogia nell'età moderna
This chapter presents the pedagogical reflection of some authors of the modern age, Comenius, Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Herbart, the Positivists, who contributed to building an identity of pedagogical knowledge as a knowledge independent of philosophy.
La pedagogia nell'età contemporanea. Oltre il paradigma positivistico.
This chapter is dedicated to the twentieth century, where pedagogy underwent a profound transformation becoming a science capable of critically reflecting on education and taking on the characteristics of a specific, complex and more articulated knowledge. Thanks to this brief history of contemporary pedagogical epistemology, it is explained why pedagogy needed to create new paradigms of scientific research.