Martin Wricke
Die Herausbildung von Zufriedenheits-urteilen bei Alternativenbetrachtung
Traditional elements of competitive differentiation are declining. As industries and firms worldwide face increasing competition, slower growth rates, and price pressures, greater attention is being placed on customer satisfaction. However the research in satisfaction never consider alternatives, when customer satisfaction is formed. It has been the approach of this paper to present an extension for this circumstance. Therefor the regret theory, a diversion of the expectation utility theory, is used to explain the phenomena. According to this theory, each outcome has associated with it the evaluation of the difference between the outcome and the outcome that would have been received had a d…
An empirical analysis of the determinants of price tolerance
In the context of pricing strategies, the notion of price tolerance is an important construct for academic researchers and marketing managers. In this article, a conceptual model of factors influencing the level of price tolerance is proposed and empirically tested with the use of data collected from airline passengers. The results support most propositions of the conceptual model and offer several insights for managerial action and further academic research.
Evaluating Multidimensional Prices in the Bundling Context
Leasing offers, such as “... Jaguar XJ6 3.2, ..., down payment DM 22,325, DM 999 per month, 36 monthly installments...” or “... Audi A4 Avant, ..., down payment DM 15,000, DM 157 per month, repayment period 36 months, residual payment DM 5,000 ...”, have made regular appearances in advertisements for several years now. That offers of this kind are accepted by buyers of automobiles is confirmed by the leasing figures for German automobile manufacturers. Since the early 1990s, between 10% and 28% of all new automobiles have been sold under a leasing agreement, depending on the maker and the model series. The average leasing share for the automobile sector was approximately 23% in Germany in 1…
Customer satisfaction as an antecedent of price acceptance: results of an empirical study
The goal of this current study is to extend customer satisfaction research in two important ways. First, it attempts to demonstrate the relationship between customer satisfaction and price acceptance. Second, as Voss, Parasuraman and Grewal claim that only a small proportion of the existant satisfaction research focuses on services, we empirically analyze the relationship between customer satisfaction and price acceptance in the hotel industry. Finally, the implications of the study’s findings for research into purchasing patterns and pricing policy are discussed.
An Integrative Approach for Product Development and Customer Satisfaction Measurement
As soon as the automotive industry in the western world countries recognizes that the outstanding performance of Japanese manufacturers is the result of a customer-oriented understanding of quality, the QFD approach became a famous instrument to achieve the product quality demanded by customers. Nevertheless this concept has its limits. In this article we suggest the extension of the QFD approach on the base of customer values and benefits.
Evaluating multidimensional prices
The price at which a product is offered often does not consist of a single item of information, for example VW Golf, price; DM25,476. Instead, a multidimensional pricing system is used, e.g. the price comprises a down payment, monthly installments and a repayment period in months. Despite the considerable significance of offers of this type for marketing policy, no information is presently available to describe how a consumer integrates the individual price dimensions (e.g. down payment, monthly installments and number of repayment periods) to form a global judgment. This article derives hypotheses to explain the formation of a price judgment about multidimensional prices. Then, an empirica…