De Sena P

Sul settantesimo anniversario della Convenzione europea: fra successi e prospettive di alterazione del sistema

In this paper it is submitted that an assessment of the functioning of the European system of protection of human rights lead to different results, depending on whether one considers the entire life of this system or the last twenty years (par. 1). Such an assessment is beyond any doubt positive in the first case, insofar as both the action of the States parties (progressive "jurisdictionalisation" of the protection system; extension to eastern Europe, ecc.) and the case law of the European Court (evolutive interpretation, ecc.) are concerned (par. 2). Different considerations are developed with regard to the last twenty years, despite the stipulation of Protocol 14, 15 and 16, and despite …

research product

Condotta di singoli organi e condotta dell’apparato statale in tema di colpa nell’illecito internazionale

In questo scritto si dimostra che l'elemento della colpa nell'illecito internazionale (inteso come "colpevolezza") è difficilmente compatibile con la struttura complessa dell'organizzazione dello Stato contemporaneo. La dimostrazione è essenzialmente condotta con riferimento alla giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia delle comunità europee in tema di violazione dei trattati o di regolamenti da parte degli Stati. Viene altresì sottolineato che un tale risultato è in linea con l'evanescenza delle cause di invalidità dei trattati concernenti la volontà di singoli organi partecipanti al processo di stipulazione. The idea is advanced that state fault - understood as an essential precondition f…

research product

The European Courts and the Security Council: Between "Dédoublement Fonctionnel" and Balancing of Values

The recent case law of various international tribunals facing questions related to UN Security Council resolutions shows the clear tendency to grant primacy to the UN legal order. This trend, far from being well founded on formal arguments, appears to be a tribute to a legal order perceived as superior, and, at the same time, is revealing of the ‘value oriented’ approach followed by the courts. Such an approach can be categorized from a theoretical perspective in the light of Scelle's theory of relations between legal orders, whereby the courts implement in their respective legal orders values stemming from the UN legal order. Various critical remarks can be advanced in relation to this att…

research product

Le organizzazioni internazionali europee fra promozione dei diritti umani e diritto umanitario

This essay aims at critically summarizing the role played by the European Union and the Council of Europe with regard to both the promotion of human rights and humanitarian law following the second world war (para. 2 and 3). The idea is submitted that such a role is currently far from being so active as it was until the end of the '90. A similar conclusion stems from the fact that both the recent case law of the European Court and the recent case law of the Court of Justice (as well as the practice concerning the external relations of the EU in the field of migrations) display a clear tendency not to contribute to the development of the international or the european legal regime of human ri…

research product