Manuel Valdivia

Mixed intersections of non quasi-analytic classes

Given two semi-regular matrices M and M' and two open subsets O and O' [resp. two compact subsets K and K'] of Rr and Rs respectively, we introduce the spaces E(M×M')(O × O') and D(M×M')(O × O') [resp. D(M×M')(K × K')]. In this paper we study their locally convex properties and the structure of their elements. This leads in [10] to tensor product representations of these spaces and to some kernel theorems.

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Weakly continuous mappings on Banach spaces

Abstract It is shown that every n -homogeneous continuous polynomial on a Banach space E which is weakly continuous on the unit ball of E is weakly uniformly continuous on the unit ball of E . Applications of the result to spaces of polynomials and holomorphic mappings on E are given.

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Generalized Metric Spaces and Locally Uniformly Rotund Renormings

A class of generalized metric spaces is a class of spaces defined by a property shared by all metric αspaces which is close to metrizability in some sense [Gru84]. The s-spaces are defined by replacing the base by network in the Bing-Nagata-Smirnov metrization theorem; i.e. a topological space is a αspace if it has a αdiscrete network. Here we shall deal with a further re- finement replacing discrete by isolated or slicely isolated. Indeed we will see that the identity map from a subset A of a normed space is A of a normedslicely continuous if, and only if, the weak topology relative to A has a s-slicely isolated network. If A is also a radial set then we have that the identity map Id : (X,…

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Some Open Problems

We have extensively considered here the use of Stone's theorem on the paracompactness of metric spaces in order to build up new techniques to construct an equivalent locally uniformly rotund norm on a given normed space X. The discreetness of the basis for the metric topologies gives us the necessary rigidity condition that appears in all the known cases of existence of such a renorming property [Hay99, MOTV06]. Our approximation process is based on co-σ-continuous maps using that they have separable fibers, see Sect. 2.2. We present now some problems that remain open in this area. Some of them are classical and have been asked by different authors in conferences, papers and books. Others h…

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σ-Slicely Continuous Maps

All examples of σ-slicely continuous maps are connected somehow with LUR Banach spaces. It is clear that if x is a denting point of a set D and Φ is a norm continuous map at x then Φ is slicely continuous at x. Hence if X is a LUR normed space then every norm continuous map Φ on B X is slicely continuous on S X .

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Kadec and Krein–Milman properties

Abstract The main goal of this paper is to prove that any Banach space X with the Krein–Milman property such that the weak and the norm topology coincide on its unit sphere admits an equivalent norm that is locally uniformly rotund.

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Spaces of holomorphic functions in regular domains

AbstractLet Ω be a regular domain in the complex plane C, Ω≠C. Let Gb(Ω) be the linear space over C of the holomorphic functions f in Ω such that f(n) is bounded in Ω and is continuously extendible to the closure Ω¯ of Ω, n=0,1,2,… . We endow Gb(Ω), in a natural manner, with a structure of Fréchet space and we obtain dense subspaces F of Gb(Ω), with good topological linear properties, also satisfying that each function f of F, distinct from zero, does not extend holomorphically outside Ω.

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Kernel theorems in the setting of mixed nonquasi-analytic classes

Abstract Let Ω 1 ⊂ R r and Ω 2 ⊂ R s be nonempty and open. We introduce the Beurling–Roumieu spaces D ( ω 1 , ω 2 } ( Ω 1 × Ω 2 ) , D ( M , M ′ } ( Ω 1 × Ω 2 ) and obtain tensor product representations of them. This leads for instance to kernel theorems of the following type: every continuous linear map from the Beurling space D ( ω 1 ) ( Ω 1 ) (respectively D ( M ) ( Ω 1 ) ) into the strong dual of the Roumieu space D { ω 2 } ( Ω 2 ) (respectively D { M ′ } ( Ω 2 ) ) can be represented by a continuous linear functional on D ( ω 1 , ω 2 } ( Ω 1 × Ω 2 ) (respectively D ( M , M ′ } ( Ω 1 × Ω 2 ) ).

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The Zahorski theorem is valid in Gevrey classes

Let {Ω,F,G} be a partition of R such that Ω is open, F is Fσ and of the first category, and G is Gδ . We prove that, for every γ ∈ ]1,∞[, there is an element of the Gevrey class Γγ which is analytic on Ω, has F as its set of defect points and has G as its set of divergence points.

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Fréchet Spaces of Holomorphic Functions without Copies of l 1

Let X be a Banach space. Let Hw*(X*) the Frechet space whose elements are the holomorphic functions defined on X* whose restrictions to each multiple mB(X*), m = 1,2, …, of the closed unit ball B(X*) of X* are continuous for the weak-star topology. A fundamental system of norms for this space is the supremum of the absolute value of each element of Hw*(X*) in mB(X*), m = 1,2,…. In this paper we construct the bidual of l1 when this space contains no copy of l1. We also show that if X is an Asplund space, then Hw*(X*) can be represented as the projective limit of a sequence of Banach spaces that are Asplund.

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On the ultradistributions of Beurling type

Sea un conjunto abierto no vac´ýo del espacio euclideo . En este articulo se demuestra que si S es una ultradistribucion en , perteneciente a una clase de tipo Beurling que sea estable frente a operadores diferenciales, entonces S se puede representar en la formaP 2Nk0 D f , donde f es una funcion compleja definida en que es Lebesgue medible y esencialmente acotada en cada subconjunto compacto de . Tambi´en se obtienen otros resultados de estructura de ciertas ultradistribuciones.

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On the structure of the ultradistributions of Beurling type

Let O be a nonempty open set of the k-dimensional euclidean space Rk. In this paper, we give a structure theorem on the ultradistributions of Beurling type in O. Also, other structure results on certain ultradistributions are obtained, in terms of complex Borel measures in O.

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Tensor product characterizations of mixed intersections of non quasianalytic classes and kernel theorems

Mixed intersections of non quasi-analytic classes have been studied in [12]. Here we obtain tensor product representations of these spaces that lead to kernel theorems as well as to tensor product representations of intersections of non quasi-analytic classes on product of open or of compact sets (© 2009 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

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σ-Continuous and Co-σ-continuous Maps

In this chapter we isolate the topological setting that is suitable for our study. We first present 2.1–2.3 to follow an understandable logical scheme nevertheless the main contribution are presented in 2.4–2.7 and our main tool will be Theorem 2.32. An important concept will be the σ-continuity of a map Φ from a topological space (X, T) into a metric space (Y, g). The σ-continuity property is an extension of continuity suitable to deal with countable decompositions of the domain space X as well as with pointwise cluster points of sequences of functions Φn : X → Y, n = 1,2,… When (X,T) is a subset of a locally convex linear topological space we shall refine our study to deal with σ-slicely …

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On Weakly Locally Uniformly Rotund Banach Spaces

Abstract We show that every normed space E with a weakly locally uniformly rotund norm has an equivalent locally uniformly rotund norm. After obtaining a σ -discrete network of the unit sphere S E for the weak topology we deduce that the space E must have a countable cover by sets of small local diameter, which in turn implies the renorming conclusion. This solves a question posed by Deville, Godefroy, Haydon, and Zizler. For a weakly uniformly rotund norm we prove that the unit sphere is always metrizable for the weak topology despite the fact that it may not have the Kadec property. Moreover, Banach spaces having a countable cover by sets of small local diameter coincide with the descript…

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The space H(Ω,(zj)) of holomorphic functions

Abstract Let Ω be a domain in C n . Let H ( Ω ) be the linear space over C of the holomorphic functions in Ω, endowed with the compact-open topology. Let ( z j ) be a sequence in Ω without adherent points in Ω. In this paper, we define the space H ( Ω , ( z j ) ) and some of its linear topological properties are studied. We also show that, for some domains of holomorphy Ω and some sequences ( z j ) , the non-zero elements of H ( Ω , ( z j ) ) cannot be extended holomorphically outside Ω. As a consequence, we obtain some characterizations of the domains of holomorphy in C n .

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Extension maps in ultradifferentiable and ultraholomorphic function spaces

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Bases and quasi-reflexivity in Fréchet spaces

A Frechet space E is quasi-reflexive if, either dim(E″/E) < ∞, or E″[β(E″,E′)]/E is isomorphic to ω. A Frechet space E is totally quasi-reflexive if every separated quotient is quasi-reflexive. In this paper we show, using Schauder bases, that E is totally quasi-reflexive if and only if it is isomorphic to a closed subspace of a countable product of quasi-reflexive Banach spaces. (© 2005 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

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Explicit extension maps in intersections of non-quasi-analytic classes

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Analytic extension of non quasi-analytic Whitney jets of Roumieu type

Let (Mr)r∈ℕ0 be a logarithmically convex sequence of positive numbers which verifies M0 = 1 as well as Mr≥ 1 for every r ∈ ℕ and defines a non quasi-analytic class. Let moreover F be a closed proper subset of ℝn. Then for every function ƒ on ℝn belonging to the non quasi-analytic (Mr)-class of Roumieu type, there is an element g of the same class which is analytic on ℝnF and such that Dα ƒ(x) = Dαg(x) for every σ ∈ ƒ0n SBAP and x ∈ F.

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On the extent of the (non) quasi-analytic classes

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Analytic Extension of Non Quasi - Analytic Whitney Jets of Beurling Type

Let (Mr)r∈ℕ0 be a logarithmically convex sequence of positive numbers which verifies M0 = 1 as well as Mr ≥ 1 for every r ∈ ℕ and defines a non quasi - analytic class. Let moreover F be a closed proper subset of ℝn. Then for every function f on ℝn belonging to the non quasi - analytic (Mr)-class of Beurling type, there is an element g of the same class which is analytic on ℝ,nF and such that Dαf(x) = Dαg(x) for every α ∈ ℕn0 and x ∈ F.

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On certain linear operators in spaces of ultradifferentiable functions

Let ω be a weight in the sense of Braun, Meise, Taylor, which defines a non-quasianalytic class. Let H be a compact subset of ℝn. It is proved that for every function ƒ on ℝn which belongs to the non-quasianalytic (ω)-class, there is an element g of the same class which is analytic on ℝn\H and such that Dαƒ(x) = Dαg(x) for every x ∈ H and α ∈ ℕ0n. A similar result is proved for functions of the Roumieu type. Continuous linear extension operators of Whitney jets with additional properties are also obtained.

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On certain extension theorems in the mixed Borel setting

Abstract Given two sequences M 1 and M 2 of positive numbers, we give necessary and sufficient conditions under which the inclusions Λ { M 1 } ⊂ f (j) (0) j∈ N 0 : f∈ D { M 2 } [−1,1] , Λ ( M 1 ) ⊂ f (j) (0) j∈ N 0 : f∈ D ( M 2 ) [−1,1] hold, by means of explicit constructions. This answers a question raised by Chaumat and Chollet (Math. Ann. 298 (1994) 7–40). We also consider the case when [−1,1] is replaced by [−1,1]m as well as the possibility to get ultraholomorphic extensions.

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Complemented Subspaces and Interpolation Properties in Spaces of Polynomials

LetXbe a Banach space whose dualX* has typep ∈ (1, 2]. Ifmis an integer greater thanp/(p − 1) and (xn) is a seminormalized sequence weakly convergent to zero, there is a subsequence (yn) of (xn) such that, for each element (an) ofl∞, there is anm-homogeneous continuous polynomialPonXwithP(yn) = an,n = 1, 2,… . Some interpolation and complementation properties are also given in P(mlp), form < p, as well as in other spaces of polynomials and multilinear functionals.

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On the structure of certain ultradistributions

Let "o" be a nonempty open subset of the k-dimensional euclidean space Rk. In this paper we show that, if S is an ultradistribution in "o", belonging to a class of Roumieu type stable under differential operators, then there is a family f , 2 Nk 0, of elements of L1 loc("o") such that S is represented in the formP 2Nk 0 D"a"f "a". Some other results on the structure of certain ultradistributions of Roumieu type are also given.

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Basic Sequences in the Dual of a Fréchet Space

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