RESUMENFrente a la irrupción de los nuevos medios de comunicación digital, las marcas se enfrentan al desafio de encontrar nuevos formatos, tonos y contenidos que capturen la atención de los usuarios que navegan por las redes sociales. Este artículo indaga la eficacia publicitaria de las campañas en redes sociales virtuales (actitud hacia el anuncio, actitud hacia la marca e intención de compra) utilizando el Modelo de Mediación Dual y el MOA (motivación, oportunidad, habilidad). Los resultados constatan la influencia que el intercambio de experiencias eC2C (experiencias online entre consumidores) tiene en la actitud hacia la marca y de ésta en la intención de compra y en el eWOM (boca a oí…
Brand impact on purchase intention. An approach in social networks channel
Networks are an exciting new channel that brands should use for promoting a more participatory and proactive context with a user, increasingly elusive and restrictive, that takes decisions based on the impulses generated by networkers. We propose a model adapted to the reality studied and composed by several models and theories that have got widespread support in the literature. In this paper, the goal is threefold, in response to a consumer perspective: (i) measuring the efficiency, in social networks, of the constructs selected regarding the attitude towards network and the intention to use, (ii) measuring the influence of attitude toward the net in the attitude toward the brand in terms…
Ethical Judgment of Food Fraud. Effects on Consumer Behavior
This study brings important insights for the food industry by addressing how consumers ethically judge or evaluate unethical firm behavior, in specific reference to food fraud, and if and to what e...
Product Placement in Video Games
Organizations look for new ways of communication as traditional media is being saturated with advertising messages. One of the alternatives is product placement in video games. This chapter analyses this new communication alternative. Moreover, through an investigation the chapter shows the consequences of placing a brand in this form of electronic entertainment – in the sense of image transfer from the video game to the brand. Specifically, this chapter focuses on the emotions evoked by the video game. Therefore, the present study develops a scale of emotions adapted to the theme of this research. Additionally, this study analyses the differences between types of product placement and thei…
Product Placement in Video Games as a Marketing Strategy: An Attempt to Analysis in Disney Company
What is the best marketing strategy in video games? The literature is not unanimous in upholding the best strategy. Researchers investigating advertising effectiveness disagree on the value of product placement in video games and the methods firms should use with product placement strategies. The state of the question now must figure out the dichotomy between two perspectives: to identify the differences in the effectiveness of product placement in video games when using “traditional placement approaches” compared to the “branded entertainment approach”. The “traditional approach” to product placement in video games involves the product appearing as a visual object that is passive, used by …