Fabio Mazzocchio
Responsabilità e progresso. Jonas, Apel e il futuro globale
The essay discusses the foundations of the ethics of responsibility, comparing the positions of Jonas and Apel. In particular, it focuses on the relationship between technology and progress. The author evaluates Jonas’ ethics as insufficient in terms of the theory of justice. Preserving the natural should not be separated from the idea of progress. Instead, planetary macroethics should activate the socio-political conditions for the discursive realisation of global responsibility. The ethics of responsibility is connected to the ethics of progress for the realisation of the conditions of human dignity.
Persona e fondamenti dello Stato in Giorgio La Pira
The contribution reconstructs the philosophical contribution offered by Giorgio La Pira to the realization of the Republican constitution
Le condizioni della pace e la profezia del mondo unito
The article compares the positions of Giuseppe Antonio Borgese and Jacques Maritain on world conditions for peace.
Filosofia, alterità, democrazia
This article intends to analyze the link existing in Apel between ethics of communication, democracy and difference. In the German author, the argumentative reason is not circumventable. The communicative and intersubjective nature of human identity founds democracy as a form of life and just coexistence. Democracy allows the individual to discover himself as tied to a common history. The paradigm of communicative philosophy overcomes both social nihilism and the dogmatism of some versions of liberalism. This rediscovery of philosophy is connected to the possibility of a social ethics and a free, equal and democratic public discourse.The problems facing today's world cannot find an adequate…
Il duplice movimento contrastante. Pace, conflitto e progresso in Jacques Maritain
The article develops an analysis of Maritain's reflections on peace, in particular those carried out between 1946 and 1966. In the three parts of the contribution, the problems relating to the construction of a lasting peace among peoples are addressed. The war in Ukraine has forcefully returned to stir European consciences. The ideal position that Maritain assigns to the project of a world government through a supra-national democratic entity is remarkable. Project based on the spiritual and moral development of human conscience and on the will of peoples. The uselessness of war is linked to Maritain's Christian vision of history, in connection with the personalistic foundation of politics.
Pensare l'umano tra naturale e artificiale in J. Habermas
Pensare l’umano è probabilmente la sfida più complessa che oggi la filosofia deve affrontare. Il contesto attuale presenta questioni e dilemmi attorno alla “natura umana” che stimolano su piani differenti la riflessione etica. In Jürgen Habermas, in anni recenti, l’impegno di riflessione sulla condizione umana si è concretizzato nel cercare i fondamenti normativi dell’essere-con-altri e nel tentativo di pensare la natura sociale dell’uomo come vincolata ad una grammatica morale profonda. In questo saggio, a partire da una prospettiva etica basata sul principio normativo del riconoscimento, si porrà attenzione alla dinamica intersoggettiva che struttura la nostra esperienza morale, motivando…
La via stretta della fraternità
Ecologia integrale? Etica, economia e politica in dialogo
Il movimento dell'esistere tra comunicazione e riconoscimento
The article develops some reflections on communication and intersubjective recognition. In particular, crossing the reflections of Mounier and Habermas, he dwells on the dialectic between identity and difference as a central dynamic of the anthropological structure. Communication is an element that pervades human existence; through it images of the world are constructed and practical modalities are activated. The human being experiences and understands reality through communicative interaction. It is an original act of existence, the means to build humanized societies through the grammar of recognizing the other
Forme del riconoscimento e dinamiche dell'ontologia sociale
L'articolo discute le teorie del riconoscimento di Honneth, Fraser, Taylor, Dussel. Esamina la loro coerenza e i presupposti di fondo in ambito etico-sociale.