Leonardo M. Casano
Lichen rehydration in heavy metal polluted environments: Pb modulates the oxidative response of both Ramalina farinacea thalli and its isolated microalgae
Lichens are adapted to desiccation/rehydration and accumulate heavy metals, which induce ROS especially from the photobiont photosynthetic pigments. Although their mechanisms of abiotic stress tolerance are still to be unravelled, they seem related to symbionts' reciprocal upregulation of antioxidant systems. With the aim to study the effect of Pb on oxidative status during rehydration, the kinetics of intracellular ROS, lipid peroxidation and chlorophyll autofluorescence of whole Ramalina farinacea thalli and its isolated microalgae (Trebouxia TR1 and T. TR9) was recorded. A genetic characterization of the microalgae present in the thalli used was also carried out in order to assess possib…
Balanced Gene Losses, Duplications and Intensive Rearrangements Led to an Unusual Regularly Sized Genome in Arbutus unedo Chloroplasts
Completely sequenced plastomes provide a valuable source of information about the duplication, loss, and transfer events of chloroplast genes and phylogenetic data for resolving relationships among major groups of plants. Moreover, they can also be useful for exploiting chloroplast genetic engineering technology. Ericales account for approximately six per cent of eudicot diversity with 11,545 species from which only three complete plastome sequences are currently available. With the aim of increasing the number of ericalean complete plastome sequences, and to open new perspectives in understanding Mediterranean plant adaptations, a genomic study on the basis of the complete chloroplast geno…
The genetic structure of the cosmopolitan three-partner lichenRamalina farinaceaevidences the concerted diversification of symbionts
The epiphytic lichen Ramalina farinacea is distributed throughout the northern hemisphere in which the same two algal Trebouxia species (provisionally named TR1 and TR9) coexist in every thallus. Ramalina farinacea symbionts were characterized based on the two fungal nuclear loci (nrITS and rpb2 ) along with the primary and secondary structures of nrITS from each Trebouxia species in the Iberian Peninsula and Canary Islands. The results indicated a noticeable genetic differentiation between mycobionts from these two geographic areas and also suggested concerted changes in the three partners of a lichen symbiosis toward two clearly distinguishable ‘holobiont’ lineages. Modeling of ITS2 RNA s…
Presence of multiple group I introns closely related to bacteria and fungi in plastid 23S rRNAs of lichen-forming Trebouxia
The chloroplast-encoded large subunit ribosomal RNA gene of several free-living green algae contains group I introns at Escherichia coli genic positions 1917, 1931, 1951, and 2449. Herein we report the presence of group I introns at these positions within the chloroplast-encoded large subunit ribosomal RNA gene of several lichen-forming green algae belonging to the Trebouxia genus. In contrast to the introns inserted at position 2449, all introns inserted at positions 1917, 1931, and 1951 contained LAGLIDADG homing endonuclease genes. Phylogenetic analyses show that: (i) introns inserted at positions 1917, 1931, and 1951 are closely related to introns located at homologous insertion sites i…
Evolutionary implications of intron-exon distribution and the properties and sequences of the RPL10A gene in eukaryotes.
The RPL10A gene encodes the RPL10 protein, required for joining 40S and 60S subunits into a functional 80S ribosome. This highly conserved gene, ubiquitous across all eukaryotic super-groups, is characterized by a variable number of spliceosomal introns, present in most organisms. These properties facilitate the recognition of orthologs among distant taxa and thus comparative studies of sequences as well as the distribution and properties of introns in taxonomically distant groups of eukaryotes. The present study examined the multiple ways in which RPL10A conservation vs. sequence changes in the gene over the course of evolution, including in exons, introns, and the encoded proteins, can be…
A rapid and cost-efficient DMSO-based method for isolating DNA from cultured lichen photobionts
We have developed a simple and fast procedure for the purification of PCR-quality DNA from cultured lichen photobionts. This new one-step method uses the solvent dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) combined with heat treatment to chemically breakdown algal and plant tissues. The DMSO-DNA extracts may be directly precipitated and purified by standard techniques in a total time of approximately 30 min. Compared to other DNA extraction protocols, the DMSO-based method suppresses the need for liquid nitrogen, any extraction buffer, grinding, phenol, and long incubation or centrifugation steps, thereby considerably reducing the possibility of contamination. In addition, minimal amounts of starting materia…
Oxidative stress induces distinct physiological responses in the two Trebouxia phycobionts of the lichen Ramalina farinacea
† Background and Aims Most lichens form associations with Trebouxia phycobionts and some of them simultaneously include genetically different algal lineages. In other symbiotic systems involving algae (e.g. reef corals), the relative abundances of different endosymbiotic algal clades may change over time. This process seems to provide a mechanism allowing the organism to respond to environmental stress. A similar mechanism may operate in lichens with more than one algal lineage, likewise protecting them against environmental stresses. Here, the physiological responses to oxidative stress of two distinct Trebouxia phycobionts (provisionally named TR1 and TR9) that coexist within the lichen R…
Differences in the cell walls and extracellular polymers of the two Trebouxia microalgae coexisting in the lichen Ramalina farinacea are consistent with their distinct capacity to immobilize extracellular Pb
Trebouxia TR1 and T. TR9 are the two microalgae that coexist within Ramalina farinacea thalli. In the presence of Pb, TR9 formed extracellular aggregates, while TR1 showed a lower wall lead retention capability. Herein, we studied the cell walls and extracellular polymers (EPS) of TR1 and TR9, and their possible implication in the different Pb retention capacity of these microalgae. The proportion of cell walls on the overall cell biomass was 2.6 times higher in TR9 than in TR1. Glycosyl linkage analysis indicated the presence of hot-water soluble β-galactofuranan(s) in both cell walls, distinct from that previously described in Asterochloris, with increased rhamnose content in TR9 and a hi…
Dynamic evolution of mitochondrial genomes in Trebouxiophyceae, including the first completely assembled mtDNA from a lichen-symbiont microalga (Trebouxia sp. TR9)
AbstractTrebouxiophyceae (Chlorophyta) is a species-rich class of green algae with a remarkable morphological and ecological diversity. Currently, there are a few completely sequenced mitochondrial genomes (mtDNA) from diverse Trebouxiophyceae but none from lichen symbionts. Here, we report the mitochondrial genome sequence of Trebouxia sp. TR9 as the first complete mtDNA sequence available for a lichen-symbiont microalga. A comparative study of the mitochondrial genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 with other chlorophytes showed important organizational changes, even between closely related taxa. The most remarkable change is the enlargement of the genome in certain Trebouxiophyceae, which is princ…
A single primer pair gives a specific ortholog amplicon in a wide range of Cyanobacteria and plastid-bearing organisms: applicability in inventory of reference material from collections and phylogenetic analysis.
The scarcity of universally applied molecular markers for algae has resulted in the development of multiple, independent and not easily comparable systems. The goal of this work is to increase the number of available molecular markers and to generate easily comparable systems. Thereby, we have designed a primer pair capable of amplifying a broad range of organisms: Cyanobacteria, Chlorophyta, Chlorarachniophyta, Cryptophyta, Euglenida, Glaucophyta, Rhodophyta, Stramenopiles and Streptophyta including plants. This primer pair can amplify a portion of the 23S rRNA gene with sufficient variability to identify reference material form collections across a broad range of taxa and perform phylogen…
Suitability of chloroplast LSU rDNA and its diverse group I introns for species recognition and phylogenetic analyses of lichen-forming Trebouxia algae
To date, species identification of lichen photobionts has been performed principally on the basis of microscopic examinations and molecular data from nuclear-encoded genes. In plants, the chloroplast genome has been more readily exploited than the nuclear genome for systematic investigations. At the present time, very little information is available about the chloroplast genome of lichen-forming algae. For this reason, we have sequenced a portion of the gene encoding for the chloroplast large sub-unit rRNA (LSU rDNA) as a new molecular marker. Sequencing of the chloroplast LSU rDNAs revealed the existence of an unusual diversity of group I introns (a total of 31) within 15 analyzed Trebouxi…
Two Trebouxia algae with different physiological performances are ever-present in lichen thalli of Ramalina farinacea. Coexistence versus Competition?
This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2006-12917-C02-01/02), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2009-13429-C02-01/02), the AECID (PCI_A/024755/09) and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO 174/2008 GVA). We are grateful to Dr J. Gimeno-Romeu (University of California, Davis, USA) and to Dr P. J. G. de Nova (IREC, Ciudad Real, Spain), who were the first to isolate DNA from Ramalina farinacea thalli in our group. Wendy Ran revised the manuscript in English.
Different strategies to achieve Pb-tolerance by the two Trebouxia algae coexisting in the lichen Ramalina farinacea.
Lichen thalli are permeable to airborne substances, including heavy metals, which are harmful to cell metabolism. Ramalina farinacea shows a moderate tolerance to Pb. This lichen comprises two Trebouxia phycobionts, provisionally referred to as TR1 and TR9, with distinct physiological responses to acute oxidative stress. Thus, there is a more severe decay in photosynthesis and photosynthetic pigments in TR1 than in TR9. Similarly, under oxidative stress, antioxidant enzymes and HSP70 protein decrease in TR1 but increase in TR9. Since Pb toxicity is associated with increased ROS formation, we hypothesized greater Pb tolerance in this phycobiont. Accordingly, the aim of the present study was …
The chloroplast genome of the lichen‐symbiont microalga Trebouxia sp. Tr9 (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) shows short inverted repeats with a single gene and loss of the rps4 gene, which is encoded by the nucleus
The Trebouxiophyceae is the class of Chlorophyta algae from which the highest number of chloroplast genome (cpDNA) sequences has been obtained. Several species in this class participate in symbioses with fungi to form lichens. However, no cpDNA has been obtained from any Trebouxia lichen-symbiont microalgae, which are present in approximately half of all lichens. Here, we report the sequence of the completely assembled cpDNA from Trebouxia sp. TR9 and a comparative study with other Trebouxio-phyceae. The organization of the chloroplast genome of Trebouxia sp. TR9 has certain features that are unusual in the Trebouxiophyceae and other green algae. The most remarkable characteristics are the …