Ernesto Ragusa

Phytoseiid mites from Basilicata region (Southern Italy): species diversity, redescription of Typhloseiulus arzakanicus Arutunjan and a dichotomic key of the genus Typhloseiulus Chant and McMurtry 1994 (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae)

A survey of phytoseiid mites was carried out in the Basilicata region (Southern Italy) between 1976 and 2014 on wild and cultivated plants. A total of 38 species belonging to eleven genera and two subgenera were found on 59 plant species. The most common species was Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans) (39%) followed by Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) exhilaratus Ragusa (32.2%), Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans) (27.1%), Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) cryptus (Athias-Henriot) (23.7%). Typhloseiulus arzakanicus (Arutunjan), found for first time in Italy, is redescribed here, while the male of this species is described for the first time. A dichotomic key of the species belonging to the genus Typhloseiulus …

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<p class="Body"><strong>Biological parameters of <em>Neoseiulus longilaterus</em> (Athias-Henriot) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) fed on prey and pollen in laboratory conditions</strong></p>

Tetranychus urticae is the most important pest on different crops worldwide. Search for endemic phytoseiid mites co-occurring with the above pest, which might be good candidates as biocontrol agents, represents the policy followed by most scientists in recent years. The aim of the present work was to assess the various biological and demographic parameters of Neoseiulus longilaterus, associated with T. urticae on weeds, in laboratory conditions using the latter tetranychid and pollen of Oxalis pes-caprae as food. The results showed a better performance of the predator on the prey as regards the postembryonic development (7.63 and 8.18 days for prey and pollen respectively) and the demograph…

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Osservazioni su un caso di controllo biologico naturale di Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes, Tetranychidae) su fragola in serra a conduzione biologica

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Una specie di acaro associata al Punteruolo rosso delle palme: Centrouropoda almerodai (Uroactiininae, Uropodina)

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Do Grapholita funebrana Infestation Rely on Specific Plum Fruit Features?

The effective control of the plum fruit moth, Grapholita funebrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) still represents a difficult challenge for organic plum farming. Little information is available on the susceptibility of plum cultivars to this moth pest. We investigated the roles of several fruit parameters (i.e., shape, volume, hardness, fruit colour, and physiochemical properties) on the susceptibility of four different plum cultivars (Angeleno, Friar, President and Stanley) to G. funebrana attack. Field data demonstrated the importance of some fruit parameters (i.e., elongation index, sugar degree, titratable acidity, cover colour percentage) on susceptibility to G. funebrana infestation. Und…

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First record ofTetranychus ludeniZacher (Acariformes: Tetranychidae) in Italy

Tetranychus ludeni Zacher is reported here for the first time in Italy. It was found on some cultivated and spontaneous plants, often associated with Tetranychus urticae Koch. Four phytoseiid mites, widely distributed in the Mediterranean countries, Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, Iphiseius degenerans Berlese, Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) kerkirae Swirski and Ragusa, and Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) transvaalensis Nesbitt, were found associated with T. ludeni In Sicily. The morphological characters for the identification of the four Italian Tetranychus species are also reported.

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On the perception of leaf morphology and visible light by Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes, Tetranychidae)

The two-spotted spider mite Tetranychus urticae is one of the most polyphagous and most damaging pests worldwide. The behaviour of the mite differs on its various host plants and this could influence crop defence strategies. We investigated the perception of leaf morphology by T. urticae in relation to the effects of visible light on the selection of sites on which females prefer to live and feed. Mite females chose the shaded surface when smooth and glabrous lemon leaves were offered as a surface for living and feeding, showing a photophobic behaviour. However, they clearly preferred the abaxial surface of bean leaves regardless of the presence or absence of visible light. As no difference…

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Grapevine pests in Sicily.

More than twenty phytophagous species are reported associated with Sicilian vineyards. Only a quarter of them have to be considered of economic importance. Among moths, the grapevine moth Lobesia botrana (Denis & Schiffermüller) is certainly the most frequent species. It is considered the key pest on both table and wine grapes, while the incidence of the grape berry moth Eupoecilia ambiguella (Hübner) is scarce and linked to particular biotopes. Three to four flights are reported for the grapevine moth from February-March to October-November, while no data are available for the grape berry moth. Damages caused by L. botrana are strictly linked to the climatic trends during the summer period…

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Osservazioni preliminari sulla tecnica attratticida e sugli effetti della sua combinazione con altre tecniche di controllo di Bactrocera oleae Gmellin

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Functional response of Phytoseiulus longipes Evans and Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias- Henriot (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) to its prey Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes, Tetranychidae)

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On the effect of plant extracts on Phytoseiulus persimilis (Athias-Henriot) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae)

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Effect of preys and pollens on various biological parameters of the generalist Cydnodromus californicus (McGregor) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae)

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Valutazione dell’infestazione di Lobesia botrana (dennis et Schiffermüller) in funzione alle differenze territoriali e alla suscettibilità varietale

A three years study (2008-2010) was carried out in two organic managed vineyards in western Sicily in order to verify both the influence of different cultivars and microclimatic conditions on grape moth infestation and on mould infections of grapes. Observations were done on two autochtonous (Inzolia and Catarratto) and four international (Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Merlot) cultivars. Results showed a different degree of infested grapes among the different cultivars in both farms but also a different level of infestation between the two farms for a same cultivar. Chardonnay was the most infested cultivar by the grape moth larvae, while Merlot was the less infested. Botrytis c…

research product

Control of Bactrocera oleae by low environmental impact methods: NPC methodology to evaluate the efficacy of lure-and-kill method and copper hydroxide treatments

The NonParametric Combination (NPC) methodology is proposed to verify the influence of the lure-and-kill method, using Ecotraps (Vioryl SA), on the distribution of Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera Tephritidae) infestation in olive groves, and the integration of this method with copper hydroxide sprayings. This approach does not require the verification of any rigid assumption as many parametric methods do. Results of field trials indicate a strict relationship among the efficiency of the lure-and-kill method on time, dimension of the field, and population density of the olive fly. Moreover, the lure-and-kill method alone seems insufficient to provide an efficient control of the olive fly p…

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The association between the red palm weevil Rhyncophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) and its phoretic mites: Centrouropoda almerodai Hiramatsu & Hirchmann and Uroobovella (Fuscuropoda)marginata (Koch)

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Host plant range of Tetranychus evansi (Acari: tetranychidae) in the Mediterranean: Field and laboratory evidences.

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Effects of some botanical pesticides on Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes, Tetranychidae) and its predator Cydnodromus californicus (McGregor) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) in laboratory trials

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Gli acari fitoseiidi sono divenuti interesse di studio in Sicilia a partire dai primi anni '70. Ricerche costanti nel tempo hanno arricchito le conoscenze sulla fauna siciliana con la segnalazione di 48 specie valide, cinque delle quali nuove per la Scienza. Nel presente lavoro riassumiamo i dati raccolti in circa cinquant'anni, con l’aggiunta di 12 nuove segnalazioni per la fauna isolana. Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) cryptus Athias-Henriot   stata confermata la specie pi  frequente (39,4%), seguita da Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) exhilaratus Ragusa (32,6%), Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans) (22,9%), Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) rhenanoides Athias-Henriot (19,4%) (18,9%). Alcune specie hanno mostr…

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Evaluation of infestation by Lobesia botrana (Dennis et Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) and its relation to territorial differences and cultivar susceptibility

A three year study (2008-2010) was carried out in two organically managed vineyards in western Sicily to verify both the influence of different cultivars and microclimatic conditions on grape moth infestation and on mould infections of grapes. Observations were done on two autochthonous cultivars (Inzolia and Catarratto) and four international ones (Chardonnay, Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah and Merlot). Results showed a different degree of infested grapes among the different cultivars in both farms but also a different level of infestation between the two farms for the same cultivar. Chardonnay was the most infested cultivar by the grape moth larvae, while Merlot was the less infested one. Botr…

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Influenza di alcuni fattori colturali ed ambientali sull’andamento e la distribuzione spaziale dell’infestazione di Lobesia botrana (Den. & Schif.)

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Osservazioni preliminari sulla tecnica attratticida e sugli effetti della sua combinazione con altre tecniche di controllo di Bactrocera oleae Gmelin

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Behavioural responses of two phytoseiid mites (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae) to different densities of the prey Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acariformes, Tetranychidae)

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Miasi e stima dell’intervallo di tempo trascorso dalla morte

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Biodiversity in the grapevine: rhizosphere arthropods and mycorrhizal fungi

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Influenza di substrati alimentari alternativi sullo sviluppo post-embrionale e sull'ovideposizione di Cydnodromus californicus (McGregor) (Parasitiformes, Phytoseiidae)

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Influenza della tecnica della cattura massale sulla distribuzione dell’infestazione di Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) (Diptera, Tephritidae) e osservazioni sulla sua integrazione con trattamenti a base di idrossido di rame. ., Campobasso 13-18 giu 2007: 238

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Catalogo sistematico e topografico dei Geotrupidae e Scarabaeidae degradatori della Sicilia e delle isole circumsiciliane (Coleoptera: Sacrabaeoidea)

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Two DNA extraction and purification procedures for single mite analysis, organic (phenol-chloroform) method and the Chelex® -100 DNA extraction procedure, have been compared concerning extraction efficiency, DNA purity and DNA suitability for amplification. Phenol-chloroform extraction takes a relatively long period of time (5 days) and involves the use of toxic and hazardous chemical reagents but it produces consistent results. Chelex is a chelating resin that has a high affinity for polyvalent metal ions, Singer-Sam et al. postulated that boiling a sample in the presence of chelex prevents the degradation of DNA. Both method were evaluated to extract DNA from single frozen mite or individ…

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Influenza dell’altitudine e di due tecniche agronomiche sull’infestazione e i danni indiretti causati da Lobesia botrana (denis et Schiffermüller) (Lepidoptera, tortricidae)

Two years (2008-2009) field observations were carried out to evaluate the effects of altitude, of kaolin application and of early leaf thinning practice on the infestation level and damages caused by grape moth Lobesia botrana. The difference of 80 m. a.s.l. significantly influenced the infestation level of grape moth, which was lower, of about 20%, at the higher altitude. The early leaf thinning practice did not influence the grape moth infestation nor the presence of sour bunch rot and grey mould on grapes. On the other hand, kaolin sprayings significantly reduced the infestation level in both altitudes (from 11 to 22%) as well as the presence of sour bunch rot and fungi. However, the per…

research product

DNA extraction from phytoseiid specimens preserved on glass slide

Mites belonging to the family of Phytoseiidae are important biocontrol agents of phytophagous mites (McMurtry and Croft, 1997). But the species used for controlling harmful mites have to be correctly identified. Sometimes using the traditional identification methods it is difficult or uncertain to identify a species especially as various Authors use different characters, very often not stable in the time. In the 60’s M.me Athias-Henriot (Athias-Henriot 1968; 1969) took into consideration the insemination apparatus that is considered a stable character in the time. According to her, the shape of this apparatus could be considered a major criterion for genus distinction; but other scientists …

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