Do Grapholita funebrana Infestation Rely on Specific Plum Fruit Features?
Ernesto RagusaVittorio FarinaRoberto RizzoGabriella Lo VerdeFilippo SaianoAlberto Lombardosubject
0106 biological sciencesIntegrated pest managementTortricidaeGrapholita funebranaTitratable acidmedicine.disease_cause01 natural sciencesArticleLepidoptera genitaliaInfestationmedicineTortricidaeCultivarplum fruit mothbiologyfungifood and beveragesbiology.organism_classificationSettore AGR/03 - Arboricoltura Generale E Coltivazioni Arboree010602 entomologyHorticultureSettore AGR/11 - Entomologia Generale E ApplicataInsect SciencePEST analysiscultivar susceptibility010606 plant biology & botanydescription
The effective control of the plum fruit moth, Grapholita funebrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) still represents a difficult challenge for organic plum farming. Little information is available on the susceptibility of plum cultivars to this moth pest. We investigated the roles of several fruit parameters (i.e., shape, volume, hardness, fruit colour, and physiochemical properties) on the susceptibility of four different plum cultivars (Angeleno, Friar, President and Stanley) to G. funebrana attack. Field data demonstrated the importance of some fruit parameters (i.e., elongation index, sugar degree, titratable acidity, cover colour percentage) on susceptibility to G. funebrana infestation. Under laboratory conditions, colour and shape had a significant role in determining the time spent on false fruits, i.e., female moths preferred yellow and rounded fruits over elongated red or green fruits. Angeleno (yellow and rounded fruits) and Stanley (green and elongated fruits) were the most and least susceptible cultivars, respectively. Overall, this study adds useful knowledge about plum cultivar susceptibility to G. funebrana. Information reported here may be useful to improve integrated pest management strategies both in conventional and organic orchards because the use of less susceptible cultivars may reduce insecticidal treatments, limiting the development of resistance in target insects and the harmful side effects on beneficial species.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2019-12-11 | Insects |