G. Ruvolo
Objective: Red blood cell distribution width (RDW), is a measurement of the size variation as well as an erythrocyte heterogeneity index (i.e., anysocytosis). used in combination with the mean corpuscular volume for anemia diagnosis. However, it is emerging as an useful predictor biomarker of mortality and morbidity of cardiovascular diseases. However, until now no literature data there are about the RDW role in predicting mortality after aortic valve replacement (AVR). Thus, in this pilot study biological significance of elevated RDW values in early outcome following AVR was evaluated Methods: We enrolled 75 patients (mean age 73.5 ±7.9 years) subjected to AVR and/ or not co temporally to …
Correlation among pAKT, pERK1/2 and DNA fragmentation index in human cumulus cells to determine oocyte competence
The aim was to correlate specific biological aspects of cumulus cells isolated from individual cumulus-oocyte complexes (COCs) with the clinical outcome of the related embryos.
Matrix Metalloproteinases (MMPs), Their Genetic Variants and miRNA in Mitral Valve Diseases: Potential Biomarker Tools and Targets for Personalized Treatments
Mitral valve diseases (MVD)s, comprising congenital and acquired forms, are characterized by a diverse etiology, pathophysiology, prevalence, and incidence. In industrialized countries, the acquired forms represent 2.5% of all cardiovascular diseases, with a marked augmentation after the age of 65 years. In addition, all forms of MVDs (i.e., degenerative forms) have a difficult clinical management. The major challenge is 'the early diagnosis', and echocardiographic analysis has been shown inappropriate for diagnosing MVD in moderate forms. Thus, there is a strong need to identify more appropriate biomarker tools to diagnose MVDs at early clinical stage before complications occur and worsen …
Selection of the best three oocytes for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) using apoptotic analysis of cumulus cells
Introduction: We studied the apoptosis rate of the cumulus cells of individual cumulus-oocyte complex (COC), to verify a relationship with clinical outcomes, in terms of pregnancy and implantation rates. Usually oocytes are selected using morphological criteria. We tried to verify if cumulus cell apoptotic rate could be used as a molecular criteria in selecting oocytes with higher implantation potentiality. Material and Methods: The study design consisted in two different trials: in the first we investigated apoptosis rate in cumulus cells of the three selected oocytes, according to Italian law, to be fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). In a second trial, average apoptosi…
Lower apoptosis rate in human cumulus cells, after r-LH administration in ovarian stimulation for IVF procedure
A relationship between human sperm morphology and DNA fragmentation in infertile patients
In spermatozoa collected after pellet swim up, when total dna fragmentation is higher than 15%, the normal morphologically spermatozoa population shows an increased dna damage
Study question: We investigated the DNA Fragmentation Index (DFI) in motile normal morphologically spermatozoa comparing samples with total DFI < 15% Vs ≥ 15% collected after pellet swim up Summary answer: In the case of DFI ≥15% the percentage of normal morphologically spermatozoa with fragmented DNA is significantly higher than the population with DFI < 15% What is known already: Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is widely used in the treatment of male infertility. Only morphologically normal spermatozoa are mainly used by embryologists to fertilize an oocyte. Different papers have reported that spermatozoa with apparently normal morphology may have DNA fragmentation. These ev…
Red Blood Cells Distribution Width as Biomarker of Worsening in Atherosclerosis
Red blood cell Distribution Width (RDW) is a parameter of the circulating erythrocytes’ size that it has reported to be associated with Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) [1-7]. The related mechanism of this association is not fully understood. However, RDW is an indicator of inflammation related to early inflammatory biomarkers, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) [8,9]. Accordingly, systemic chronic inflammation leads to dysfunctional bone marrow with unsuccessful production of red blood cells [10]. As a result, it determines the migration of reticulocytes into the peripheral circulation, followed by an increase in circulating levels of i…
Impact of Prosthesis-Patient Mismatch after Mitral Valve Replacement
Background and aim of the study: The study aim was to determine the impact of prosthesis-patient mismatch (PPM) on early and late clinical outcomes, left atrial and ventricular remodeling, late tricuspid valve regurgitation and pulmonary hypertension (PH) in patients after mitral valve replacement (MVR). Methods: A total of 46 patients (mean age 66 ± 9.3 years) with mitral valve diseases and undergoing isolated MVR was enrolled in the study. The mitral valve effective orifice area (EOA) was determined using the continuity equation and indexed for the patient’s body surface area (EOAi). PPM was defined as EOAi ≤1.2 cm2/m2. PH was defined as a systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) >40 mmH…
Apoptosis and pAKT levels in cumulus cells of patients undergoing in vitro fertilization program with specific polymorphisms of gonadotropins and their receptors: a case-control study.
Study question Is there a difference in oocyte competence among patients with different gonadotrophin polymorphisms, after ovarian stimulation with r-FSH? Summary Answer Higher DNA Fragmentation Index and cleaved caspase-3 related to lower level of pAKT has been observed in patients with specific gonadotrophin polymorphism (FSHR and LHB). What is known already • In our experience, the DFI, the percentage of cleaved caspase-3 and the pAKT on cumulus cells can be used as molecular markers of oocyte competence; • The polymorphic variant of LHB is characterized by an extra glycosylation signal into the β subunit. This molecular variation influences the pharmacokinetic properties of v-betaLH, sh…
Editoriale "La ricerca sui processi di gruppo"
Apoptosis rate in cumulus cells can be considerate as an indicator for the selection of embryos to improve ongoing pregnancy and implantation rate
Apoptosis in Human Cumulus Cells
Notch 1 pathway and EPCs in bicuspid aortic valve: is their interplay involved in the ascending aortic aneurysm onset?
Backgroud_AIM: Bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) is frequently associated with development of ascending aortic aneurysm, even if the underlying mechanisms remain to be clarified. Here, we investigated if a deregulation of Notch1 signaling pathway and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) number is associated with BAV disease and an early ascending aortic aneurysm (AAA) onset. Methods: To this aim,70 subjects with BAV (M/F 50/20; mean age: 58.8±14.8 years) and 70 subjects with tricuspid aortic valve (TAV)(M/F 35/35; mean age: 69.1±12.8 years), AAA complicated or not, were enrolled. Multiparametric flow cytometry analyses, plasma amount assessments, gene expressions, and tissue protein semiquantitati…
Apoptosis rate of human cumulus cells from single oocytes in infertile patients as criteria for the selection of oocytes to be treated by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
Introduction: We studied the apoptosis rate of the cumulus cells of individual cumulus-oocyte complex (COC), to verify a relationship with clinical outcomes, in terms of pregnancy and implantation rates. Usually oocytes are selected using morphological criteria. We tried to verify if cumulus cell apoptotic rate could be used as molecular criteria in selecting oocytes with higher implantation potentiality (1;2). Materials and Methods: The study design consisted in two different trials: in the first, we investigated apoptosis rate in cumulus cells of the three selected oocytes, to be fertilized by intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI); in a second trial, average apoptosis rate of the cumulu…
Several lines of evidence showed that apoptosis rate of cumulus cells in oocytes derived by assisted reproductive technologies could be used as an indicator of fertilizing gamete quality. Aim of the study was to investigate the effects of three different ovarian stimulation protocols on the biological and clinical outcome in hyporesponder patients. Collected data showed a higher significant rate of DNA fragmentation index (DFI) in U group (patients treated with Highly Purified human Menopausal Gonadotrophin) than in P group (treated with recombinant human Follicle Stimulating Hormone (r-hFSH) combined with recombinant human Luteinizing Hormone (r-hLH)). Both groups R (treated with r-hFSH al…
Apoptosis rate of cumulus cells can be considered as an indicator for the selection of embryos to improve ongoing pregnancy and implantation rates.
Cumulus cells apoptosis rate an adjunct to morphology evaluation for the embryo selection on day 3 could be considered a new tool, compared with embryo selection by morphology alone, to select the embryos with higher implantation potential to increase the clinical outcomes after ICSI. Several studies have demonstrated a lower cumulus cell apoptotic rates in women who achieved pregnancy compared with women who did not become pregnant after ICSI. A prospective randomized observational study on 76 ICSI patients was performed before Ovum Pick-Up. Patients were randomized into either the control group (embryo selection by morphology only, A group: 48 patients) or the treatment group (morphology …
La funzione riflessiva nelle organizzazioni: Un intervento di promozione del benessere organizzativo nei contesti penitenziari.
Il lavoro descrive un intervento di formazione realizzato negli Istituti di Pena e negli UEPE della Regione Sicilia. Il presupposto teorico su cui si è basato l’intervento è che esista una connessione tra il benessere organizzativo e gli spazi di mentalizzazione presenti in un contesto di lavoro. Tale connessione permette di accedere agli stati empatici della comunicazione e della relazione intersoggettiva e produce sostenibilità organizzativa. Dal coinvolgimento di tutti i livelli gerarchici dell’Istituzione Penitenziaria, si è attivato un processo di riflessione sulle specificità culturali di questa organizzazione, rendendo auspicabile lo sviluppo di politiche di ascolto organizzativo che…
Impatto dell’insufficienza mitralica ischemica moderata in pazienti sottoposti a sola rivascolarizzazione miocardica chirurgica: Follow-up clinico ed ecocardiografico.
Il lato oscuro della leadership: Framework concettuale e contributo esplorativo
Introduzione: La letteratura sulla leadership, storicamente, si è focalizzata sugli elementi che rendono la relazione capo-collaboratore efficace, cercando di individuare i fattori funzionali a una leadership di successo, dedicando poco spazio a una riflessione su cosa rende un leader inefficace o distruttivo. Solo di recente, diversi studiosi hanno provato a fare chiarezza sul tema del lato oscuro della leadership, proponendo diversi costrutti, come ad esempio “leader repulsivo” (Pearce e Sims, 2002), “leader bullo” (Ferris, 2007), “leader tossico” (Lipman-Blumen, 2005), “manager compromesso” (Lubit, 2004). Tuttavia queste ed altre definizioni sono spesso orientate solo su alcuni comportam…
A new strategy in selecting oocytes using cumulus cells analysis of specific molecules of the apoptotic pathway, according to the ability to reach blastocyst stage.
Study question: The aim of the research was to investigate the apoptosis rate of individual cumulus cell–oocyte complexes (COC), associated to the level of p-Akt, to verify the difference between oocytes who produce embryos able to reach the blastocyst stage compared with embryos arrested during the in vitro colture. Summary answer: It was demonstrated that DNA fragmentation in cumulus cells was remarkably lower in patients who achieved a pregnancy after ICSI cycles, related to the quality of oocytes and embryos. Akt pathway plays a critical role in the regulation of cell survival, and most growth factors activate this pathway. What is known already: Studies on oocyte maturation have shown …
Il mentalizzare nelle organizzazioni
Basandosi sui costrutti della ‘mentalizzazione’ e della ‘funzione riflessiva’ di Fonagy e colleghi come quadro teorico di riferimento, il presente articolo si propone di sviluppare il concetto di ‘mentalizzazione nelle organizzazioni’, inteso come processo di costruzione condivisa di significati all’interno dei contesti lavorativi, processo la cui assenza o compromissione può produrre significative esperienze di malessere. Si ipotizza che l’assenza o la compromissione di una competenza riflessiva, insieme ad una mancata simbolizzazione dell’esperienza di lavoro, determinino specifiche conseguenze sia sulla percezione della propria professione, sia sulle relazioni tra colleghi, sia sui proce…
Apoptosi in cellule del cumulo come possibile bio-marcatore molecolare di competenza ovocitaria: risultati di uno studio pilota condotto su pazienti sottoposte a diversi protocolli di stimolazione ovarica.
L'apoptosi come criterio di valutazione comparativa tra attività LH e hCG.