M. Schmidt
Studies of Quantum Chromodynamics with the ALEPH Detector
Previously published and as vet unpublished QCD results obtained with the ALEPH detector at LEP1 are presented. The unprecedented statistics allows detailed studies of both perturbative and non-perturbative aspects of strong interactions to be carried out using hadronic Z and tau decays. The studies presented include precise determinations of the strong coupling constant. tests of its flavour independence, tests of the SU(3) gauge structure of QCD, study of coherence effects, and measurements of single-particle inclusive distributions and two-particle correlations for many identified baryons and mesons. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
HΛ3 and H‾Λ¯3 production in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=2.76 TeV
Abstract The production of the hypertriton nuclei H Λ 3 and H ‾ Λ ¯ 3 has been measured for the first time in Pb–Pb collisions at s NN = 2.76 TeV with the ALICE experiment at LHC. The p T -integrated H Λ 3 yield in one unity of rapidity, d N / d y × B . R . ( H Λ 3 → He 3 , π − ) = ( 3.86 ± 0.77 ( stat. ) ± 0.68 ( syst. ) ) × 10 − 5 in the 0–10% most central collisions, is consistent with the predictions from a statistical thermal model using the same temperature as for the light hadrons. The coalescence parameter B 3 shows a dependence on the transverse momentum, similar to the B 2 of deuterons and the B 3 of 3He nuclei. The ratio of yields S 3 = H Λ 3 / ( He 3 × Λ / p ) was measured to b…
Improved tau polarisation measurement
Using 22 pb−1 of data collected at LEP in 1992 on the peak of the Z resonance, the ALEPH collaboration has measured the polarisation of the tau leptons decaying into $$ev\bar v, \mu v\bar v$$ ,πν, ρν and a1 ν from their individual decay product distributions. The measurement of the tau polarisation as a function of the production polar angle yields the two parametersN τ andN e, where, in terms of the axial and vector couplingsg Al andg Vl,N l=2g Vl gAl/(g Vl 2 +g 2 ). This analysis follows to a large extent the methods devised for the 1990 and 1991 data but with improvements which bring a better understanding of the systematic uncertainties. Combining the 1992 measurements with our previous…
Recent developments with microchannel-plate PMTs
Abstract Microchannel-plate (MCP) PMTs are the favored photon sensors for the DIRC detectors of the PANDA experiment at FAIR. Until recently the main drawback of MCP-PMTs were serious aging effects which led to a limited lifetime due to a rapidly decreasing quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode (PC) as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increased. In the latest models of PHOTONIS and Hamamatsu an innovative atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique is applied to overcome these limitations. During the last five years comprehensive aging tests with ALD coated MCP-PMTs were performed and the results were compared to tubes treated with other techniques. The QE in dependence of the IAC was m…
Transverse momentum spectra and nuclear modification factors of charged particles in pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC
We report the measured transverse momentum ($p_{\rm T}$) spectra of primary charged particles from pp, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions at a center-of-mass energy $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02$ TeV in the kinematic range of $0.15<p_{\rm T}<50$ GeV/$c$ and $|\eta|< 0.8$. A significant improvement of systematic uncertainties motivated the reanalysis of data in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76$ TeV, as well as in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02$ TeV, which is also presented. Spectra from Pb-Pb collisions are presented in nine centrality intervals and are compared to a reference spectrum from pp collisions scaled by the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions. For cent…
Search for the Bc meson in hadronic Z decays
A search for the B-c meson decaying into the channels J/psi pi(+) and J/psi l(+)nu(l) (l = e or mu) is performed in a sample of 3.9 million hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH detector. This search results in the observation of 0 and 2 candidates in each of these channels, respectively, while 0.44 and 0.81 background events are expected. The following 90% confidence level upper limits are derived: Br(Z --> BcX)/Br(Z --> q (q) over bar BR(B-c(+) --> J/psi pi(+)) BcX)/Br(Z-->q (q) over bar)Br(B-c(+) --> J/psi l(+)nu) J/psi(e(+)e(-))mu(+)nu(mu) candidate with very low background probability, found in an independent analysis, is also described in detail. (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Scie…
Measurement of the W mass in e(+)e(-) collisions at production threshold
In June 1996, the LEP centre-of-mass energy was raised to 161 GeV. Pair production of W bosons in e(+)e(-) collisions was observed for the first time by the LEP experiments. An integrated luminosity of 11 pb(-1) was recorded in the ALEPH detector, in which WW candidate events were observed. In 6 events both Ws decay leptonically. In 16 events, one W decays leptonically, the other into hadrons. In the channel where both Ws decay into hadrons, a signal was separated from the large background by means of several multi-variate analyses. The W pair cross-section is measured to be sigma(ww) = 4.23 +/- 0.73(stat.) +/- 0.19(syst.) pb. From this cross-section, the W mass is derived within the framew…
Dielectron and heavy-quark production in inelastic and high-multiplicity proton–proton collisions at s=13TeV
The measurement of dielectron production is presented as a function of invariant mass and transverse momentum (pT) at midrapidity (|ye|<0.8) in proton–proton (pp) collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of s=13 TeV. The contributions from light-hadron decays are calculated from their measured cross sections in pp collisions at s=7 TeV or 13 TeV. The remaining continuum stems from correlated semileptonic decays of heavy-flavour hadrons. Fitting the data with templates from two different MC event generators, PYTHIA and POWHEG, the charm and beauty cross sections at midrapidity are extracted for the first time at this collision energy: dσcc¯/dy|y=0=974±138(stat.)±140(syst.)±214(BR)μb and dσbb…
Charged jet cross section and fragmentation in proton-proton collisions at √s = 7 TeV
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. We report the differential charged jet cross section and jet fragmentation distributions measured with the ALICE detector in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy √s=7 TeV. Jets with pseudorapidity |η|40 GeV/c, the pythia calculations also agree with the measured charged jet cross section. pythia6 simulations describe the fragmentation distributions to 15%. Larger discrepancies are observed for pythia8. SCOAP
Recent progress with microchannel-plate PMTs
Abstract Microchannel-plate (MCP) PMTs were identified as the only suitable photon sensors for the two DIRC detectors of the PANDA experiment at FAIR. As the long-standing aging problem of MCP-PMTs was recently overcome by coating the MCP pores with an atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique, further improved 2 ″ MCP-PMTs were investigated. The best PHOTONIS device has reached a lifetime of > 20 C/cm2 integrated anode charge without any sign of aging. Also the newly developed 2 ″ MCP-PMTs of Hamamatsu are maturing and are usable in high rate environments. The status of our long-term lifetime measurements and the performance parameters of the currently most advanced ALD-coated MCP-PMTs from …
Latest improvements of microchannel-plate PMTS
Abstract The DIRC detectors of the PANDA experiment at FAIR will use multi-anode MCP-PMTs as photon sensors. After long and extensive R&D work the performance parameters of the recent 2” MCP-PMT models are converging towards the required values. The lifetime of most ALD-coated MCP-PMTs is well surpassing the DIRC requirements with the best tube currently reaching > 22 C/cm2 integrated anode charge without aging. The performance of the most advanced MCP-PMTs from PHOTONIS and Hamamatsu fulfill basically all requirements with a highlight being the high detective quantum efficiency (DQE) of almost 30% for the PHOTONIS 9002108. The improvements of the latest MCP-PMT models compared to former tu…
Search for charginos and neutralinos with R-parity violation at =130 136
Searches for charginos and neutralinos produced in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV have been performed under the assumptions that R-parity is not conserved, that the dominant R-parity violating coupling involves only leptonic fields, and that the lifetime of the lightest supersymmetric particle can be neglected. In the 5.7 pb−1 data sample collected by ALEPH, no candidate events were found. As a result, chargino and neutralino masses and couplings are constrained and the domains previously excluded at LEP1 are extended.
Tremendously increased lifetime of MCP-PMTs
Abstract Microchannel plate (MCP) PMTs are very attractive photon sensors for low light level applications in strong magnetic fields. However, until recently the main drawback of MCP-PMTs was their aging behavior which manifests itself in a limited lifetime due to a rapidly decreasing quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode (PC) as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increases. In the latest models of PHOTONIS, Hamamatsu, and BINP novel techniques are applied to avoid these aging effects which are supposed to be mainly caused by feedback ion impinging on the PC and damaging it. For more than four years we are running a long-term aging test with new lifetime-enhanced MCP-PMT models by sim…
Tau leptonic branching ratios
A sample of 62249 tau-pair events is selected from data taken with the ALEPH detector in 1991, 1992 and 1993. The measurement of the branching fractions for tau decays into electrons and muons is presented with emphasis on the study of systematic effects from selection, particle identification and decay classification. The results obtained are: B-e=17.79+/-0.12(stat)+/-0.06(syst)(%) and B-mu=17.31+/-0.11(stat)+/-0.05(syst)(%). Combined with the most recent ALEPH determination of the tau lifetime, these results provide a relative measurement of the leptonic couplings in the weak charged current for transverse W bosons: g(mu)/g(e)=1.0002+/-0.0051 and g(tau)/g(mu)=0.9943+/-0.0065. RI ANTONELLI…
Determination of sin2 θeff w using jet charge measurements in hadronic Z decays
The electroweak mixing angle is determined with high precision from measurements of the mean difference between forward and backward hemisphere charges in hadronic decays of the Z. A data sample of 2.5 million hadronic Z decays recorded over the period 1990 to 1994 in the ALEPH detector at LEP is used. The mean charge separation between event hemispheres containing the original quark and antiquark is measured for bb̄ and cc̄ events in subsamples selected by their long lifetimes or using fast D*'s. The corresponding average charge separation for light quarks is measured in an inclusive sample from the anticorrelation between charges of opposite hemispheres and agrees with predictions of hadr…
Cycloaddition of benzothiete and electron-deficient nitriles
The o-quinoid 8π electron system 2, generated by thermal ring opening of benzothiete (1), enters regio-specific [8π + 2π] cycloaddition reactions with electron-deficient nitriles 3a-d, yielding the 4H-1,3-benzothiazines 4a-d. A competitive dimerization of 1 leads to 1,5-dibenzo[b,f]dithiocin (5). Depending on the nitrile further competitive or subsequent reactions (2 + 3b 7b, 2 + 3d 4d 8d) can occur. The cycloadducts 10e and 11e gained from 3e anticipate a primary cleavage of 3e to methylisothiocyanate 9e which reacts at the CN double bond as well as at the CS double bond.
Study of muon-pair production at centre-of-mass energies from 20 to 136 GeV with the ALEPH detector
The total cross section and the forward-backward asymmetry for the process e(+)e --> mu(+)mu(-)(n gamma) are measured in the energy range 20-136 GeV by reconstructing the effective centre-of-mass energy after initial state radiation. The analysis is based on the data recorded with the ALEPH detector at LEP between 1990 and 1995, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 143.5 pb(-1). Two different approaches are used: in the first one an exclusive selection of events with hard initial state radiation in the energy range 20-88 GeV is directly compared with the Standard Model predictions showing good agreement. In the second one, all events are used to obtain a precise measurement of …
The ALICE Transition Radiation Detector: Construction, operation, and performance
The Transition Radiation Detector (TRD) was designed and built to enhance the capabilities of the ALICE detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). While aimed at providing electron identification and triggering, the TRD also contributes significantly to the track reconstruction and calibration in the central barrel of ALICE. In this paper the design, construction, operation, and performance of this detector are discussed. A pion rejection factor of up to 410 is achieved at a momentum of 1 GeV/$c$ in p-Pb collisions and the resolution at high transverse momentum improves by about 40% when including the TRD information in track reconstruction. The triggering capability is demonstrated both …
The PANDA DIRC Detectors at FAIR
The PANDA detector at the international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) addresses fundamental questions of hadron physics. An excellent hadronic particle identification (PID) will be accomplished by two DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) counters in the target spectrometer. The design for the barrel region covering polar angles between 22 deg. to 140 deg. is based on the successful BABAR DIRC with several key improvements, such as fast photon timing and a compact imaging region. The novel Endcap Disc DIRC will cover the smaller forward angles between 5 deg. (10 deg.) to 22 deg. in the vertical (horizontal) direction. Both DIRC coun…
Four-fermion production in $e^+e^-$ collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV
Four-fermion events have been selected in a data sample of 5.8 pb(-1) collected with the ALEPH detector at centre-of-mass energies of 130 and 136 GeV. The final states l(+)l(-), l(+)l(-)l(+)l(-), , and <l(+)l(-) have been examined Five events are observed in the data, in agreement with the Standard Model predictions of 6.67 +/- 0.38 events from four-fermion processes and 0.14(-0.05)(+0.19) from background processes. RI ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, Fabrizio/B-5729-2012; Sanchez, Federico/F-5809-2012; Ferrante, Isidoro/F-1017-2012
Searches for transverse momentum dependent flow vector fluctuations in Pb-Pb and p-Pb collisions at the LHC
The measurement of azimuthal correlations of charged particles is presented for Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=$ 2.76 TeV and p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=$ 5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider. These correlations are measured for the second, third and fourth order flow vector in the pseudorapidity region $|��|<0.8$ as a function of centrality and transverse momentum $p_{\rm T}$ using two observables, to search for evidence of $p_{\rm T}$-dependent flow vector fluctuations. For Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV, the measurements indicate that $p_{\rm T}$-dependent fluctuations are only present for the second order flow vector. Similar results hav…
ChemInform Abstract: Synthesis of Benzo(b)thioxanthenes.
A measurement of Rb using a lifetime-mass tag
ALEPH's published measurement of R-b = Gamma(Z --> b (b) over bar)/Gamma(Z --> hadrons) using a lifetime tag is updated using the full LEP 1 data sample. Considerable effort has been devoted to understanding systematic effects. Charm background is better controlled by combining the lifetime tag with a tag based on the b/c hadron mass difference. Furthermore, the algorithm used to reconstruct the event primary vertex is designed so as to reduce correlations between the two hemispheres of an event. The value of R-b is measured to be 0.2167 +/- 0.0011(stat) +/- 0.0013(syst). (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. RI ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, …
The PANDA detector at the international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) addresses fundamental questions of hadron physics. Experiments concerning charmonium spectroscopy, the search for hybrids and glueballs and the interaction of hidden and open charm particles with nucleons and nuclei will be performed with antiproton beams impinging on hydrogen or nuclear targets. Cooled beams allow the precision scan of resonances in formation experiments. The momentum range of the antiproton beam between 1.5 GeV/c and 15 GeV/c tests predictions by perturbation theory and will reveal deviations originating from strong QCD . An excellent hadronic particle identificat…
The Endcap Disc DIRC of PANDA
Abstract The Endcap Disc DIRC (EDD) for PANDA has been designed to identify traversing pions, kaons and protons in the future PANDA experiment. Its central part is a 2 cm thick fused silica plate. Focussing optics are attached to the outer rim of the plate, outside of the acceptance of the experiment. Fast, high-resolution MCP-PMTs, designed to register single Cherenkov photons, have been tested in magnetic field. Filters limit the spectral acceptance of the sensors to reduce dispersion effects and to extend their lifetime. A compact and fast readout is realized with ASICs. Analytical reconstruction algorithms allow for fast particle identification. The angular resolution of a DIRC prototyp…
Tests and developments of the PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC
The PANDA experiment at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) requires excellent particle identification. Two different DIRC detectors will utilize internally reflected Cherenkov light of charged particles to enable the separation of pions and kaons up to momenta of 4 GeV/c. The Endcap Disc DIRC will be placed in the forward endcap of PANDA's central spectrometer covering polar angles between 5° and 22°. Its final design is based on MCP-PMTs for the photon detection and an optical system made of fused silica. A new prototype has been investigated during a test beam at CERN in May 2015 and first results will be presented. In addition a new synthetic fused silica material…
First measurement of the |t|-dependence of coherent J/ψ photonuclear production
The first measurement of the dependence on $|t|$, the square of the momentum transferred between the incoming and outgoing target nucleus, of coherent J/ψ photoproduction is presented. The data were measured with the ALICE detector in ultra-peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon pair $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02$ TeV with the J/$\psi$ produced in the central rapidity region $|y| < 0.8$, which corresponds to the small Bjorken-$x$ range $(0.3 − 1.4) \times 10 ^{−3}$. The measured $|t|$-dependence is not described by computations based only on the Pb nuclear form factor, while the photonuclear cross section is better reproduced by models including shadowing according t…
Stereoselective Synthesis of Polycyclic Thiopyrans
The reaction of benzothiete (1) and the bicyclic alkenes 5, 7, 9, or 12 shows a very high π side selectivity (de > 95%) in the formation of the polycyclic thiopyrans 6, 8, 10, 11, 13, and 14.
Charm counting in b decays
??? The inclusive production of charmed particles in Z--> decays has been measured from the yield of D-0, D+, D-s(+) and Lambda(c)(+) decays in a sample of events with high b purity collected with the ALEPH detector from 1992 to 1995. From these measurements, adding the charmonia production rate and an estimate of the charmed strange baryon contribution, the average number of charm quarks per b decay is determined to be n(c)=1.230+/-0.036+/-0.038+/-0.053, where the uncertainties are due to statistics, systematic effects and branching ratios, respectively.
ChemInform Abstract: Cycloaddition of Benzothiete and Electron-Deficient Nitriles.
The o-quinoid 8π electron system 2, generated by thermal ring opening of benzothiete (1), enters regio-specific [8π + 2π] cycloaddition reactions with electron-deficient nitriles 3a-d, yielding the 4H-1,3-benzothiazines 4a-d. A competitive dimerization of 1 leads to 1,5-dibenzo[b,f]dithiocin (5). Depending on the nitrile further competitive or subsequent reactions (2 + 3b 7b, 2 + 3d 4d 8d) can occur. The cycloadducts 10e and 11e gained from 3e anticipate a primary cleavage of 3e to methylisothiocyanate 9e which reacts at the CN double bond as well as at the CS double bond.
JEM–X: The X-ray monitor aboard INTEGRAL
The JEM-X monitor provides X-ray spectra and imaging with arcminute angular resolution in the 3 to 35 keV band. The good angular resolution and the low energy response of JEM-X plays an important role in the identification of gamma ray sources and in the analysis and scientific interpretation of the combined X-ray and gamma ray data. JEM-X is a coded aperture instrument consisting of two identical, coaligned telescopes. Each of the detectors has a sensitive area of 500 cm 2 , and views the sky through its own coded aperture mask. The two coded masks are inverted with respect to each other and provides an angular resolution of 3 0 across an eective field of view of about 10 diameter.
Radial velocity monitoring of the star HD 235858 confirmed regular variations with a peak-to-peak amplitude of about 10 km s–1 and a period of about 131.2 days. The light, color, and velocity variations are typical for RV Tauri stars. Splitting of low-excitation atomic lines was detected. The components are both blue- and redshifted relative to the systemic velocity. Significant variations are observed in the intensity of C2 and CN lines. Variable emission in the Hα profile, splitting of low-excitation atomic absorption lines, appearance of CN emission lines, blue wings of strong lines, and recent reddening give evidence of shocks and mass outflow obviously induced by atmospheric pulsations.
The PANDA Endcap Disc DIRC
Journal of Instrumentation 13(02), C02002 - C02002 (2018). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/13/02/C02002
Test of the flavour independence of αs
Abstract Using about 950000 hadronic events collected during 1991 and 1992 with the ALEPH detector, the ratios r b = α s b α s udsc and r uds = α s uds α s cb have been measured in order to test the flavour independence of the strong coupling constant α s . The analysis is based on event-shape variables using the full hadronic sample, two b -quark samples enriched by lepton tagging and lifetime tagging, and a light-quark sample enriched by lifetime antitagging. The combined results are r b = 1.002±0.023 and r uds = 0.971 ± 0.023.
Real-time data processing in the ALICE High Level Trigger at the LHC
At the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, atomic nuclei are collided at ultra-relativistic energies. Many final-state particles are produced in each collision and their properties are measured by the ALICE detector. The detector signals induced by the produced particles are digitized leading to data rates that are in excess of 48 GB/$s$. The ALICE High Level Trigger (HLT) system pioneered the use of FPGA- and GPU-based algorithms to reconstruct charged-particle trajectories and reduce the data size in real time. The results of the reconstruction of the collision events, available online, are used for high level data quality and detector-performance monitoring and real-tim…
The Barrel DIRC detector of PANDA
The PANDA experiment is one of the four large experiments being built at FAIR in Darmstadt. It will use a cooled antiproton beam on a fixed target within the momentum range of 1.5 to 15 GeV/c to address questions of strong QCD, where the coupling constant $\alpha_s \gtrsim 0.3$. The luminosity of up to $2 \cdot 10^{32} cm^{-2}s^{-1}$ and the momentum resolution of the antiproton beam down to \mbox{$\Delta$p/p = 4$\cdot10^{-5}$} allows for high precision spectroscopy, especially for rare reaction processes. Above the production threshold for open charm mesons the production of kaons plays an important role for identifying the reaction. The DIRC principle allows for a compact particle identif…
Measurement of the branching fraction for D0 → K-π+
The branching fraction for D-0 --> K(-)pi(+) is measured with the statistics collected by ALEPH from 1991 to 1994. The method is based on the comparison between the rate for the reconstructed D*+ --> (D) pi(+), D-0 --> K(-)pi(+) decay chain and the rate for inclusive soft pion production at low transverse momentum with respect to the nearest jet. The result is B(D-0 --> K(-)pi(+)) = (3.90 +/- 0.09 +/- 0.12)% (C) 1997 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. RI ANTONELLI, ANTONELLA/C-6238-2011; Passalacqua, Luca/F-5127-2011; Murtas, Fabrizio/B-5729-2012; St.Denis, Richard/C-8997-2012; Sanchez, Federico/F-5809-2012; Forti, Francesco/H-3035-2011; Ferrante, Isidoro/F-1017-2012
Search for a common baryon source in high-multiplicity pp collisions at the LHC
Physics letters / B B811, 135849 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135849
Eine Kombination niedrig und hochauflösender dynamischer T1-gewichteter Sequenzen zur besseren Beurteilung der Morphologie Kontrastmittel aufnehmender Läsionen in der MRT der weiblichen Brust
Purpose: Presentation of a new protocol for simultaneous acquisition of both low and high resolution T 1 -weighted images of breast lesions for dynamic contrast-enhanced MR mammography. Demonstration of possible diagnostic improvement with representative measurements in patients with suspected breast cancer by adding morphologic parameters from high resolution sequences to the analysis of the signal-time curve. Materials and Methods: Dynamic MR imaging was performed with a 1.5 T system (Magnetom SONATA, Siemens Medical Systems, Germany) and the manufacturer's double-breast coil. Coronal T 1 -weighted 3D FLASH sequences (spatial resolution 1.25 ×1.25 mm 2 ; slice thickness 1.7 mm) were acqui…
Search for sleptons in e+e− collisions at centre-of-mass energies of 161 GeV and 172 GeV
The data recorded by the ALEPH experiment at LEP at centre-of-mass energies of 161 GeV and 172 GeV were analysed to search for sleptons, the supersymmetric partners of leptons. No evidence for the production of these particles was found. The number of candidates observed is consistent with the background expected from four-fermion processes and gammagamma-interactions. Improved mass limits at 95% C.L. are reported.
Study of doubly strange systems using stored antiprotons
Bound nuclear systems with two units of strangeness are still poorly known despite their importance for many strong interaction phenomena. Stored antiprotons beams in the GeV range represent an unparalleled factory for various hyperon-antihyperon pairs. Their outstanding large production probability in antiproton collisions will open the floodgates for a series of new studies of systems which contain two or even more units of strangeness at the PANDA experiment at FAIR. For the first time, high resolution gamma-spectroscopy of doubly strange Lambda Lambda-hypernuclei will be performed, thus complementing measurements of ground state decays of Lambda Lambda-hypernuclei at J-PARC or possible …
Particle Identification with DIRCs at PANDA
The DIRC technology (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) offers an excellent possibility to minimize the form factor of Cherenkov detectors in hermetic high energy detectors. The PANDA experiment at FAIR in Germany will combine a barrel-shaped DIRC with a disc-shaped DIRC to cover an angular range of 5 to 140 degrees. Particle identification for pions and kaons with a separation power of 3 standard deviations or more will be provided for momenta between 0.5 GeV/c and 3.5 GeV/c in the barrel region and up to 4 GeV/c in the forward region. Even though the concept is simple, the design and construction of a DIRC is challenging. High precision optics and mechanics are required to…
Inclusive π±, K± and(p,p¯) differential cross-sections at the Z resonance
Inclusive π±, K± and $$(p,\bar p)$$ differential cross-sections in hadronic decays of the Z have been measured as a function ofz=P hadron/P beam, the scaled momentum. The results are based on approximately 520 000 events measured by the ALEPH detector at LEP during 1992. Charged particles are identified by their rate of ionization energy loss in the ALEPH Time Projection Chamber. The position, ξ*, of the peak in the ln(1/z) distribution is determined, and the evolution of the peak position with centre-of-mass energy is compared with the prediction of QCD.
Dielectron production in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV
The first measurements of dielectron production at midrapidity (|ηe| < 0.8) in proton–proton and proton–lead collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV at the LHC are presented. The dielectron cross section is measured with the ALICE detector as a function of the invariant mass mee and the pair transverse momentum pT, ee in the ranges mee < 3.5 GeV/c2 and pT, ee < 8 GeV/c, in both collision systems. In proton–proton collisions, the charm and beauty cross sections are determined at midrapidity from a fit to the data with two different event generators. This complements the existing dielectron measurements performed at √s = 7 and 13 TeV. The slope of the √s dependence of the three measurements is…
ChemInform Abstract: Stereoselective Synthesis of Polycyclic Thiopyrans.
Reactions of benzothiete (I) with bicyclic alkenes exhibit very high π-side selectivity in the formation of polycyclic thiopyrans.
ABSTRACT Background Study results demonstrated that IFN augments BEV activity and improves median PFS in pts with mRCC. Thus, combination BEV + IFN is a standard first-line treatment option for mRCC. Combining BEV with the mTOR inhibitor EVE may be an efficacious and well-tolerated treatment option. The open-label, phase II RECORD-2 trial compared first-line EVE + BEV and IFN + BEV in mRCC. Patients and methods: Therapy-naive pts with clear cell mRCC and prior nephrectomy were randomized 1:1 to BEV 10 mg/kg IV every 2 weeks with either EVE 10 mg oral daily or IFN (9 MIU SC 3 times/week, if tolerated). Tumour assessments were every 12 weeks. Primary objective was treatment effect on progress…
The PANDA experiment at the international accelerator Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR) near GSI, Darmstadt, Germany will address fundamental questions of hadron physics. Excellent Particle Identification (PID) over a large range of solid angles and particle momenta will be essential to meet the objectives of the rich physics program. Charged PID for the barrel region of the PANDA target spectrometer will be provided by a DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) detector. The Barrel DIRC will cover the polar angle range of 22$^\circ$-140$^\circ$ and cleanly separate charged pions from kaons for momenta between 0.5 GeV/c and 3.5 GeV/c with a separation…
4 H ‐3,1‐Benzoxathiine aus Benzothiet und Carbonylverbindungen
4H-3,1-Benzoxathiines from Benzothiete and Carbonyl Compounds The o-quinoid 8-π electron system 2, generated by thermal ring opening of benzothiete (1) undergoes [8π + 2π] cycloaddition reactions with electron-deficient carbonyl compounds 3. In accordance with the frontier orbital theory, 4H-3,1-benzoxathiines (4) are obtained in a regioselective manner.
Perioperative care of the elderly oncology patient: A report from the SIOG task force on the perioperative care of older patients with cancer
Abstract The increasing number of older cancer patients seen in daily practice demands reflection on how to optimize their care during the perioperative period. Optimally tailored surgical management, at present the most successful cancer treatment, firmly rests on an accurate and careful anesthesiological management. The unique peculiarities of anesthesia in older cancer patients prompted the International Society of Geriatric Oncology (SIOG) to put together a panel of international experts with the aim of reviewing the literature and drafting a consensus document. This article summarizes their views.
Recent results with lifetime enhanced microchannel-plate photomultipliers
Abstract The favored photon sensors for the DIRC (detection of internally reflected Cherenkov light) detectors at the PANDA (Anti-proton Annihilation at Darmstadt) experiment at FAIR (Facility for anti-proton and ion research) are micro-channel-plate photomultipliers (MCP-PMTs). The main problem until a few years ago was the limited lifetime of the MCP-PMTs caused by a rapid decrease in quantum efficiency (QE) of the photo cathode (PC) with increasing integrated anode charge (IAC). These limitations are overcome by applying an atomic layer deposition (ALD) coating on the MCPs, as recently done by PHOTONIS and Hamamatsu. During the last years’ tests of lifetime enhanced MCP-PMTs were perform…
Measurement of the branching ratio and an upper limit on
Abstract Using 1.45 million hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH experiment at LEP, the b → τ − ν - τ X branching ratio is measured to be 2.75 ± 0.30 ± 0.37%. In addition an upper limit of 1.8 × 10 −3 at 90% confidence level is placed upon the exclusive branching ratio of B − → τ − ν - τ . These measurements are consistent with SM expectations, and put the constraint tan β M h ± GeV −1 at 90% confidence level on all Type II two Higgs doublet models (such as the MSSM).
Kaon femtoscopy in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76 TeV
We present the results of three-dimensional femtoscopic analyses for charged and neutral kaons recorded by ALICE in Pb-Pb collisions at √ s NN = 2.76 TeV. Femtoscopy is used to measure the space-time characteristics of particle production from the effects of quantum statistics and final-state interactions in two-particle correlations. Kaon femtoscopy is an important supplement to that of pions because it allows one to distinguish between different model scenarios working equally well for pions. In particular, we compare the measured three-dimensional kaon radii with a purely hydrodynamical calculation and a model where the hydrodynamic phase is followed by a hadronic rescattering stage. The…
The Innovative Design of the Endcap Disc DIRC Detector for PANDA at FAIR
The key component of the future PANDA experiment at FAIR is a fixed-target detector for collisions of antiprotons with a proton target up to a beam momentum of 15 GeV/c and is designed to address a large number of open questions in the hadron physics sector. In order to guarantee an excellent PID for charged hadrons in the polar angle range between $5^\circ$ and $22^\circ$, a new type of Cherenkov detector called Endcap Disc DIRC (EDD) has been developed for the forward endcap of the PANDA target spectrometer. The desired separation power of at least 3 s.d. for the separation of $\pi^\pm$ and $K^\pm$ up to particle momenta of 4 GeV/c was determined with simulation studies and validated duri…
Observation of charmless hadronic B decays
Four candidates for charmless hadronic B decay are observed in a data sample of four million hadronic Z decays recorded by the ALEPH detector at LEP. The probability that these events come from background sources is estimated to be less than 10(-6). The average branching of weakly decaying B hadrons (a mixture of B-d(0), B-s(0) and Lambda(b) weighted by their production The average branching ratio of weakly decaying B hadrons (a mixture of B-d(0) cross sections and lifetimes, here denoted B) into two long-lived charged hadrons (pions, kaons or protons) is measured to be Br(B-->h(+)h(-))=(1.7(-0.7)(+1.0)+/-0.2)x10(-5). The relative branching fraction Br(B-d(s)(0)-->pi(+)pi(-)(K-))/Br(B-d(s)(…
Centrality and pseudorapidity dependence of the charged-particle multiplicity density in Xe–Xe collisions at sNN=5.44TeV
In this Letter, the ALICE Collaboration presents the first measurements of the charged-particle multiplicity density, dNch/dη, and total charged-particle multiplicity, Nchtot, in Xe–Xe collisions at a centre-of-mass energy per nucleon–nucleon pair of sNN=5.44TeV. The measurements are performed as a function of collision centrality over a wide pseudorapidity range of −3.5<η<5. The values of dNch/dη at mid-rapidity and Nchtot for central collisions, normalised to the number of nucleons participating in the collision (Npart) as a function of sNN follow the trends established in previous heavy-ion measurements. The same quantities are also found to increase as a function of Npart, and up …
Measurement of dielectron production in central Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 2.76 TeV
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. The first measurement of dielectron (e + e −) production in central (0 – 10 %) Pb – Pb collisions at √sNN=2.76TeV at the LHC is presented. The dielectron invariant-mass spectrum is compared to the expected contributions from hadron decays in the invariant-mass range 0 < mee < 3.5 GeV / c2. The ratio of data and the cocktail of hadronic contributions without vacuum ρ0 is measured in the invariant-mass range 0.15 < mee < 0.7 GeV / c2, w…
Elliptic Flow in Pb-Pb Collisions at
We report a precise measurement of the J/ψ elliptic flow in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector at the LHC. The J/ψ mesons are reconstructed at midrapidity (|y|<0.9) in the dielectron decay channel and at forward rapidity (2.5<y<4.0) in the dimuon channel, both down to zero transverse momentum. At forward rapidity, the elliptic flow v2 of the J/ψ is studied as a function of the transverse momentum and centrality. A positive v2 is observed in the transverse momentum range 2<pT<8 GeV/c in the three centrality classes studied and confirms with higher statistics our earlier results at sNN=2.76 TeV in semicentral collisions. At midrapidity, the J/ψ v2 is investigated as …
Measurement of the D∗± cross section in two photon collisions at LEP
Abstract The inclusive production of D ∗± mesons in photon-photon collisions has been measured by the Aleph experiment at LEP with a beam energy of 45 GeV. The D ∗+ are detected in their decay to D 0 π + with the D 0 observed in three separate decay modes: (1) K − π + , (2) K − π + π 0 and (3) K − π + π − π + , and analagously for the D ∗− modes. A total of 33 events was observed from an integrated luminosity of 73 pb −1 which corresponds to a cross section for Σ( e + e − → e + e − D ∗± X ) of 155 ± 33 ± 21 pb. This result is compatible with both the direct production γγ → c c in the Born approximation and with a more complete calculation which includes both radiative QCD corrections and co…
Lifetime of MCP-PMTs and other performance features
The ANDA experiment at FAIR will use DIRC detectors for the separation of hadrons. The compactness of the ANDA detector requires the image planes of these detectors to be placed inside the magnetic field of the solenoid. Due to this and other boundary conditions MCP-PMTs were identified as the only suitable photon sensors. Until recently the major obstacle for an application of MCP-PMTs in high rate experiments like ANDA were serious aging problems which led to damage at the photo-cathode and a fast declining quantum efficiency as the integrated anode charge (IAC) increased. With new countermeasures against the aging, in particular due to the application of an atomic layer deposition (ALD) …
Centrality dependence of charged jet production in p–Pb collisions at \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}$$\end{document}sNN = 5.02 TeV
Measurements of charged jet production as a function of centrality are presented for p–Pb collisions recorded at \documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document}$$\sqrt{s_\mathrm {NN}}= 5.02$$\end{document}sNN=5.02 TeV with the ALICE detector. Centrality classes are determined via the energy deposit in neutron calorimeters at zero degree, close to the beam direction, to minimise dynamical biases of the selection. The corresponding number of participants or binary nucleon–nucleon collisions is determined based on…
Dynamics of a subconstituent picture of weak interactions
We use sum rules in order to discuss the dynamics of the simplest subconstituent model of weak interactions with elementary spin 1/2 fermions and scalar bosons. Vacuum condensates of the scalars play an essential role and lead to features quite different from QCD. With a certain vacuum structure vector dominance of the composite W-mesons is a good approximation, and we also see a clear signal for massless fermions in the two-point function of composite fermions. Thus such a model is in good agreement with standard phenomenology. Composite Higgs particles are also investigated. The effective interaction is evidently of the gauge type.
Measurements of |Vcb|, form factors and branching fractions in the decays → ℓ and → ℓ
Two samples of exclusive semileptonic decays, 579 B0 -> D*+l-νl events and 261 B0 -> D+l-νl events, are selected from approximately 3.9 million hadronic Z decays collected by the ALEPH detector at LEP. From the reconstructed differential decay rate of each sample, the product of the hadronic form factor F(ω) at zero recoil of the D(*)+ meson and the CKM matrix element Vcb are measured to be FD*+ (1) Vcb = (31.9 +/- 1.8stat +/- 1.9syst) × 10-3,FD+ (1) Vcb = (27.8 +/- 6.8stat +/- 6.5syst) × 10-3. The ratio of the form factorsFD+ (1) and FD*+ (1) is measured to beFD+ (1)/FD*+ (1) = 0.87 +/- 0.22stat +/- 0.21syst. A value of Vcb is extracted from the two samples, using theoretical constraints o…
Measurement of Z 0 -boson production at large rapidities in Pb–Pb collisions at
The production of Z0 bosons at large rapidities in Pb–Pb collisions at √sNN=5.02TeV is reported. Z0 candidates are reconstructed in the dimuon decay channel (Z0→μ+μ−), based on muons selected with pseudo-rapidity −4.0 20GeV/c. The invariant yield and the nuclear modification factor, RAA, are presented as a function of rapidity and collision centrality. The value of RAA for the 0–20% central Pb–Pb collisions is 0.67±0.11(stat.)±0.03(syst.)±0.06(corr. syst.), exhibiting a deviation of 2.6σ from unity. The results are well-described by calculations that include nuclear modifications of the parton distribution functions, while the predictions using vacuum PDFs deviate from data by 2.3σ in the 0…
The room temperature crystal structure of a bacterial phytochrome determined by serial femtosecond crystallography
Scientific reports 6, 35279 (2016). doi:10.1038/srep35279
Test of special relativity in an ion storage ring
An accurate measurement of the Doppler effect in collinear laser spectroscopy has been performed at the TSR storage ring with electron cooled7Li+ ions atΒ=0.064. This experiment is a sensitive test of theγ=(1−Β2)−1/2 factor(Β=v/c) in the special theory of relativity. The Doppler shifted frequencies of the moving7Li+ ions are compared with calibrated molecular lines at rest. The frequencies at rest for the7Li+ ions are known from independent measurements. The Doppler shifted frequencies in the collinear experiment have been measured with a precision ofδv/v=6×10−9, mainly limited by the signal width of the resonance. A corresponding upper limit of 8×10−7 is deduced for any deviation of the ti…
Measurements of mixed harmonic cumulants in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV
Correlations between moments of different flow coefficients are measured in Pb–Pb collisions at sNN=5.02 TeV recorded with the ALICE detector. These new measurements are based on multiparticle mixed harmonic cumulants calculated using charged particles in the pseudorapidity region |η|<0.8 with the transverse momentum range 0.2<pT<5.0 GeV/c. The centrality dependence of correlations between two flow coefficients as well as the correlations between three flow coefficients, both in terms of their second moments, are shown. In addition, a collection of mixed harmonic cumulants involving higher moments of v2 and v3 is measured for the first time, where the characteristic signature of ne…
The PANDA DIRC detectors
Abstract The PANDA experiment at the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will address fundamental questions of hadron physics with unprecedented precision. To reach this goal excellent Particle Identification (PID) is essential over a large range of particle momenta and solid angles. Most of the phase space will be covered by two innovative DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) detectors. The Endcap Disc DIRC and Barrel DIRC will cover the polar angle range from 5 to 22°and 22 to 140°, respectively. Both detectors rely on high precision optical components, lifetime-enhanced Microchannel Plate PMTs (MCP-PMTs), and fast readout electronics.
Resolution changes of MCP-PMTs in magnetic fields
Micro-channel plate photomultiplier tubes (MCP-PMTs) are chosen in many applications that have to cope with strong magnetic fields. The DIRC detectors of the PANDA experiment plan to employ them as they show excellent timing characteristics, radiation hardness, relatively low dark count rates and sufficient lifetime. This article mainly focuses on the performance of the position reconstruction of detected photons. Two different MCP-PMTs with segmented anode geometries have been tested in magnetic fields of different strengths. The variation of their performance has been studied. The measurements show improved position resolution and image shifts with increasing magnetic field strength.
Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC
Physical review / D 105(1), L011103 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.105.L011103
Cycloaddition von Benzothiet an 4‐substituierte Styrole
Durch thermische Ringoffnung entsteht aus Benzothiet (1) ein 8-π-Elektronensystem 2, das mit den 4-substituierten Styrolen 3a–j die Cycloaddukte 4/5a–j bildet. Die Erhohung der Reaktivitat durch elektronenspendende oder elektronenanziehende Reste und die Einflusse auf die Regioselektivitat werden an Hand von Grenzorbitalbetrachtungen diskutiert. Cycloaddition of Benzothiete of 4-Substituted Styrenes By thermal ring opening benzothiete (1) generates an 8-π electron system 2, which forms the cycloadducts 4/5a–j with 4-substituted styrenes 3a–j. The enhancement of the reactivity by electrondonating as well as electron-withdrawing substituents and their influence on the regioselectivity are dis…
The Endcap Disc DIRC detector of PANDA
Abstract At the international FAIR laboratory, an upcoming significant enlargement of the GSI installations near Darmstadt, Germany, the PANDA antiproton experiment will investigate fundamental questions of hadron physics in the charm quark energy range. Antiprotons in the 1.5 to15 GeV/c momentum range will interact with gas jet or pellet fixed targets. The Endcap Disc DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) covers the forward endcap solid angle of the PANDA target spectrometer to positively identify charged kaons. Monte-Carlo simulations indicate that from 1 up to 4 GeV/c one can achieve kaon–pion separation with a separation power of at least 3 standard deviations. For th…
An open-label, randomized phase II study of adecatumumab, a fully human anti-EpCAM antibody, as monotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer
Background: High-level expression of epithelial cell adhesion molecule (EpCAM) is associated with unfavorable prognosis in breast cancer. This study was designed to investigate two doses of the fully human IgG1 anti-EpCAM antibody adecatumumab (MT201) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Methods: A total of 109 patients were stratified into high- and low-level EpCAM expression by immunohistochemical staining of primary tumors and subsequently randomly assigned to receive monotherapy with either high- (6 mg/kg every two weeks (q2w)) or low-dose adecatumumab (2 mg/kg/ q2w) until disease progression. Results: No complete or partial tumor responses could be confirmed by central RECI…
Particle identification algorithms for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
The International Conference Instrumentation for Colliding Beam Physics , INSTR2020, Novosibirsk, Russia, 24 Feb 2020 - 28 Feb 2020; Journal of Instrumentation 15(09), C09057 (2020). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/09/C09057
Time imaging reconstruction for the PANDA Barrel DIRC
The innovative Barrel DIRC (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov light) counter will provide hadronic particle identification (PID) in the central region of the PANDA experiment at the new Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR), Darmstadt, Germany. This detector is designed to separate charged pions and kaons with at least 3 standard deviations for momenta up to 3.5 GeV/c, covering the polar angle range of 22$^{\circ}$-140$^{\circ}$. An array of microchannel plate photomultiplier tubes is used to detect the location and arrival time of the Cherenkov photons with a position resolution of 2 mm and time precision of about 100 ps. The time imaging reconstruction has been develop…
Synthese von Benzo[b]thioxanthenen
Synthesis of Benzo[b]thioxanthenes Benzo[b]thioxanthenes, heterocyclic compounds related to tetracenes and tetracyclines can be obtained by the reaction of 2H-benzo[b]thiete (1) and 1,4-naphthoquinones (3a–g). The primary cycloadducts 4a–g undergo an autoxidation process leading to the quinones 6a–g. The dihydroxy compound 4e shows an additional isomerization by a tetrafold H transfer (4e 5e′). Another preparative route to benzo[b]thioxanthenes makes use of the cycloadditon reaction of 1 and 1,4-epoxynaphthalenes (7a–d). The primary adducts can be transformed to the title compounds by catalytic dehydration processes (8a–d 9a-d). An alternate regioselective opening of the oxygen bridge can b…
Endcap Disc DIRC for PANDA at FAIR
The Endcap Disc DIRC (EDD) has been developed to provide an excellent particle identification in the future PANDA experiment by separating pions and kaons up to a momentum of 4 GeV/c with a separation power of 3 s.d.. The detector is placed in the forward endcap of the PANDA target spectrometer. It consists of a fused silica plate and focusing elements placed at the outer rim, which focus the Cherenkov light on the photo cathodes of the attached MCP-PMTs. A compact and fast readout of the signals is realized with special ASICs. The performance has been studied and validated with different prototype setups in various testbeam facilities.