Marco Traini

Double parton correlations in Light-Front constituent quark models

Double parton distribution functions (dPDF) represent a tool to explore the 3D proton structure. They can be measured in high energy proton-proton and proton nucleus collisions and encode information on how partons inside a proton are correlated among each other. dPFDs are studied here in the valence quark region, by means of a constituent quark model, where two particle correlations are present without any additional prescription. This framework allows to understand the dynamical origin of the correlations and to clarify which, among the features of the results, are model independent. Use will be made of a relativistic light-front scheme, able to overcome some drawbacks of the previous cal…

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The effective cross section for double parton scattering within a holographic AdS/QCD approach

A first attempt to apply the AdS/QCD framework for a bottom-up approach to the evaluation of the effective cross section for double parton scattering in proton-proton collisions is presented. The main goal is the analytic evaluation of the dependence of the effective cross section on the longitudinal momenta of the involved partons, obtained within the holographic Soft-Wall model. If measured in high-energy processes at hadron colliders, this momentum dependence could open a new window on 2-parton correlations in a proton.

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Double parton correlations and constituent quark models: a light front approach to the valence sector

An explicit evaluation of the double parton distribution functions (dPDFs), within a relativistic Light-Front approach to constituent quark models, is presented. dPDFs encode information on the correlations between two partons inside a target and represent the non-perturbative QCD ingredient for the description of double parton scattering in proton-proton collisions, a crucial issue in the search of new Physics at the LHC. Valence dPDFs are evaluated at the low scale of the model and the perturbative scale of the experiments is reached by means of QCD evolution. The present results show that the strong correlation effects present at the scale of the model are still sizable, in the valence r…

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Towards a unified picture of constituent and current quarks

Using a simple picture of the constituent quark as a composite system of point-like partons, we construct the parton distributions by a convolution between constituent quark momentum distributions and constituent quark structure functions. We evaluate the latter at a low hadronic scale with updated phenomenological information, and we build the momentum distributions using well-known quark models. The resulting parton distributions and structure functions are evolved to the experimental scale and good agreement with the available DIS data is achieved. When compared with a similar calculation using non-composite constituent quarks, the accord with experiment of the present calculation become…

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Nucleon Structure Functions in a Constituent Quark Scenario

Using a simple picture of the constituent quark as a composite system of point-like partons, we construct the polarized part on distributions by a convolution between constituent quark momentum distributions and constituent quark structure functions. We achieve good agreement with experiments in the unpolarized as well as in the polarized case, though a good description of the recent polarized neutron data requires the introduction of one more paramater. When our results are compared with similar calculations using non-composite constituent quarks, the accord with the experiments of the present scheme is impressive. We conclude that DIS data are consistent with a low energy scenario dominat…

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Polarized Structure Functions and the Nucleon Spin

The link between the light-cone momentum distributions of constituent quark models and their corresponding parton distributions is used to study the polarized structure functions g 1 of proton and neutron. The formalism allows to analyze the effects of the structure of the quark model wave function and thus we discuss the SU (6) breaking mechanism associated with the One Gluon Exchange and large D-state admixtures originated in pionic models. We analyze the contribution to these structure functions of the gluon polarization arising from the anomaly.

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Double parton scattering: A study of the effective cross section within a Light-Front quark model

We present a calculation of the effective cross section $\sigma_{eff}$, an important ingredient in the description of double parton scattering in proton-proton collisions. Our theoretical approach makes use of a Light-Front quark model as framework to calculate the double parton distribution functions at low-resolution scale. QCD evolution is implemented to reach the experimental scale. The obtained $\sigma_{eff}$, when averaged over the longitudinal momentum fractions of the interacting partons, $x_i$, is consistent with the present experimental scenario. However the result of the complete calculation shows a dependence of $\sigma_{eff}$ on $x_i$, a feature not easily seen in the available…

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Nucleon Structure Functions and Light-Front Dynamics

We present a quark-parton model to describe polarized and unpolarized nucleon structure functions. The twist-two matrix elements for the QCD evolution analysis of lepton-hadron scattering are calculated within a light-front covariant quark model. The relativistic effects in the three-body wave function are discussed for both the polarized and unpolarized cases. Predictions are given for the polarized gluon distributions as will be seen in future experiments.

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Parton distributions in a constituent quark scenario

A simple picture of the constituent quark as a composite system of point-like partons is used to construct the unpolarized and polarized parton distributions by a convolution between constituent quark momentum distributions and constituent quark structure functions. We achieve good agreement with experiments in the unpolarized, as well as, in the polarized case. When our results are compared with similar calculations using non-composite constituent quarks, the accord with the experiments of the present scheme is impressive. We conclude that DIS data are consistent with a low energy scenario dominated by composite constituents of the nucleon.

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Quark exchange in deep inelastic scattering

We use a model for baryons that links the constituent structure to the deep inelastic (current) properties. The approach consists in a laboratory partonic description (based on a model of hadron structure), to which a low momentum scaleQ 0 is adscribed, which is evolved to high momenta by means of the renormalization group. A generalization of the model by means of the hadronic quark cluster decomposition, provides a description of the structure functions of nuclei and is the starting point to study the effects that the antisymmetrization at the quark level has on the structure function of a model deuteron. The analysis contains conventional and high momentum partonic components. We next st…

research product

Double Parton Distributions in Light-Front Constituent Quark Models

Double parton distribution functions (dPDF), accessible in high energy proton-proton and proton nucleus collisions, encode information on how partons inside a proton are correlated among each other and could represent a tool to explore the 3D proton structure. In recent papers, double parton correlations have been studied in the valence quark region, by means of constituent quark models. This framework allows to understand clearly the dynamical origin of the correlations and to establish which, among the features of the results, are model independent. Recent relevant results, obtained in a relativistic light-front scheme, able to overcome some drawbacks of previous calculations, such as the…

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Polarized structure functions in a constituent quark scenario

Using a simple picture of the constituent quark as a composite system of point-like partons, we construct the polarized parton distributions by a convolution between constituent quark momentum distributions and constituent quark structure functions. Using unpolarized data to fix the parameters we achieve good agreement with the polarization experiments for the proton, while not so for the neutron. By relaxing our assumptions for the sea distributions, we define new quark functions for the polarized case, which reproduce well the proton data and are in better agreement with the neutron data. When our results are compared with similar calculations using non-composite constituent quarks the ac…

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Polarized parton distributions and light-front dynamics

We present a consistent calculation of the structure functions within a light-front constituent quark model of the nucleon. Relativistic effects and the relevance of the covariance constraints are analyzed for both polarized and unpolarized parton distributions. Various models, which differ in their gluonic structure at the hadronic scale, are investigated. The results of the full covariant calculation are compared with those of a non-relativistic approximation to show the structure and magnitude of the differences.

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A model calculation of double parton distribution functions of the pion

Two-parton correlations in the pion are investigated in terms of double parton distribution functions. A Poincar\'e covariant Light-Front framework has been adopted. As non perturbative input, the pion wave function obtained within the so-called soft-wall AdS/QCD model has been used. Results show how novel dynamical information on the structure of the pion, not accessible through one-body parton distribution, are encoded in double parton distribution functions.

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We use a laboratory frame description based on quark model wave functions to study the parton distributions in the nucleon. The present approach incorporates two major improvements, namely, it has the correct support and the renormalization group evolution is carried out to next-to-leading order. We obtain initially the parton distributions arising from the Isgur-Karl wave function. The failure of the latter to reproduce, even approximately, the data motivates us to analyze different scenarios, i.e. additional high momentum components and nonvanishing gluon distributions at the initial scale. We conclude that in order to understand data at various scales complex models simultaneously, it i…

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A model study of nuclear structure functions

We calculate the structure function for a deuteron using the hadronic quark cluster decomposition. By assuming that nuclei might be composed of quasi deuterons, we study their structure functions. The procedure enables a quantum mechanical parametrization of various scenarios, among them nuclear dynamics and nucleon swelling. Moreover it is specially suited to study quark exchange effects. We show, within a scheme where perturbative evolution effects are minimized, that the region around x=1 is very sensitive to these two mechanisms and their effects can be disentangled.

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Constituent quarks and parton distributions

Abstract The high energy parton distribution when evolved to a low energy scale appears to indicate that a valence picture of hadron structure arises. We have developed a formalism based on a laboratory partonic description which connects the parton distributions with the momentum distributions of a quark model. The formalism uses Next to Leading Order evolution and has been defined to produce the right support for the parton distributions. In this scheme we have analyzed the polarized and unpolarized data and shown that well-known Quark Models lead to a qualitative description of the data. However, if one aims at a quantitative agreement, these conventional low energy models have to be cha…

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Parton polarization and constituent quarks

Abstract A systematic study of the polarized-parton distributions is presented and related to the properties of the constituent quarks. The effects of breaking SU(6) symmetry are emphasized and the Isgur-Karl constituent model is discussed in detail. The results on the proton, neutron and deuteron structure functions are compared with the recent experimental data, and the role of the gluon polarization is pointed out. The role of the D-state admixture in the nucleon ground state is also investigated.

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Parton correlations effects in double parton distribution functions

Double parton distribution functions (dPDFs), measurable in hadron-hadron collisions and encoding information on how partons inside a proton are correlated among each other, could represent a new tool to explore the three dimensional partonic structure of hadrons. In the present contribution, results of the calculations of dPFDs are presented. Phenomenological calculations of experimental observables, sensitive to dPDFs are also discussed showing how double parton correlations could be estimated in the next LHC run.

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Effects of wave function correlations on scaling violation in quasi-free electron scattering

Abstract The scaling law in quasi-free electron scattering is broken due to the existence of exchange forces, leading to a finite mean value of the scaling variable y . This effect is considerably increased by wave function correlations, in particular by tensor correlations, similar to the case of the photonuclear enhancement factor κ.

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