Pauline Brugaillères
11 and 15-month-old infants do not compensate immediately for energy variation, and no further adjustment occurs 12 or 24 hours later
International audience; Previously, we demonstrated that, in the short term, infants undercompensated for the energy from a preload given 25 min before an ad libitum meal. However, although not consistent, there is evidence in young children that caloric adjustment may occur over longer periods. We investigated the extent to which further energy adjustment occurs up to 24 h after a single meal preceded by preloads of varying energy density (ED) in infants that are 11 and 15 months old. Short-term caloric adjustment was measured in 11- and 15-month-old infants through a preload paradigm meal in the laboratory. To assess their caloric adjustment over longer periods (12 and 24 h), we used 24 h…
Adapting the spoonful pace to the spoonful weight: a favourable practice linked to the infant caloric compensation ability?
Associations between caloric compensation ability and eating behaviour in infants
Capacité d'ajustement énergétique à court terme chez le nourrisson : évolution autour de 1 an
Combining two observational methods to describe mealtime episodes in mother-infant dyads during complementary feeding
Bébé compense-t-il la consommation d'un aliment plus ou moins énergétique juste avant le repas ? (ANR PUNCH)
Lien entre fonctionnement de la dyade mère-nourrisson au cours du repas et capacités d'ajustement énergétique autour de 11 mois
Short-term caloric adjustment ability in milk-fed infants
Associations between mother-infant dyadic functioning during mealtimes and infant's caloric compensation ability
Capacités d'ajustement énergétique à court terme chez le nourrisson entre 10 et 15 mois : premiers résultats (prix SFN 2015)
Introduction et but de l’etude L’equilibre de la balance energetique est maintenu soit par l’ajustement des depenses energetiques soit par l’ajustement des apports energetiques. L’enquete americaine « 2002 Feeding infants and toddlers » laisse penser qu’une diminution des capacites d’ajustement energetique se produirait autour de 11 mois. Ces capacites se deterioreraient sous l’effet des pratiques de nourrissage notamment au cours de la diversification alimentaire. Aucune etude n’a mesure les capacites d’ajustement energetique a court terme chez des nourrissons entre 10 et 15 mois. L’objectif principal de ce projet etait donc d’evaluer les capacites d’ajustement energetique a court terme a …
Dietary variety in infants by the end of the 1st year: insights from a new questionnaire
There are data on the nutritional composition of foods dedicated to infants but descriptions of the infant's diet in terms of energy density (ED) are sparse. Besides, around the age of 1 year, the infant's diet shifts from foods specifically dedicated to infants to a diet composed of adult foods making this time period of interest. Our objective was to describe the ED of the consumed vegetable, the infants' exposure to dietary ED variability for vegetable-based recipes and whether this was linked to individual characteristics like sex, z-BMI or duration of breastfeeding and the age at the onset of complementary feeding. When their infant was 11 months old, parents completed a 3-month retros…