Saeed S. Jahromi
Spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the star lattice: Competing valence-bond-solid phases studied by means of tensor networks
Using the infinite Projected Entangled Pair States (iPEPS) algorithm, we study the ground-state properties of the spin-$1/2$ quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the star lattice in the thermodynamic limit. By analyzing the ground-state energy of the two inequivalent bonds of the lattice in different unit-cell structures, we identify two competing Valence-Bond-Solid (VBS) phases for different antiferromagnetic Heisenberg exchange couplings. More precisely, we observe (i) a VBS state which respects the full symmetries of the Hamiltonian, and (ii) a resonating VBS state which, in contrast to previous predictions, has a six-site unit-cell order and breaks $C_3$ symmetry. We also studied the g…
Fine Grained Tensor Network Methods.
We develop a strategy for tensor network algorithms that allows to deal very efficiently with lattices of high connectivity. The basic idea is to fine-grain the physical degrees of freedom, i.e., decompose them into more fundamental units which, after a suitable coarse-graining, provide the original ones. Thanks to this procedure, the original lattice with high connectivity is transformed by an isometry into a simpler structure, which is easier to simulate via usual tensor network methods. In particular this enables the use of standard schemes to contract infinite 2d tensor networks - such as Corner Transfer Matrix Renormalization schemes - which are more involved on complex lattice structu…
Infinite projected entangled-pair state algorithm for ruby and triangle-honeycomb lattices
The infinite Projected Entangled-Pair State (iPEPS) algorithm is one of the most efficient techniques for studying the ground-state properties of two-dimensional quantum lattice Hamiltonians in the thermodynamic limit. Here, we show how the algorithm can be adapted to explore nearest-neighbor local Hamiltonians on the ruby and triangle-honeycomb lattices, using the Corner Transfer Matrix (CTM) renormalization group for 2D tensor network contraction. Additionally, we show how the CTM method can be used to calculate the ground state fidelity per lattice site and the boundary density operator and entanglement entropy (EE) on an infinite cylinder. As a benchmark, we apply the iPEPS method to th…
A universal tensor network algorithm for any infinite lattice
We present a general graph-based Projected Entangled-Pair State (gPEPS) algorithm to approximate ground states of nearest-neighbor local Hamiltonians on any lattice or graph of infinite size. By introducing the structural-matrix which codifies the details of tensor networks on any graphs in any dimension $d$, we are able to produce a code that can be essentially launched to simulate any lattice. We further introduce an optimized algorithm to compute simple tensor updates as well as expectation values and correlators with a mean-field-like effective environments. Though not being variational, this strategy allows to cope with PEPS of very large bond dimension (e.g., $D=100$), and produces re…