Fabrizio Puleo

Ni-Based Catalysts for Low Temperature Methane Steam Reforming: Recent Results on Ni-Au and Comparison with Other Bi-Metallic Systems

Steam reforming of light hydrocarbons provides a promising method for hydrogen production. Ni-based catalysts are so far the best and the most commonly used catalysts for steam reforming because of their acceptably high activity and significantly lower cost in comparison with alternative precious metal-based catalysts. However, nickel catalysts are susceptible to deactivation from the deposition of carbon, even when operating at steam-to-carbon ratios predicted to be thermodynamically outside of the carbon-forming regime. Reactivity and deactivation by carbon formation can be tuned by modifying Ni surfaces with a second metal, such as Au through alloy formation. In the present review, we su…

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Nuovi materiali per celle a combustibile ad ossidi solidi a temperatura intermedia (IT-SOFC): sintesi, caratterizzazione e correlazione struttura-proprietà

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The Effect of Ni Doping on the Performance and Electronic Structure of LSCF Cathodes Used for IT-SOFCs

We investigated the effect of nickel doping on the electronic structure and performance of nanostructured La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8-0.03Ni0.03O3-delta prepared by the one-pot sol gel method. The commercial undoped La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta (ISCF0.8) was used as reference. Moreover, for comparison, Ni (3 mol %) was deposited by wetness impregnation over the La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-delta. We show by in situ X-ray absorption spectroscopy at 900 degrees C under air flow that nickel enters the B perovskite site of the material and favors the stabilization of the cobalt oxidation state, as evidenced by the delay in the decrease of the average Co valence with respect to undoped samples. Our results a…

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La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-delta perovskites: Preparation, characterization and solar photocatalytic activity

Abstract LaCoO3 perovskites substituted by Sr at the A site and/or by Fe at the B site have been prepared by the citrate method. Characterizations by several techniques, such as specific surface area (BET method), XRD, TPR, SEM, UV–vis in DRS mode, XPS and TGA analyses, have been performed. The so prepared La1−xSrxCo1−yFeyO3−δ perovskites are semiconductor materials showing band gap energy values from 1.9 to 3.2 eV. They displayed solar photocatalytic activity for the 2-propanol degradation in gas–solid regime. The photocatalytic results suggest that the perovskites containing Fe are less active and the activity decreases by increasing the Fe content, however the presence of iron avoids the…

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Palladium local structure of La1-xSrxCo1-yFey-0.03Pd0.03O3-δperovskites synthesized using a one pot citrate method

Nanostructured La1-xSrxCo1-yFey-0.03Pd0.03O3-δ(LSCF-Pd) perovskites with fixed La-Sr composition (x = 0.4) and two different Fe contents (y = 0.2 and 0.8) were successfully synthesized using a one pot citrate method starting from nitrates of the metal cations. Pd-free La1-xSrxCo1-yFeyO3-δ(LSCF) systems were prepared for comparison. LSCF powders were calcined at 1300 °C and characterized by XRD and Rietveld refinement, EXAFS, XPS, TPR analyses. Promotion of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-δand of La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δby incorporation of palladium was evidenced by solving the local environment of Pd using EXAFS spectroscopy. XPS analyses, in agreement with TPR measurements, demonstrated an inc…

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