Gianguzzi L.

Petagnaea gussonei. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org.

research product

A phytosociological analysis of the Brachypodium rupestre (Host) Roem. & Schult. communities of Sicily.

A phytosociological study on the Brachypodium rupestre grasslands in Sicily is presented. These grasslands form discontinuous secondary stands dynamically linked to the deciduous oak woods, which are widespread within the upper-colline, submontane and lower montane belts (800-1400 m) of the Tyrrhenian side of the northern Sicily and in the Sicani mountains. In the study area B. rupestre grasslands were mainly found in colluvial plains or drainage lines where relatively deep and mesic soils occur. In this paper 42 phytosociological relevés were performed and statistically analysed. Two new associations were described and classified in the alliance Polygalo mediterraneae-Bromion erecti (Brome…

research product

Floristic and phytosociological features of the Brachypodium rupestre communities in Italy

The pale green dense Tor-grass (Brachypodium rupestre) tufts are a quite distinctive aspect of the Italian grassland pattern of the colline and submontane belts. B. rupestre is used to be found in secondary grasslands both in natural environments and in some aspects of the post-coltural environments such as forest clearances, abandoned terraced and extensive pastures. In northern Italy (Alps, Prealps and northern Apennines) B. rupestre has only sporadically been considered in the grasslands syntaxonomic frameworks. On the contrary it occurs in those regarding the central Italy where several semi-natural and post-coltural grassland associations (e.g. Polygalo flavescentis-Brachypodietum, Gal…

research product

Small-scale and high-resolution in geobotanical mapping: the case study of Sicily.

Small-scale and high-resolution in geobotanical mapping: the case study of Sicily.

research product

Bupleurum elatum. – In PASTA S., PEREZ-GRABER A., FAZAN L. & MONTMOLLIN B. DE (Eds), The Top 50 Mediterranean Island Plants, UPDATE 2017: http://top50.iucn-mpsg.org/species/15. IUCN/SSC/ Mediterranean Plant Specialist Group. Neuchâtel (Switzerland). E-book and on line. 141 pp. top50.iucn-mpsg.org

research product

L’Isola di Pantelleria., pp. 396-399. In BLASI C. & BIONDI E., La flora in Italia, 2017. Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, pp. 704 Sapienza Università Editrice, Roma.

research product

Diversity and conservation in wild and cultivated Capparis in Sicily

The taxonomy, distribution and ecology of the polymorphic Capparis spinosa L. in Sicily are discussed. C. spinosa subsp. rupeslris (Sibth. & Sm.) Nyman , a leathery-Ieaved, pendulous-branched shrub is widespread on carbonate, volcanic and gypsaceous outcrops. Subsp. spinosa, a thorny chamaephyte or hemicryptophyte with creeping branches, is mainly distributed in south-central parts of Sicily, on clay and natric soils under xerophilous conditions. Attention is drawn to a remarkable environment-induced variation within the latter subspecies. The heterogeneity of the cultivated forms of subsp. rupestris on the island of Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) appears to be linked to crossing and in…

research product

The order Quercetalia virgilianae: a new proposal for the classification of semi-deciduous forests in the Mediterranean and sub-Mediterranean area.

The semi-deciduous oaks belonging to Quercus pubescens s.l. group (Q. congesta C. Presl, Q. virgiliana (Ten.) Ten., Q. dalechampii Ten., Q. amplifolia Guss. and Q. leptobalanus Guss.) are widespread in the Italian Peninsula, Sicily, Sardinia and along the southern coasts of the Balkan peninsula and more generally in the whole Mediterranean area, especially in the transition zone between the temperate and Mediterranean macrobioclimate identified by the sub-mediterranean variant (Brullo et al., 1999). These forests are currently expanding rapidly because of the decreased anthropic exploitation. The syntaxonomic classification of these forest typologies is quite critical, because their florist…

research product

Historical Landscape Ecology of the Favorita Park in Palermo (Sicily)

Historical Landscape Ecology of the Favorita Park in Palermo

research product

Nuove segnalazioni floristiche italiane 6. Flora vascolare (47–53)

research product

Indagini ecologico-ambientali e microbiologiche sui siti di Petagnaea gussonei (Sprengel) Rauschert (Apiaceae), specie relitta dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia NE).

research product

La Rete Natura 2000 nel Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte.

research product

Distribuzione, ecologia e stato di conservazione delle popolazioni a Stipa austroitalica Martinovský s.l. (specie di interesse comunitario) in Italia

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