

Diversity and conservation in wild and cultivated Capparis in Sicily

Fici S.Gianguzzi L.


Settore BIO/02 - Botanica SistematicaCapparis spinosa cultivation ecology shrub subspecies taxonomy


The taxonomy, distribution and ecology of the polymorphic Capparis spinosa L. in Sicily are discussed. C. spinosa subsp. rupeslris (Sibth. & Sm.) Nyman , a leathery-Ieaved, pendulous-branched shrub is widespread on carbonate, volcanic and gypsaceous outcrops. Subsp. spinosa, a thorny chamaephyte or hemicryptophyte with creeping branches, is mainly distributed in south-central parts of Sicily, on clay and natric soils under xerophilous conditions. Attention is drawn to a remarkable environment-induced variation within the latter subspecies. The heterogeneity of the cultivated forms of subsp. rupestris on the island of Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) appears to be linked to crossing and introgression with wild populations.
