Fici S.
Contributo alla conoscenza della flora somala
Nell'ambito di ricerche sulla flora dell'Africa orientale è stata accertata la presenza di alcune specie nuove per il territorio somalo. Nel presente contributo vengono segnalate nel distretto di Mogadiscio tre graminacee, rinvenute in habitat sinantropici. Si tratta in particolare di Perotis hildebrandtii Mez e Cenchrus setigerus Vahl, nuove per l'intero territorio somalo, e di Aristida protensa Henrard, sinora nota in una singola stazione della Somalia nord-orientale.
Diversity and conservation in wild and cultivated Capparis in Sicily
The taxonomy, distribution and ecology of the polymorphic Capparis spinosa L. in Sicily are discussed. C. spinosa subsp. rupeslris (Sibth. & Sm.) Nyman , a leathery-Ieaved, pendulous-branched shrub is widespread on carbonate, volcanic and gypsaceous outcrops. Subsp. spinosa, a thorny chamaephyte or hemicryptophyte with creeping branches, is mainly distributed in south-central parts of Sicily, on clay and natric soils under xerophilous conditions. Attention is drawn to a remarkable environment-induced variation within the latter subspecies. The heterogeneity of the cultivated forms of subsp. rupestris on the island of Pantelleria (Strait of Sicily) appears to be linked to crossing and in…
Estudio de la variabilidad genética de repoblaciones de Quercus ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. in Bol. en Andalucìa
An adequate management of the reproductive material for reforestation activities is fundamental in the conservation of forest genetic resources. In the present work the levels of genetic diversity and differentiation between artificial stands of Quercus ilex and the adjacent natural stands are assessed with nuclear microsatellites. Also, it was possible to analyse the natural population used as seed source for one of the reforestations studied. The levels of genetic differentiation between natural and artificial stands and the decrease of genetic diversity from the seed origin population to the reforestation are discussed in relation to the transference of seed among provenance regions and …
Ricerche tassonomiche sulle Capparaceae della Somalia: una nuova combinazione nel genere Boscia Lam.
Lo studio dei tipi di Boscia tomentella Chiov. e Maerua mazzocchii (Chiov.) Chiov. ha dimostrato che si tratta di taxa conspecifici, correttamente inquadrabili nel genere Boscia. Sulla base delle regole nomenclaturali, viene quindi istituita la nuova combinazione Boscia mazzocchii (Chiov.) Fici et Kers, comb. nov.
Il contributo dell'Orto Botanico di Palermo allo studio tassonomico delle flore tropicali
The Palermo Botanical Garden contained, since its foundation, rich collections of tropical and subtropical plants. In the past various botanists like A. Todaro, A. Borzì, G.E. Mattei, D. Lanza, V. Riccobono, A. Terracciano, carried out studies on entities growing in the Garden, describing several new taxa. Taxonomical and phytogeographical researches on the flora of the Horn of Africa have been recently undertaken.
Floristic affinities between the somali and the mediterranean regions
The phytogeographical connections between Somalia and the Mediterranean Region were analyzed. 99 families and about 300 genera turned out to be common to the two areas, representing 67 per cent of the families and 32 per cent of the genera in the whole Somali flora. If considering only the flora of the northern portion of Somalia, these values respectively reach 76 per cent of the families and 40 per cent of the genera. Furthermore several species are common to the two areas, some showing continuous distribution between eastern Africa and the Mediterranean Region, while others have strongly disjunct distribution.
Provisional list of succulent species of the Mediterranean Region
Succulent plants are relatively scarce in the Mediterranean Region, and dominant in a few areas. Most species belong to genera of Crassulaceae widespread in the boreal Regions. The main threat for succulents in the area is habitat modification and destruction. Industrial and touristic development, grazing, dams and mining activities are relevant factors of risk, as well as fires and invasive species.
Primo rinvenimento di Juniperus sabina L. sul massiccio del Pollino, Italia meridionale
Viene segnalata per la prima volta la presenza di Juniperus sabina L. sul massiccio del Pollino, dove la specie è stata rinvenuta in habitat rupicolo in due stazioni ricadenti rispettivamente in territorio calabrese e lucano. Le stazioni vengono caratterizzate dal punto di vista floristico ed ecologico.
Boscia, Cadaba, Capparis
The family Capparaceae is represented in Somalia by various genera. Among these the genus Boscia includes 6 species, the genus Cadaba includes 10 species, and the genus Capparis 4 species. A description and key are furnished for the genera. For each species the description, ecology and distribution are reported.