Vicente G. Casabó

Modified nonsink equation for permeability estimation in cell monolayers: comparison with standard methods.

Cell culture permeability experiments are valuable tools in drug development and candidate selection, but the monolayer preparation protocols and the calculations procedures can affect the permeability estimation. Hence, standardization and method suitability demonstration are necessary steps for using permeability data for regulatory and in vivo prediction purposes. Much attention is usually paid to experimental procedure validation and less to the mathematical analysis of the results although the standard equations used imply several assumptions that many times do not hold. The aim of this study was to use a simulation strategy to explore the performance of a new proposed modified nonsink…

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Pharmacokinetics in Drug Discovery

The aim of this current review is to summarize the present status of pharmacokinetics in Drug Discovery. The review is structured into four sections. The first section is a general overview of what we understand by pharmacokinetics and the different LADMET aspects: Liberation, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excretion, and Toxicity. The second section highlights the different computational or in silico approaches to estimate/predict one or several aspects of the pharmacokinetic profile of a discovery lead compound. The third section discusses the most commonly used in vitro methodologies. The fourth and last section examines the various approaches employed towards the pharmacokinetic …

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Innovative in Vitro Method To Predict Rate and Extent of Drug Delivery to the Brain across the Blood–Brain Barrier

The relevant parameters for predicting rate and extent of access across the blood-brain barrier (BBB) are fu,plasma (unbound fraction in plasma), Vu,brain (distribution volume in brain) and Kp,uu,brain (ratio of free concentrations in plasma and brain). Their estimation still requires animal studies and in vitro low throughput experiments which make difficult the screening of new CNS candidates. The aim of the present work was to develop a new whole in vitro high throughput method to predict drug rate and extent of access across the BBB. The system permits estimation of fu,plasma, Vu,brain and Kp,uu,brain in a single experimental system, using in vitro cell monolayers in different condition…

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P2-283: Dose individualization of Carboplatin in elderly patients with advanced non small cell lung cancer (ANSCLC): an exploratory analysis

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Studies on the reliability of a bihyperbolic functional absorption model. II. Phenylalkylamines

Evidence is given that demonstrates the reliability of the bihyperbolic equation, proposed by Pla-Delfina and Moreno, in fitting the correlation between absorption rate constants (ka) found in the small intestine and in the colon of the living anesthetized rat, and partition constants (1/R.F−1), for a series of phenylalkylamines, a group of compounds which differ largely from others which have been tested. Emphasis is laid on the nonexistence of an optimum of lipophilicity for intestinal absorption/partition correlation: This feature makes inapplicable the probabilistic approaches to the reported data.

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Semi-physiologic model validation and bioequivalence trials simulation to select the best analyte for acetylsalicylic acid

Abstract The objective of this paper is to apply a previously developed semi-physiologic pharmacokinetic model implemented in NONMEM to simulate bioequivalence trials (BE) of acetyl salicylic acid (ASA) in order to validate the model performance against ASA human experimental data. ASA is a drug with first-pass hepatic and intestinal metabolism following Michaelis–Menten kinetics that leads to the formation of two main metabolites in two generations (first and second generation metabolites). The first aim was to adapt the semi-physiological model for ASA in NOMMEN using ASA pharmacokinetic parameters from literature, showing its sequential metabolism. The second aim was to validate this mod…

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Population modelling to describe pharmacokinetics of amiodarone in rats: Relevance of plasma protein and tissue depot binding

The objective of this paper was to characterize the disposition phase of AM in rats, after different high doses and modalities of i.v. administration. Three fitting programs, WINNONLIN, ADAPT II and NONMEM were employed. The two-stage fitting methods led to different results, none of which can adequately explain amiodarone's behaviour, although a great amount of data per subject is available. The non-linear mixed effect modelling approach allows satisfactory estimation of population pharmacokinetic parameters, and their respective variability. The best model to define the AM pharmacokinetic profile is a two-compartment model, with saturable and dynamic plasma protein binding and linear tiss…

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Correlation BetweenIn Vitro,In Situ, andIn Vivo Models

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Computer simulations for bioequivalence trials: selection of analyte in BCS drugs with first-pass metabolism and two metabolic pathways.

The objective of this work is to use a computer simulation approach to define the most sensitive analyte for in vivo bioequivalence studies of all types of Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) drugs undergoing first-pass hepatic metabolism with two metabolic pathways. A semi-physiological model was developed in NONMEM VI to simulate bioequivalence trials. Four BCS classes (from Class I to IV) of drugs, with three possible saturation scenarios (non-saturation, saturation and saturation of only the major route of metabolism), two (high or low) dose schemes, and six types of pharmaceutical quality for the drug products were simulated. The number of investigated scenarios was 144 (4 × 3…

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A new mathematical approach for the estimation of the AUC and its variability under different experimental designs in preclinical studies

The aim of the present work was to develop a new mathematical method for estimating the area under the curve (AUC) and its variability that could be applied in different preclinical experimental designs and amenable to be implemented in standard calculation worksheets. In order to assess the usefulness of the new approach, different experimental scenarios were studied and the results were compared with those obtained with commonly used software: WinNonlin® and Phoenix WinNonlin®. The results do not show statistical differences among the AUC values obtained by both procedures, but the new method appears to be a better estimator of the AUC standard error, measured as the coverage of 95% confi…

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Validation of a semi-physiological model for caffeine in healthy subjects and cirrhotic patients.

The objective of this paper was to validate a previously developed semi physiological model to simulate bioequivalence trials of drug products. The aim of the model was to ascertain whether the measurement of the metabolite concentration-time profiles would provide any additional information in bioequivalence studies (Fernandez-Teruel et al., 2009a,b; Navarro-Fontestad et al., 2010). The semi-physiological model implemented in NONMEM VI was used to simulate caffeine and its main metabolite plasma levels using caffeine parameters from bibliography. Data from 3 bioequivalence studies in healthy subjects at 3 different doses (100, 175 and 400mg of caffeine) and one study in cirrhotic patients …

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Permutation Test (PT) and Tolerated Difference Test (TDT): Two new, robust and powerful nonparametric tests for statistical comparison of dissolution profiles

The most popular way of comparing oral solid forms of drug formulations from different batches or manufacturers is through dissolution profile comparison. Usually, a similarity factor known as (f2) is employed; However, the level of confidence associated with this method is uncertain and its statistical power is low. In addition, f2 lacks the flexibility needed to perform in special scenarios. In this study two new statistical tests based on nonparametrical Permutation Test theory are described, the Permutation Test (PT), which is very restrictive to confer similarity, and the Tolerated Difference Test (TDT), which has flexible restrictedness to confer similarity, are described and compared…

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Computer simulations of bioequivalence trials: selection of design and analyte in BCS drugs with first-pass hepatic metabolism: linear kinetics (I).

Modeling and simulation approaches are useful tools to assess the potential outcome of different scenarios in bioequivalence studies. The aim of this study is to propose a new and improved semi-physiological model for bioequivalence trial simulations and apply it for all BCS (Biopharmaceutic Classification System) drug classes with non-saturated first-pass hepatic metabolism. The semi-physiological model was developed in NONMEM VI to simulate bioequivalence trials. Parent drug and metabolite levels for both reference and test were simulated. Eight types of drugs (with high or low permeability and high or low solubility (class I to IV) and high or low intrinsic clearance) were considered in …

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