Sergey Repin

A posteriori estimates for the stationary Stokes problem in exterior domains

This paper is concerned with the analysis of the inf-sup condition arising in the stationary Stokes problem in exterior domains and applications to the derivation of computable bounds for the distance between the exact solution of the exterior Stokes problem and a certain approximation (which may be of a rather general form). In the first part, guaranteed bounds are deduced for the constant in the stability lemma associated with the exterior domain. These bounds depend only on known constants and the stability constant related to bounded domains that arise after suitable truncations of the unbounded domains. The lemma in question implies computable estimates of the distance to the set of di…

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On the Reliability of Error Indication Methods for Problems with Uncertain Data

This paper is concerned with studying the effects of uncertain data in the context of error indicators, which are often used in mesh adaptive numerical methods. We consider the diffusion equation and assume that the coefficients of the diffusion matrix are known not exactly, but within some margins (intervals). Our goal is to study the relationship between the magnitude of uncertainty and reliability of different error indication methods. Our results show that even small values of uncertainty may seriously affect the performance of all error indicators.

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Functional A Posteriori Error Estimates for Time-Periodic Parabolic Optimal Control Problems

This article is devoted to the a posteriori error analysis of multiharmonic finite element approximations to distributed optimal control problems with time-periodic state equations of parabolic type. We derive a posteriori estimates of the functional type, which are easily computable and provide guaranteed upper bounds for the state and co-state errors as well as for the cost functional. These theoretical results are confirmed by several numerical tests that show high efficiency of the a posteriori error bounds. peerReviewed

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Error Estimates of Uzawa Iteration Method for a Class of Bingham Fluids

The paper is concerned with fully guaranteed and computable bounds of errors generated by Uzawa type methods for variational problems in the theory of visco-plastic fluids. The respective estimates have two forms. The first form contains global constants (such as the constant in the Friedrichs inequality for the respective domain), and the second one is based upon decomposition of the domain into a collection of subdomains and uses local constants associated with subdomains.

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Two-Sided Estimates of the Solution Set for the Reaction–Diffusion Problem with Uncertain Data

We consider linear reaction–diffusion problems with mixed Dirichlet–Neumann–Robin conditions. The diffusion matrix, reaction coefficient, and the coefficient in the Robin boundary condition are defined with an uncertainty which allow bounded variations around some given mean values. A solution to such a problem cannot be exactly determined (it is a function in the set of “possible solutions” formed by generalized solutions related to possible data). The problem is to find parameters of this set. In this paper, we show that computable lower and upper bounds of the diameter (or radius) of the set can be expressed throughout problem data and parameters that regulate the indeterminacy range. Ou…

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On a posteriori error bounds for approximations of the generalized Stokes problem generated by the Uzawa algorithm

In this paper, we derive computable a posteriori error bounds for approximations computed by the Uzawa algorithm for the generalized Stokes problem. We show that for each Uzawa iteration both the velocity error and the pressure error are bounded from above by a constant multiplied by the L2-norm of the divergence of the velocity. The derivation of the estimates essentially uses a posteriori estimates of the functional type for the Stokes problem. peerReviewed

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Errors Arising in Computer Simulation Methods

The goal of this introductory chapter is to discuss in general terms different classes of errors arising in computer simulation methods and to direct the reader to the chapters and sections of the book where these errors are analyzed. Moreover, we describe the error estimation methodology applied in this book.

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Reliable numerical solution of a class of nonlinear elliptic problems generated by the Poisson-Boltzmann equation

We consider a class of nonlinear elliptic problems associated with models in biophysics, which are described by the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE). We prove mathematical correctness of the problem, study a suitable class of approximations, and deduce guaranteed and fully computable bounds of approximation errors. The latter goal is achieved by means of the approach suggested in [S. Repin, A posteriori error estimation for variational problems with uniformly convex functionals. Math. Comp., 69:481-500, 2000] for convex variational problems. Moreover, we establish the error identity, which defines the error measure natural for the considered class of problems and show that it yields computa…

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Localized forms of the LBB condition and a posteriori estimates for incompressible media problems

Abstract The inf–sup (or LBB) condition plays a crucial role in analysis of viscous flow problems and other problems related to incompressible media. In this paper, we deduce localized forms of this condition that contain a collection of local constants associated with subdomains instead of one global constant for the whole domain. Localized forms of the LBB inequality imply estimates of the distance to the set of divergence free fields. We use them and deduce fully computable bounds of the distance between approximate and exact solutions of boundary value problems arising in the theory of viscous incompressible fluids. The estimates are valid for approximations, which satisfy the incompres…

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Biharmonic obstacle problem: guaranteed and computable error bounds for approximate solutions

The paper is concerned with a free boundary problem generated by the biharmonic operator and an obstacle. The main goal is to deduce a fully guaranteed upper bound of the difference between the exact minimizer u and any function (approximation) from the corresponding energy class (which consists of the functions in $H^2$ satisfying the prescribed boundary conditions and the restrictions stipulated by the obstacle). For this purpose we use the duality method of the calculus of variations and general type error identities earlier derived for a wide class of convex variational problems. By this method, we define a combined primal--dual measure of error. It contains four terms of different natu…

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Mesh-adaptive methods for viscous flow problem with rotation

In this paper, new functional type a posteriori error estimates for the viscous flow problem with rotating term are presented. The estimates give guaranteed upper bounds of the energy norm of the error and provide reliable error indication. We describe the implementation of the adaptive finite element methods (AFEM) in the framework of the functional type estimates proposed. Computational properties of the estimates are investigated on series of numerical examples.

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A posteriori estimates for a coupled piezoelectric model

Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)

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A posteriori error majorants of the modeling errors for elliptic homogenization problems

In this paper, we derive new two-sided a posteriori estimates of the modeling errors for linear elliptic boundary value problems with periodic coefficients solved by homogenization. Our approach is based on the concept of functional a posteriori error estimation. The estimates are obtained for the energy norm and use solely the global flux of the non-oscillatory solution of the homogenized model and solution of a boundary value problem on the cell of periodicity.

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Estimates of the modeling error generated by homogenization of an elliptic boundary value problem

Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)

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A posteriori error estimates for time-dependent reaction-diffusion problems based on the Payne-Weinberger inequality

We consider evolutionary reaction-diffusion problem with mixed Dirichlet--Robin boundary conditions. For this class of problems, we derive two-sided estimates of the distance between any function in the admissible energy space and exact solution of the problem. The estimates (majorants and minorants) are explicitly computable and do not contain unknown functions or constants. Moreover, it is proved that the estimates are equivalent to the energy norm of the deviation from the exact solution.

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A new incremental method of computing the limit load in deformation plasticity models

The aim of this paper is to introduce a new incremental procedure that can be used for numerical evaluation of the limit load. Existing incremental type methods are based on parametrization of the energy by the loading parameter $\zeta\in[0,\zeta_{lim})$, where $\zeta_{lim}$ is generally unknown. In the new method, the incremental procedure is operated in terms of an inverse mapping and the respective parameter $\alpha$ is changing in the interval $(0,+\infty)$. Theoretically, in each step of this algorithm, we obtain a guaranteed lower bound of $\zeta_{lim}$. Reduction of the problem to a finite element subspace associated with a mesh $\mathcal T_h$ generates computable bound $\zeta_{lim,h…

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Computable majorants of the limit load in Hencky’s plasticity problems

Abstract We propose a new method for analyzing the limit (safe) load of elastoplastic media governed by the Hencky plasticity law and deduce fully computable bounds of this load. The main idea of the method is based on a combination of kinematic approach and new estimates of the distance to the set of divergence free fields. We show that two sided bounds of the limit load are sharp and the computational efficiency of the method is confirmed by numerical experiments.

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Reliable computation and local mesh adaptivity in limit analysis

The contribution is devoted to computations of the limit load for a perfectly plastic model with the von Mises yield criterion. The limit factor of a prescribed load is defined by a specific variational problem, the so-called limit analysis problem. This problem is solved in terms of deformation fields by a penalization, the finite element and the semismooth Newton methods. From the numerical solution, we derive a guaranteed upper bound of the limit factor. To achieve more accurate results, a local mesh adaptivity is used. peerReviewed

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A reliable incremental method of computing the limit load in deformation plasticity based on compliance : Continuous and discrete setting

The aim of this paper is to introduce an enhanced incremental procedure that can be used for the numerical evaluation and reliable estimation of the limit load. A conventional incremental method of limit analysis is based on parametrization of the respective variational formulation by the loading parameter ? ? ( 0 , ? l i m ) , where ? l i m is generally unknown. The enhanced incremental procedure is operated in terms of an inverse mapping ? : α ? ? where the parameter α belongs to ( 0 , + ∞ ) and its physical meaning is work of applied forces at the equilibrium state. The function ? is continuous, nondecreasing and its values tend to ? l i m as α ? + ∞ . Reduction of the problem to a finit…

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An abstract inf-sup problem inspired by limit analysis in perfect plasticity and related applications

This paper is concerned with an abstract inf-sup problem generated by a bilinear Lagrangian and convex constraints. We study the conditions that guarantee no gap between the inf-sup and related sup-inf problems. The key assumption introduced in the paper generalizes the well-known Babuška–Brezzi condition. It is based on an inf-sup condition defined for convex cones in function spaces. We also apply a regularization method convenient for solving the inf-sup problem and derive a computable majorant of the critical (inf-sup) value, which can be used in a posteriori error analysis of numerical results. Results obtained for the abstract problem are applied to continuum mechanics. In particular…

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A posteriori error identities for nonlinear variational problems

A posteriori error estimation methods are usually developed in the context of upper and lower bounds of errors. In this paper, we are concerned with a posteriori analysis in terms of identities, i.e., we deduce error relations, which holds as equalities. We discuss a general form of error identities for a wide class of convex variational problems. The left hand sides of these identities can be considered as certain measures of errors (expressed in terms of primal/dual solutions and respective approximations) while the right hand sides contain only known approximations. Finally, we consider several examples and show that in some simple cases these identities lead to generalized forms of the …

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A Unified Approach to Measuring Accuracy of Error Indicators

In this paper, we present a unified approach to error indication for elliptic boundary value problems. We introduce two different definitions of the accuracy (weak and strong) and show that various indicators result from one principal relation. In particular, this relation generates all the main types of error indicators, which have already gained high popularity in numerical practice. Also, we discuss some new forms of indicators that follow from a posteriori error majorants of the functional type and compare them with other indicators. Finally, we discuss another question related to accuracy of error indicators for problems with incompletely known data.

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Guaranteed error control bounds for the stabilised space-time IgA approximations to parabolic problems

The paper is concerned with space-time IgA approximations of parabolic initial-boundary value problems. We deduce guaranteed and fully computable error bounds adapted to special features of IgA approximations and investigate their applicability. The derivation method is based on the analysis of respective integral identities and purely functional arguments. Therefore, the estimates do not contain mesh-dependent constants and are valid for any approximation from the admissible (energy) class. In particular, they provide computable error bounds for norms associated with stabilised space-time IgA approximations as well as imply efficient error indicators enhancing the performance of fully adap…

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Guaranteed error bounds and local indicators for adaptive solvers using stabilised space-time IgA approximations to parabolic problems

The paper is concerned with space–time IgA approximations to parabolic initial–boundary value problems. We deduce guaranteed and fully computable error bounds adapted to special features of such type of approximations and investigate their efficiency. The derivation of error estimates is based on the analysis of the corresponding integral identity and exploits purely functional arguments in the maximal parabolic regularity setting. The estimates are valid for any approximation from the admissible (energy) class and do not contain mesh-dependent constants. They provide computable and fully guaranteed error bounds for the norms arising in stabilised space–time approximations. Furthermore, a p…

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A Posteriori Error Bounds for Approximations of the Oseen Problem and Applications to the Uzawa Iteration Algorithm

Abstract. We derive computable bounds of deviations from the exact solution of the stationary Oseen problem. They are applied to approximations generated by the Uzawa iteration method. Also, we derive an advanced form of the estimate, which takes into account approximation errors arising due to discretization of the boundary value problem, generated by the main step of the Uzawa method. Numerical tests confirm our theoretical results and show practical applicability of the estimates.

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Functional a posteriori error estimates for boundary element methods

Functional error estimates are well-established tools for a posteriori error estimation and related adaptive mesh-refinement for the finite element method (FEM). The present work proposes a first functional error estimate for the boundary element method (BEM). One key feature is that the derived error estimates are independent of the BEM discretization and provide guaranteed lower and upper bounds for the unknown error. In particular, our analysis covers Galerkin BEM and the collocation method, what makes the approach of particular interest for scientific computations and engineering applications. Numerical experiments for the Laplace problem confirm the theoretical results.

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An abstract inf-sup problem inspired by limit analysis in perfect plasticity and related applications

This work is concerned with an abstract inf-sup problem generated by a bilinear Lagrangian and convex constraints. We study the conditions that guarantee no gap between the inf-sup and related sup-inf problems. The key assumption introduced in the paper generalizes the well-known Babuska-Brezzi condition. It is based on an inf-sup condition defined for convex cones in function spaces. We also apply a regularization method convenient for solving the inf-sup problem and derive a computable majorant of the critical (inf-sup) value, which can be used in a posteriori error analysis of numerical results. Results obtained for the abstract problem are applied to continuum mechanics. In particular, …

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Rank structured approximation method for quasi--periodic elliptic problems

We consider an iteration method for solving an elliptic type boundary value problem $\mathcal{A} u=f$, where a positive definite operator $\mathcal{A}$ is generated by a quasi--periodic structure with rapidly changing coefficients (typical period is characterized by a small parameter $\epsilon$) . The method is based on using a simpler operator $\mathcal{A}_0$ (inversion of $\mathcal{A}_0$ is much simpler than inversion of $\mathcal{A}$), which can be viewed as a preconditioner for $\mathcal{A}$. We prove contraction of the iteration method and establish explicit estimates of the contraction factor $q$. Certainly the value of $q$ depends on the difference between $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal…

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Poincaré Type Inequalities for Vector Functions with Zero Mean Normal Traces on the Boundary and Applications to Interpolation Methods

We consider inequalities of the Poincaré–Steklov type for subspaces of H1 -functions defined in a bounded domain Ω∈Rd with Lipschitz boundary ∂Ω . For scalar valued functions, the subspaces are defined by zero mean condition on ∂Ω or on a part of ∂Ω having positive d−1 measure. For vector valued functions, zero mean conditions are applied to normal components on plane faces of ∂Ω (or to averaged normal components on curvilinear faces). We find explicit and simply computable bounds of constants in the respective Poincaré type inequalities for domains typically used in finite element methods (triangles, quadrilaterals, tetrahedrons, prisms, pyramids, and domains composed of them). The second …

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Guaranteed Error Bounds for Conforming Approximations of a Maxwell Type Problem

This paper is concerned with computable error estimates for approximations to a boundary-value problem $$\mathrm{curl}\ {\mu }^{-1}\mathrm{curl}\ u + {\kappa }^{2}u = j\quad \textrm{ in }\Omega ,$$ where μ > 0 and κ are bounded functions. We derive a posteriori error estimates valid for any conforming approximations of the considered problems. For this purpose, we apply a new approach that is based on certain transformations of the basic integral identity. The consistency of the derived a posteriori error estimates is proved and the corresponding computational strategies are discussed.

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New Indicators of Approximation Errors for Problems in Continuum Mechanics

In this paper we present a new error indicator for approximate solutions of elliptic problems. We discuss error indication with the paradigm of the diffusion problem, however the techniques are easily adaptable to more complicated elliptic problems, for example to linear elasticity, viscous flow models and electromagnetic models. The proposed indicator does not contain mesh dependent constants and it admits parallelization. nonPeerReviewed

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Two-Sided Guaranteed Estimates of the Cost Functional for Optimal Control Problems with Elliptic State Equations

In the paper, we discuss error estimation methods for optimal control problems with distributed control functions entering the right-hand side of the corresponding elliptic state equations. Our analysis is based on a posteriori error estimates of the functional type, which were derived in the last decade for many boundary value problems. They provide guaranteed two-sided bounds of approximation errors for any conforming approximation. If they are applied to approximate solutions of state equations, then we obtain new variational formulations of optimal control problems and guaranteed bounds of the cost functional. Moreover, for problems with linear state equations this procedure leads to gu…

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On Computational Properties of a Posteriori Error Estimates Based upon the Method of Duality Error Majorants

In the present paper, we analyze computational properties of the functional type a posteriori error estimates that have been derived for elliptic type boundary-value problems by duality theory in calculus of variations. We are concerned with the ability of this type of a posteriori estimates to provide accurate upper bounds of global errors and properly indicate the distribution of local ones. These questions were analyzed on a series of boundary-value problems for linear elliptic operators of 2nd and 4th order. The theoretical results are confirmed by numerical tests in which the duality error majorant for the classical diffusion problem is compared with the standard error indicator used i…

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Guaranteed Error Bounds I

In Chap. 3, we discussed the main ideas of fully reliable error control methods and the corresponding numerical algorithms with the paradigm of simple elliptic type problems. This chapter is intended to show a deep connection between a posteriori estimates of the functional type and physical relations generating the problem. Also, the goal of this chapter is to consider a wider set of problems arising in various applications and explain things in terms of computational mechanics. For this purpose, we begin with a simple class of mechanical problems (straight beams) and after that consider curvilinear beams and more complicated models of continuum mechanics (linear elasticity, viscous fluids…

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Guaranteed and computable error bounds for approximations constructed by an iterative decoupling of the Biot problem

The paper is concerned with guaranteed a posteriori error estimates for a class of evolutionary problems related to poroelastic media governed by the quasi-static linear Biot equations. The system is decoupled by employing the fixed-stress split scheme, which leads to an iteratively solved semi-discrete system. The error bounds are derived by combining a posteriori estimates for contractive mappings with functional type error control for elliptic partial differential equations. The estimates are applicable to any approximation in the admissible functional space and are independent of the discretization method. They are fully computable, do not contain mesh-dependent constants, and provide r…

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Error identities for variational problems with obstacles

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A posteriori error estimates for a Maxwell type problem

In this paper, we discuss a posteriori estimates for the Maxwell type boundary-value problem. The estimates are derived by transformations of integral identities that define the generalized solution and are valid for any conforming approximation of the exact solution. It is proved analytically and confirmed numerically that the estimates indeed provide a computable and guaranteed bound of approximation errors. Also, it is shown that the estimates imply robust error indicators that represent the distribution of local (inter-element) errors measured in terms of different norms. peerReviewed

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Indicators of Errors for Approximate Solutions of Differential Equations

Error indicators play an important role in mesh-adaptive numerical algorithms, which currently dominate in mathematical and numerical modeling of various models in physics, chemistry, biology, economics, and other sciences. Their goal is to present a comparative measure of errors related to different parts of the computational domain, which could suggest a reasonable way of improving the finite dimensional space used to compute the approximate solution. An “ideal” error indicator must possess several properties: efficiency, computability, and universality. In other words, it must correctly reproduce the distribution of errors, be indeed computable, and be applicable to a wide set of approxi…

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Errors Generated by Uncertain Data

In this chapter, we study effects caused by incompletely known data. In practice, the data are never known exactly, therefore the results generated by a mathematical model also have a limited accuracy. Then, the whole subject of error analysis should be treated in a different manner, and accuracy of numerical solutions should be considered within a framework of a more complicated scheme, which includes such notions as maximal and minimal distances to the solution set and its radius.

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Guaranteed error bounds for a class of Picard-Lindelöf iteration methods

We present a new version of the Picard-Lindelof method for ordinary dif- ¨ ferential equations (ODEs) supplied with guaranteed and explicitly computable upper bounds of an approximation error. The upper bounds are based on the Ostrowski estimates and the Banach fixed point theorem for contractive operators. The estimates derived in the paper take into account interpolation and integration errors and, therefore, provide objective information on the accuracy of computed approximations. peerReviewed

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Exact constants in Poincaré type inequalities for functions with zero mean boundary traces

In this paper, we investigate Poincare type inequalities for the functions having zero mean value on the whole boundary of a Lipschitz domain or on a measurable part of the boundary. We find exact and easily computable constants in these inequalities for some basic domains (rectangles, cubes, and right triangles) and discuss applications of the inequalities to quantitative analysis of partial differential equations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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Thin obstacle problem : Estimates of the distance to the exact solution

We consider elliptic variational inequalities generated by obstacle type problems with thin obstacles. For this class of problems, we deduce estimates of the distance (measured in terms of the natural energy norm) between the exact solution and any function that satisfies the boundary condition and is admissible with respect to the obstacle condition (i.e., they are valid for any approximation regardless of the method by which it was found). Computation of the estimates does not require knowledge of the exact solution and uses only the problem data and an approximation. The estimates provide guaranteed upper bounds of the error (error majorants) and vanish if and only if the approximation c…

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Comparative Study of the a Posteriori Error Estimators for the Stokes Problem

The research presented is focused on a comparative study of a posteriori error estimation methods to various approximations of the Stokes problem. Mainly, we are interested in the performance of functional type a posterior error estimates and their comparison with other methods. We show that functional type a posteriori error estimators are applicable to various types of approximations (including non-Galerkin ones) and robust with respect to the mesh structure, type of the finite element and computational procedure used. This allows the construction of effective mesh adaptation procedures in all cases considered. Numerical tests justify the approach suggested.

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Inf-sup conditions on convex cones and applications to limit load analysis

The paper is devoted to a family of specific inf–sup conditions generated by tensor-valued functions on convex cones. First, we discuss the validity of such conditions and estimate the value of the respective constant. Then, the results are used to derive estimates of the distance to dual cones, which are required in the analysis of limit loads of perfectly plastic structures. The equivalence between the static and kinematic approaches to limit analysis is proven and computable majorants of the limit load are derived. Particular interest is paid to the Drucker–Prager yield criterion. The last section exposes a collection of numerical examples including basic geotechnical stability problems.…

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Verifications of Primal Energy Identities for Variational Problems with Obstacles

We discuss error identities for two classes of free boundary problems generated by obstacles. The identities suggest true forms of the respective error measures which consist of two parts: standard energy norm and a certain nonlinear measure. The latter measure controls (in a weak sense) approximation of free boundaries. Numerical tests confirm sharpness of error identities and show that in different examples one or another part of the error measure may be dominant.

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Functional Type Error Control for Stabilised Space-Time IgA Approximations to Parabolic Problems

The paper is concerned with reliable space-time IgA schemes for parabolic initial-boundary value problems. We deduce a posteriori error estimates and investigate their applicability to space-time IgA approximations. Since the derivation is based on purely functional arguments, the estimates do not contain mesh dependent constants and are valid for any approximation from the admissible (energy) class. In particular, they imply estimates for discrete norms associated with stabilised space-time IgA approximations. Finally, we illustrate the reliability and efficiency of presented error estimates for the approximate solutions recovered with IgA techniques on a model example.

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A posteriori modelling-discretization error estimate for elliptic problems with L ∞-Coefficients

We consider elliptic problems with complicated, discontinuous diffusion tensor A0. One of the standard approaches to numerically treat such problems is to simplify the coefficient by some approximation, say Aϵ, and to use standard finite elements. In [19] a combined modelling-discretization strategy has been proposed which estimates the discretization and modelling errors by a posteriori estimates of functional type. This strategy allows to balance these two errors in a problem adapted way. However, the estimate of the modelling error was derived under the assumption that the difference A0 - Aϵ becomes small with respect to the L∞-norm. This implies in particular that interfaces/discontinui…

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Poincaré Type Inequalities for Vector Functions with Zero Mean Normal Traces on the Boundary and Applications to Interpolation Methods

We consider inequalities of the Poincare–Steklov type for subspaces of \(H^1\)-functions defined in a bounded domain \(\varOmega \in \mathbb {R}^d\) with Lipschitz boundary \(\partial \varOmega \). For scalar valued functions, the subspaces are defined by zero mean condition on \(\partial \varOmega \) or on a part of \(\partial \varOmega \) having positive \(d-1\) measure. For vector valued functions, zero mean conditions are applied to normal components on plane faces of \(\partial \varOmega \) (or to averaged normal components on curvilinear faces). We find explicit and simply computable bounds of constants in the respective Poincare type inequalities for domains typically used in finite …

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Space‐Time Isogeometric Analysis of Parabolic Diffusion Problems in Moving Spatial Domains

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Functional Type Error Control for Stabilised Space-Time IgA Approximations to Parabolic Problems

The paper is concerned with reliable space-time IgA schemes for parabolic initial-boundary value problems. We deduce a posteriori error estimates and investigate their applicability to space-time IgA approximations. Since the derivation is based on purely functional arguments, the estimates do not contain mesh dependent constants and are valid for any approximation from the admissible (energy) class. In particular, they imply estimates for discrete norms associated with stabilised space-time IgA approximations. Finally, we illustrate the reliability and efficiency of presented error estimates for the approximate solutions recovered with IgA techniques on a model example. peerReviewed

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Overview of Other Results and Open Problems

This chapter presents an overview of results related to error control methods, which were not considered in previous chapters. In the first part, we discuss possible extensions of the theory exposed in Chaps. 3 and 4 to nonconforming approximations and certain classes of nonlinear problems. Also, we shortly discuss some results related to explicit evaluation of modeling errors. The remaining part of the chapter is devoted to a posteriori estimates of errors in iteration methods. Certainly, the overview is not complete. A posteriori error estimation methods are far from having been fully explored and this subject contains many unsolved problems and open questions, some of which we formulate …

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Guaranteed error bounds and local indicators for adaptive solvers using stabilised space–time IgA approximations to parabolic problems

Abstract The paper is concerned with space–time IgA approximations to parabolic initial–boundary value problems. We deduce guaranteed and fully computable error bounds adapted to special features of such type of approximations and investigate their efficiency. The derivation of error estimates is based on the analysis of the corresponding integral identity and exploits purely functional arguments in the maximal parabolic regularity setting. The estimates are valid for any approximation from the admissible (energy) class and do not contain mesh-dependent constants. They provide computable and fully guaranteed error bounds for the norms arising in stabilised space–time approximations. Further…

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Localized forms of the LBB condition and a posteriori estimates for incompressible media problems

The inf–sup (or LBB) condition plays a crucial role in analysis of viscous flow problems and other problems related to incompressible media. In this paper, we deduce localized forms of this condition that contain a collection of local constants associated with subdomains instead of one global constant for the whole domain. Localized forms of the LBB inequality imply estimates of the distance to the set of divergence free fields. We use them and deduce fully computable bounds of the distance between approximate and exact solutions of boundary value problems arising in the theory of viscous incompressible fluids. The estimates are valid for approximations, which satisfy the incompressibility …

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