A. Krug
Der Fr�hnachweis des Herzinfarktes durch Bestimmung der Wasserstoffionenkonzentration im Herzmuskel mit Indicatorpapier
Es wird eine einfache Methode zum Fruhnachweis des Herzinfarktes beschrieben. Durch Messung der Wasserstoffionenkonzentration an Kryostatschnitten vom Herzen mit pH-Indicatorpapier wird ein bei Ratten und Katzen erzeugter Ischamiebezirk bereits 5 min nach Unterbindung einer Coronararterie im Herzmuskel nachweisbar. Die in der Literatur beschriebene Anderung der Wasserstoffionenkonzentration in einer Nekrose wird fur den Herzinfarkt bestatigt und dient zu seinem Nachweis bis zum Auftreten von lichtmikroskopisch erkennbaren Nekrosezeichen.
Beeinflussung des Leberzellmetabolismus, der Freisetzung von reaktiven Sauerstoffspezies sowie Apoptoseaktivierung durch hypotherme oxygenierte Leberperfusion
Two different methods of liver preservation were compared : simple cold storage (CS) and hypothermic oxygenated perfusion extracorporal (HOPE). After 10 h of preservation (4°C) with modified UW solution reperfusion was performed by isolated liver perfusion for 90 minutes. Reperfusion injury was estimated by release of cytosolic enzymes, formation of superoxide anions, determination of lipid peroxidation, glycolytic metabolites, bileflow and by PCR analysis. The results showed that after cold storage the formation of reactive oxygen species was significant higher as compared with perfused livers. Correspondingly expressions of mediators (TNFα, NF kappa B, MIP-2, SAPK) and apoptosis (Caspase …
Detection of mitochondrial electron chain carrier redox status by transhepatic light intensity during rat liver reperfusion.
The aim of the study was to investigate mitochondrial electron transfer during rat liver reperfusion after cold storage and hypothermic machine perfusion. Livers from male Brown Norway rats were preserved (UW) for 10h either by cold storage (CS) or by hypothermic oxygenated perfusion extracorporal (HOPE). Transhepatic photometric analysis allowed determination of the redox status of mitochondrial cytochromes during preservation, rewarming and reperfusion. Mitochondrial electron chain carriers were inhibited at different sites with rotenone and cyanide in some experiments. reversed transcriptional polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was performed after reperfusion concerning transcription of …