Patrizia Campisi
New national and regional bryophyte records, 61
New record of phytogeographical interest, at national or regional scale, for 47 bryophytes taxa are reported. New sites are located in 23 different geographical areas of . In particular, for each taxon, data on taxonomy, ecological as well as phytogeographical features are specified
La brioflora urbana come strumento di valutazione ambientale nella città di Caltanissetta (Sicilia centrale)
Bryophyte diversity in the gypsum outcrops of Sicily (Italy)
Abstract: A study on the bryophyte diversity of 12 Sicilian gypsum outcrops, falling in 4 Nature Reserves and 5 Special Areas of Conservation (SAC), is presented in order to increase knowledge about this peculiar flora for which conservation efforts need to be addressed. The bryoflora consists of a total of 85 taxa, 8 liverworts and 77 mosses, most of them belonging to the Pottiaceae family and characterized by xero-morphological adaptations. The bio-ecological analysis has emphasized the prevalence of xerophytic and basiphytic species with life form turf and life strategy colonist. Regarding the gypsicolous character, only one species, Tortula revolvens, behaves as a strict gypso- phyte, a…
Assessment of the environmental quality of the Sicilian coast through a phytoecological and biogeographic analysis
Large-scale habitat measurements have been aided greatly by advances in remote sensing and GIS software. However, the degree of resolution of this technique is still inadequate for many purposes, such as detail monitoring of many habitats that occur on the coast (e.g. temporary Mediterranean pools or ephemeral therophytic grasslands). Lists and distribution mapping of taxa are probably the most commonly used surrogate for overall biodiversity at both local and broader scales. For the Sicilian coasts a complete study, dating back more than 25 years ago and based on a multidisciplinary approach of flora, vegetation and fauna, exists (Raimondo & al. 1990. Quad. Bot. Amb. Appl. 1: 131-182).…
Stato delle conoscenze sulla diversità briofitica dei corsi d'acqua siciliani.
Volatile constituents of the aerial parts of Pulicaria sicula (L.) Moris growing wild in Sicily: Chemotaxonomic volatile markers of the genus Pulicaria Gaertn
Abstract The chemical composition of the essential oil isolated from the aerial parts of Pulicaria sicula (L.) Moris was characterized by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses. The oil was particularly rich in oxygenated terpenoids. Among the oxygenated monoterpenes (content of 44.5%), the most abundant were borneol (23.7%), bornyl acetate (6.5%), and isothymol isobutyrate (6.2%). Caryophyllene oxide (10.2%), caryophylladienol I (4.3%), and caryophylla-3,8(13)-dien-5β-ol (4.4%) were identified as the main constituents among the oxygenated sesquiterpenes. Furthermore, a complete literature review on the composition of the essential oils of all the Pulicaria taxa studied so far was performed and a princi…
Are Red Lists really useful for plant conservation? The New Red List of the Italian Flora in the perspective of national conservation policies
La nuova Lista Rossa della flora Italiana comprende tutte le "policy" specie italiane e altre specie di nota conservazione e comprende 400 taxa di cui il 65% sono minacciate di estinzione. La Lista Rossa si basa su un enorme data-set georeferenziato utile per gli scopi di conservazione. - The New Red List of the Italian Flora includes all the Italian policy species and other species of known conservation concerns for a total of 400 taxa, 65% of which are threatened with extinction. The Red List is based on a huge georeferenced data-set useful for conservation purposes. -
Studio floristico-ecologico delle briofite acquatiche e ripariali del fiume Belice(Sicilia occidentale)
Analysis of the bryophyte diversity of mountain ranges in Sicily.
The focus of this study was an analysis of the bryophyte flora of the main Sicilian mountain ranges, i.e., Peloritani, Nebrodi and Madonie mountains, located along the northern side of the Island, the Sicani mountains, located in the west-central Sicily and the Etna, the highest and most active volcano of Europe. The overall bryoflora consists of 504 taxa, 400 mosses and 104 liverworts and hornworts. It represent the 85.3% of the whole Sicilian flora; the mosses are referred to 37 families, the liverworts together with hornworts to 31 families. The phytogeographical analysis has shown the prevalence of the Mediterranean species, with the highest value on the Sicani mountains. It is notewort…
A project for an Italian Red List of bryophytes
Nuove stazioni in Sicilia di Petalophyllum ralfsii (Hepatophyta), specie minacciata in Europa, e di altre briofite rare in Italia meridionale
Notes on the bryophyte flora and vegetation of the central and south-western Balkans.
Pugl isi, M., Campisi, P., lakus ic , D., surina, B., Di Pietro, R., Privitera, M. Notes on the bryophyte flora and vegetation of the central and south-western Balkans. Lazaroa 34: 107-116 (2013). A study on the bryophyte fl ora and vegetation was carried out in the mountains at the boundary between Al bania, Ma - cedonia and Montenegro. The study area incl uded Maja and jezerces massif (Prokl etije mts., sE Dinaric Al ps) and Mt korab (S ar-Pindos Range) in Macedonia. several records for the bryol ogical fl ora of Macedonia and Al bania are reported. In particul ar Scapania cuspiduligera and Distichium inclinatum are new records for the Al banian fl ora. In addition some bryophytic and bry…
Nuove stazioni italiane di Tortula freibergii
Two new localities of Tortula freibergii Dix. & Loeske, a moss threatened in Europe, are reported. They are localized in North-western Sicily, one inside Natural Reserve of “Bosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere e Gorgo del Drago” and the other near to the Archaeological area of Segesta. Both populations live on inland sections of waterways.
L'informazione briofloristica per la valutazione dell'impatto antropico: indagini in aree urbane, rurali e seminaturali della provincia di Palermo
Conservazione delle briofite in Sicilia: lista rossa e studi di popolazione in taxa minacciati.
Analysis of the epiphytic bryophyte diversity of Sicily
Sicilian epiphytic bryophyte diversity, based on literature and unpublished data, is assessed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The total number of taxa found on trees or shrubs is 133 (116 mosses and 17 liverworts). Among them, 38 are customary epiphytic, 21 cortico-saxicolous, 13 are indifferent and 61 occasionally epiphytic taxa. The most represented families are Orthotrichaceae (19.1%), which consists above all of several typically corticicolous species, Pottiaceae (19.1%) and Brachytheciaceae (12.6%) which both include many taxa that mainly colonize rock or ground substrates. From the chorological point of view, temperate taxa (33.8%) prevail, followed by oceanic-Mediterranean tax…
Bryophytes collected during the 12th “Iter Mediterraneum” (Tunisia, 24 March – 4 April, 2014). First contribution
Part of the bryophytes collected during Iter Mediterraneum XII is listed. Some noteworthy species were found: Dicranella howei, had so far been recorded only doubtfully from Tunisia; Funaria hygrometrica, Grimmia laevigata, Grimmia trichophylla, Imbribryum alpinum, Pogonatum nanum, Rhynchostegium riparioides, Scleropodium touretii, Scorpiurium circinatum, Thamnobryum alopecurum, Timmiella barbuloides, Tortella squarrosa, Tortula muralis and Tortula vahliana, had not been reported from that country for more than half a century.
Red-list of Italian bryophytes. 1. Liverworts and hornworts
The objective of this study is to provide an updated conservation status of all liverworts and hornworts in the Italian territory, evaluated according to IUCN's Guidelines for Application of IUCN Red List Criteria at Regional Level. Overall, 27.4% of taxa assessed in this study are assigned to a risk category and, therefore, considered threatened in Italy. Four liverworts are considered as Extinct, two liverworts and one hornwort Possibly Extinct at regional level. Moreover, a further 9.8% are assessed as Near Threatened, 10.8% as Data Deficient and 49.7% as Least Concern. Most threats are co-occurring, indicating that many taxa are subjected to a set of correlated adverse processes. The ma…
First record of Pseudocrossidium obtusulum (Lindb.) H.A. Crum L.E. Anderson (Pottiaceae, Musci) in Italy
Pseudocrossidium obtusulum (Lindb.) H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson, is recorded for the first time in Italy. It has been gathered in northern coastal area of Sicily from Archaeological area of Solunto.
I muschi e le epatiche.
The temporary wetland complex of Anguillara and its key role for the botanical heritage of western Sicily
Temporary wetlands are endangered throughout the entire Mediterranean area (1). Contrary to the permanent wetlands, that (usually) cover larger surfaces and are now protected after a long period of siege and ‘reclamation’ attempts, temporary ponds and wetlands are small, scattered areas still under pressure and threatened by human activities. This fact represents a serious threat for biodiversity, since many species only occur in these peculiar sites. To secure their protection Mediterranean temporary ponds are listed as “priority habitat” in the EU “Habitats” Directive (92/43/EEC). The temporary ponds of Anguillara, located near Calatafimi in Western Sicily, host a huge amount of rare plan…
Taxonomy and conservation in Higher Plants and Bryophytes in the Mediterranean Area
The Mediterranean Region is among the areas of the world richest in wild and cultivated taxa. Extinctions in the Mediterranean area are bound to have occurred in historical times but they are not documented. The probable and documented cases of plant extinction in specific areas within the Mediterranean are equivalent to 0.25% of total species-by-area records. Species with a large range are more prone to local population size fluctuations and eventual extinction than species with a reduced population. Small islands floras are more prone to extinction than those on large islands and on the mainland. Reliability of our data on Mediterranean plant extinctions is poor. New emphasis on floristic…
Le briofite epifite degli alberi monumentali del parco delle Madonie (Sicilia settentrionale). I contributo.
Biologia e struttura di popolazione di alcune briofite minacciate in Sicilia.
Introduction to the study of the bryological flora of the Batumi Botanical Garden (Georgia)
A preliminary list of 22 bryophytes growing in the Batumi Botanical garden is provided. From chorological point of view, temperate and boreo-temperate taxa prevail while with regard to ecological behaviour, mesophilous taxa are the most numerous and with respect to light requirements equivalently sciaphilous and eliophilous taxa are represented. The mosses Fissidens dubius and Cyrtomnium hymenophylloides are recorded for the first time in Georgia.
Additional reports for Italian moss flora.
As a result of the study of both recent collections and a review of herbarium specimens, the following taxa are reported for the first time from various Italian regions: Hedwigia stellata Hedenas, Hedwigia ciliata var. leucophaea Bruch & Schimp., Pleurozium schreberi (Willd. ex Brid.) Mitt. and Ptychostomum compactum Hornsch. var. compactum. The last taxon is new for southern Italy, while the report of Pleurozium schreberi confirms the occurrence of this species in southern Italy after more than half a century. Moreover, Crossidium laxefilamentosum Frey & Kurschner represents the second report of this species from Italy.
New record in Sicily of Gigaspermum mouretii (Gigaspermaceae, Musci), rare species in Europe.
Carte della qualità dell’aria di aree urbane ed extraurbane del palermitano basate sull’applicazione dell’Indice di Biodiversità Briofitica (IBB).
I pantani di Anguillara (Calatafimi Segesta, Trapani): dati preliminari sulla biodiversità a supporto della tutela del biotopo
Vengono presentati i risultati preliminari di una indagine multidisciplinare condotta in una zona umida nel territorio di Calatafimi Segesta in provincia di Trapani. L'area è di grande interesse per la presenza di rare specie animali e vegetali, di habitat minacciati tutelati da normative nazionali ed internazionali, ma anche perché è una delle ultime zone umide superstiti dell'entroterra trapanese. L'area ha subito in tempi recenti un pesante disturbo antropico che rischia di portare alla distruzione questo ambiente e il suo biota di pregio. Con questo contributo gli autori intendono supportare la richiesta di adeguata e urgente tutela del sito. Anguillara Ponds (Calatafimi Segesta, Trapan…
Studio della diversità briofitica come strumento di valutazione dello stato dell’ambiente
New or interesting regional bryophyte records for Italian bryoflora
Based on recent bryophyte collections five records are added to the bryophyte flora of some Italian regions. The hepatic Riccia beyrichiana is new to Campania, Archidium alternifolium, Campylopus introflexus and Hedwigia stellata are new mosses to Lazio and Hylocomium splendens to Basilicata. In addition, the presence of Campylopus atrovirens and Pleuridium acuminatum in Lazio is confirmed after more than half a century
Syntrichia echinata (Schiffn.)Herrnst. & Ben-Sasson (Pottiaceae, Bryopsida) new to Italy.
Syntrichia echinata (Schiffn.) Herrnst. & Ben-Sasson, previously known in Europe only from Crete and Greece, is reported for the first time in Italy. It has been collected at Rocca Busambra in northern Sicily. Besides Europe, this Mediterranean montane species is distributed in south-western Asia in Cyprus, Turkey, Israel, Jordan and Lebanon. The principal distinctive characters that separate it from S. papillosissima (Copp.) Loeske and S. minor (Bizot) M. T. Gallego, J. Guerra, M. J. Cano, Ros & M. C. Sánchez-Moya are discussed.
Il museo delle Palme dell'Orto Botanico di Palermo.
New national and regional bryophyte records, 43.
Bryological Notes
Survey of the bryophyte diversity of the Carnic Alps, including some interesting records for the Italian bryoflora
Studio floristico-ecologico delle briofite epifite dei Monti Nebrodi (Sicilia settentrionale) e individuazione dei siti di maggiore interesse per la loro conservazione.
Informazione floristica e qualità ambientale: analisi delle brioflore di alcune aree verdi dello spazio urbano di Palermo
The results of a study on the bryofloras of three historical gardens (Villa Giulia, Parco d'Orléans and Giardino Garibaldi) and other four smaller green areas (at Niscemi, Stazione Lolli, Castelnuovo e Kalsa squares) of Palermo are provided. These bryofloras (including 65 taxa) are analyzed from the taxonomic, ecological and chorological point of view and compared with Botanical Garden one. Bryofloristic indices, used as instrument of environmental evaluation, show that bryophyte flora of smaller green areas is more affected by building and traffic density of surrounding zone
Biodeteriogeni vegetali (Tracheofite, Briofite) in siti archeologici e complessi monumentali della Sicilia.
New interesting moss records from the Pollino National Park (Southern Italy).
Some interesting moss records in Pollino National Park, noteworthy protected area of the southern Apennines, are reported. Among them, Mnium spinosum and Brachythecium tommasinii are new to southern Italian peninsula, Grimmia laevigata, G. Montana, G. tergestina, G. trichophylla and Orthotrichum pumilum are new to Basilicata region, and, finally, Campylidium sommerfeltii is rare in southern Italy and little known in Mediterranean area.
Indagini briogeografiche nel territorio della Sicilia occidentale e lavori di sintesi delle conoscenze tassonomiche, corologiche ed ecologiche sulla brioflora siciliana.
New national and regional bryophyte records, 53
WOS: 000423214200007
La conservazione delle briofite.
The role of phanerogams and cryptogams in the recolonization of cork oak forests crossed by wildfire in Sicily
The actual distribution and structure of cork oak woods is the result of a process of anthropogenic alteration (utilization of cork, deforestation, coppicing, overgrazing, changes in land use, fire). Additional causes of threats in Q suber woods are pests and fungal disease. Although cork oak is an active pyrophyte the decortication of trunks makes trees more vulnerable to external agents and to fire in particular. Post-fire species are mainly carbonicolous fungi, some Ascomycetes make their appearance after around six weeks while other fungi begin to appear from the second year. The proliferation of fungal hyphae in the ash, as well as of some pioneer mosse protonemata, promotes soil aggre…
Taxonomy and conservation ofPancratium maritimum(Amaryllidaceae) and relatives in the Central Mediterranean
Pancratium maritimum L. (Amaryllidaceae) is a geophyte occurring in the Mediterranean region, from the Black Sea to part of the Atlantic coast. This plant is receiving much attention from the international scientific community due to its value as a bioindicator, the potential industrial value of its chemical compounds, and its use as a commercial ornamental plant. Plant morphometry and sequences of three plastid DNA regions (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA) were used to assess the phenotypic and genetic variability of this taxon and its closest congeneric species (in particular Pancratium linosae, from the volcanic island of Linosa) in the Central Mediterranean (Sicily, Tunisia and surrounding island…
An analysis of the bryophyte flora in Sicilian archaeological areas
An analysis of the bryophyte diversity in the studied Sicilian archaeological areas was conducted, highlighting which species are more common and potentially harmful on the ruins. The floras are much diversified and the presence of some rare taxa highlights the role of refuge carried out by these areas, especially for the species of strongly threatened coastal habitats. Attention on the complexity of the relationships between restoration interventions on lithic structures and conservation needs of the rare and interesting taxa is point out.
Problemi e progressi nella conservazione del patrimonio briofitico italiano: le briofite minacciate in Sicilia come caso di studio.
Measurement and Conservation of Species and Habitat Biodiversity at Different Scales on Small Mediterranean Islands
In this paper we discuss current methodologies for measuring biodiversity, analyse pros and cons at different scales, and finally propose distribution mapping as the most suitable method for measuring floristic biodiversity on small Mediterranean islands. These territories often host endangered flora and habitats, and have peculiarities that distinguish them from the mainland and the larger islands.
Contributo alla conoscenza della flora briofitica degli oliveti del bacino del fiume Oreto (Sicilia nord-occidentale) e analisi comparativa con brioflore di altri sistemi arborei
Diversità briofitica epifitica in Sicilia: censimento dei forofiti e analisi della loro ricchezza briofloristica.
Water Extract of Cryphaea heteromalla (Hedw.) D. Mohr Bryophyte as a Natural Powerful Source of Biologically Active Compounds
Bryophytes comprise of the mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Cryphaea heteromalla, (Hedw.) D. Mohr, is a non-vascular lower plant belonging to mosses group. To the date, the most chemically characterized species belong to the liverworts, while only 3.2% and 8.8% of the species belonging to the mosses and hornworts, respectively, have been investigated. In this work, we present Folin–Ciocalteu and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) data related to crude extracts of C. heteromalla obtained by three di erent extraction solvents: pure water (WT), methanol:water (80:20 v/v) (MET), and ethanol:water (80:20 v/v) (ETH). The water extract proved to be the best solvent showing the highest con…
I muschi: piccole piante pioniere ecologicamente rilevanti.
Analisi preliminare della diversità briofitica nei principali habitat della Sicilia.
Conservazione di Abies nebrodensis (Pinaceae) e ripristino delle piccole torbiere di Geraci Siculo (Madonie, Sicilia)
New national and regional bryophyte records, 55
1. Acroschisma wilsonii (Hook.f.) A.JaegerContributor: H. Bednarek-OchyraVenezuela: (1) Merida, Paramo de Mucubaji, vertiente de la Laguna de los Patos, Sierra de Santo Domingo, sobre roca ignea, 3...
Studies on the Sicilian populations ofAnacolia webbii(Mont.) Schimp. (Bartramiaceae, Bryophyta), rare moss in Europe
New data on the distribution, biology, intra- and inter-population variability and conservation state of Sicilian populations of Anacolia webbii are provided. Two new localities are reported, so that total five fragmented populations occur in the island, all of them in a rather small area in the western part of the province of Palermo. They live on wet limestone or sandstone cliffs with base at 900–1200 m a.s.l. and N, N-NE aspect, within communities of Aceri campestris-Querco-ilicis sigmetum. The plants are particularly vigorous, but some data suggest a condition of vulnerability of the populations. In fact, in addition to specificity to a rare habitat on the island, a morphometric and all…
Gigaspermum mouretii Corb.
Life forms, life strategies and ecological indices of bryophytes for bioindication in wood areas: a case of study in the "Bosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere e Gorgo del Drago” Oriented Nature Reserve (West Sicily)
Life forms, life strategies and ecological indices of bryophytes which live in evergreen and deciduous Quercus woods as well as in a Pinus halepensis artificial system within the "Bosco della Ficuzza, Rocca Busambra, Bosco del Cappelliere e Gorgo del Drago" Oriented Nature Reserve are analysed and compared. The study highlights that in the same local climatic conditions the Quercus and Pinus trees select different bio-ecological types in the bryophyte communities. They appear to be especially useful to detect physionomic-structural differences in the woods, integrating the information provided by the ecological indices
The Isoetes longissima complex (Isoetaceae) in Italy: observations on the morphology of spores and leaves, and taxonomic implications
The morphological variability of the Isoetes longissima complex in Italy has been analyzed, on the basis of selected herbarium specimens. Observations were made on spore ornamentation and size, number of leaves per plant and maximum leaf length, velum extension and alae width in the basal portion of leaves. The first count of chromosome number on plants from Italy is also made. On the basis of our observations, the five taxa here considered are attributed to two taxa, treated at the species level as follows: I. longissima (incl. I. velata and I. velata [unranked] sicula), and I. tiguliana (incl. I. dubia). Italian distribution of these species is also given.
The bryophytes collected in Calabria (S Italy) during the VIII O.P.T.I.M.A. Iter Mediterraneum
The discovery of plant biodiversity by children through the animated movies: Alice in Wonderland
The discovery of biodiversity in childs occurs through various channels: either through direct contact with the outside world, and indirectly through paintings, games and the media. Since 1937, Walt Disney Animation Studios realized animated movies inspired from novels. The first feature film was “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. Since this, Disney’s studios realized more than 10 dozen movies. The feature that distinguishes these works from a technical point of view is the attention to detail especially for the scene where the action takes place. Animals are often the protagonists of these stories, rarely plants. A good example of the latter is in “Alice in wonderland”, a movie distributed…
Bryophytes as ecological indicators in the beech woods of sicily
Beech woods, which have in Sicily one of the southernmost places of their distribution area, are localized in the mountain belt of North and North-Eastern Sicily, at an altitude of 1300-1900 m, reaching 900 m on the Peloritani. They are referred to the priority habitat 9210*, according to the Natura 2000 network of the European Union. Beech woods settle on different soils, such as incoherent sandy volcanic (Etna), calcareous or silico-arenaceous (Madonie) and clayey-schistose soils (Nebrodi and Peloritani). Bryophytes are considered important components of forestry ecosystems. Many of these organisms are specific to particular types of microhabitats and sensitive to changes such that specie…
New or interesting records to the moss flora of Italy.
Crossidium laxefilamentosum W. Frey & Kürschner, gathered in the Archaeological area of Solunto (north-western Sicily), is reported for the first time from Italy. Gymnostomum calcareum Nees & Hornsch. var. lanceolatum (Cano, Ros & Guerra) Sérgio, is new to Sicily. It was found in a steppic grassland in Mount Bonifato (north-western Sicily).
Bryophytes collected during the fifth “Iter Mediterraneum” in Morocco, 8-27 June, 1992.
Il contributo dell’VIII Iter Mediterraneum dell’OPTIMA alla conoscenza della brioflora della Calabria.
Indagini sulla qualità ambientale con l’uso delle briofite in Sicilia.
Taxonomy and conservation of Pancratium maritimum (Amaryllidaceae) and relatives in the Central Mediterranean
Pancratium maritimum L. (Amaryllidaceae) is a geophyte occurring in the Mediterranean region, from the Black Sea to part of the Atlantic coast. This plant is receiving much attention from the international scientific community due to its value as a bioindicator, the potential industrial value of its chemical compounds, and its use as a commercial ornamental plant. Plant morphometry and sequences of three plastid DNA regions (rbcL, matK, trnH-psbA) were used to assess the phenotypic and genetic variability of this taxon and its closest congeneric species (in particular Pancratium linosae, from the volcanic island of Linosa) in the Central Mediterranean (Sicily, Tunisia and surrounding island…
Prima analisi della flora briofitica dei siti archeologici siciliani.
Diversità briofitica dei corsi d'acqua siciliani