M. Skålberg
New nuclides: Neptunium-243 and neptunium-244
We have observedγ-rays following the β−-decay of243Np and244Np after chemical isolation of neptunium isotopes from the products of the reaction of 835 MeV136Xe with244Pu. The ground-state of 1.85-min243Np hasJ=5/2. The decay of 2.29-min244Np (probableJπ=7−) populates high-spin members of the ground state rotational band in244Pu.
Continuous separation and identification of neutronrich neptunium isotopes from heavy-ion reactions by means of the centrifuge system “sisak”
Abstract Neutron-rich neptunium isotopes formed in direct transfer reactions between 136 Xe projectiles and targets of 244 Pu have been separated from other reaction products with the on-line liquid-liquid extraction system SISAK. A four-detector delay method was used to determine the half-lives of the previously unknown isotopes 243 Np and 244 Np. From the decay of the 287.4 keV γ-line a half-life of 1.8 ± 0.3 min was determined for 243 Np. From the decay curves of the γ-lines at 162.7 and 216.7 keV, which fit into the known level scheme of 244 Pu, a half-life of 2.5 ± 0.3 min results for 244 Np.