F. Kersting


research product

Lorcainide; II. Plasma concentration-effect relationship

research product

Haemodynamic effects of a single intravenous dose of lorcainide in patients with heart disease

The cardiovascular effects of a single i.v. dose (2 mg/kg over 5 min) of lorcainide were studied in 14 patients with heart disease. In the haemodynamic part of the study (6 patients), the aortic and pulmonary systolic, diastolic and mean pressures, left ventricular systolic and end-diastolic pressures, cardiac output and the rate of rise of left ventricular pressure were measured before and for 30 min after administration of the drug. Lorcainide produced a slight and short-lasting decrease in the aortic and pulmonary systolic pressures, and all other pressure values remained unchanged. The cardiac output and systemic vascular resistance were not altered by lorcainide. It consistently depres…

research product

Wall motion characteristic of the right pulmonary artery in the suprasternal echocardiogram

This study describes the motion pattern of the right pulmonary artery (RPA) as it can be assessed from the suprasternal echocardiogram. The motion characteristic of the RPA is dependent on hemodynamic factors within the lumen of the RPA and those within the left atrium and the aortic arch. During atrial contraction the superior wall of the left atrium separates from the inferior wall of the RPA (IWRPA) and produces an "a" dip in the wall motion of the IWRPA. During isovolumic contraction the RPA is shifted upward (IC point). The incisura in the pulmonary artery pressure curve reflecting pulmonic valve closure can be seen by a sudden decrease in the diameter of the RPA (PC point). In conditi…

research product

Echocardiography in assessing acute pulmonary hypertension due to pulmonary embolism.

Eighteen patients with acute pulmonary embolism were studied with right heart catheterization and M mode echocardiography. No patient had evidence of preexisting cardiopulmonary disease; pulmonary embolism was documented with pulmonary angiography. The mean pulmonary arterial pressure correlated with the angiographic severity index of embolic obstruction (r = 0.61, p 2 , p 2 ) and in 5 patients with acute pulmonary embolism and a mean normal pulmonary arterial pressure (10.9 ± 0.4 mm/m 2 ). For all measurements the index size of the right pulmonary artery correlated with the mean pulmonary arterial pressure (r = 0.84, p

research product


research product

Kardiovaskuläre Effekte von Lorcainid, einer neuen antiarrhythmischen Substanz

Wir untersuchten die kardiovaskularen Effekte eines neuen und sehr wirksamen Antiarrhythmicums vom Lokalanasthetika-Typ. Folgende Parameter wurden wahrend einer diagnostischen Herzkatheteruntersuchung gemessen: Aortendruck, Pul- monalarteriendruck, Herzminutenvolumen, linksventrikularer Druck und dp/dt max. Nach i.v. Gabe von Lorcainid (2 mg/kg) kam es zu einer zeit- und dosisabhangigen Verminderung aller Kontraktilitatsindizes: dp/dt max. wurde maximal um 18.75% gegenuber der Ausgangslage reduziert. Alle Veranderungen waren bis zur 15. min nach Infusionsende maximal und zeigten innerhalb von 30 min eindeutige Ruckbildungstendenz. Der systolische Aortendruck, der linksventrikulare Druck, da…

research product

Kardiovaskul�re Effekte von Dobutamin

Die kardiovaskularen Effekte von Dobutamin, einem Derivat des Dopamin, wurden an 7 Patienten mit chronischer Funktionsstorung der linken Kammer bei koronarer und myokardialer Herzerkrankung untersucht. Dobutamin wurde in steigenden Dosen von 2,5–5,0–7,5–10,0 und 15,0 µg/kg/min infundiert. Gemessen wurden der Druck in der zentralen Aorta, im linken Ventrikel (Kathetertipmanometer; LVEDP, LVdp/dtmax) und in der Pulmonalarterie sowie das Herzminutenvolumen (Farbstoffverdunnungsmethode). Der positiv chronotrope Effekt von Dobutamin war gering und erst bei 15,0 µg/kg/min statistisch auffallig. Der systolische Aortendruck nahm im gesamten Dosisbereich masig stark zu. Dagegen war die Zunahme des m…

research product

Lorcainide. I. Saturable presystemic elimination.

research product