Taina Pennanen
Does stump removal affect early growth and mycorrhizal infection of spruce (Picea abies) seedlings in clear-cuts?
Abstract Stump removal procedure increases the extent of exposed mineral soil in the clear felled areas. In this study, our aim was to find out whether the early growth and mycorrhization of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings differ between stump removal and mounding sites. Stumps were harvested from five one-hectare study sites and other five sites were mounded after clear felling. Twenty seedlings were planted on mounds at each study site. Although the height of spruce seedlings did not differ between the treatments after three growing periods, their mean growth was ca. 10% higher at the stump removal sites. The community of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) in the seedling roots did n…
Effects of heavy metals on soil microflora
Elevated concentrations of heavy metals are known to cause disturbances in all living organisms. A reduction in the activity of forest microbes, expressed as decreased carbon and nitrogen mineralisation, may result in a slower rate of litter decomposition and slower nutrient cycling in the whole ecosystem (Baath 1989). In areas severely polluted by heavy metals, this can be seen as an accumulation of undecomposed litter on the forest floor. Thus, in addition to the direct toxicity of heavy metals, the trees may suffer from nutrient deficiency resulting from the decrease in the mineralisation of nutrients from the litter. Heavy metals can also retard litter decomposition processes in less po…
Soil decomposer community as a model system in studying the effects of habitat fragmentation and habitat corridors
Abstract Due to the practical difficulties of experimental study of habitat fragmentation and habitat corridors at the landscape scale, the use of smaller-scale model systems has been offered as a feasible alternative to uncover the ecological phenomena taking place in fragmented environments. In this mini-review, we consider the applicability of the soil decomposer community as such a model system. For the most part, this article is based on the few studies that have explicitly addressed this question by experimental manipulations of the natural habitat of soil decomposer community. However, to broaden the view, we also capitalize upon studies focusing on the effects of isolation and soil …
Colonisation of newly established habitats by soil decomposer organisms: the effect of habitat corridors in relation to colonisation distance and habitat size
Abstract The aim of the present 2.5-year-long field experiment was to explore the ability of various members of the detrital food web to colonise newly established habitat patches in field conditions, either in the presence or absence of habitat corridors. Patch size and distance to the “mainland” (colonisation source) were manipulated to explore the scale dependency of the corridor effects. Sterilised humus patches, embedded in mineral soil regarded as uninhabitable (or non-preferred) matrix for the soil organisms, functioned as newly established habitats. Intact forest soil served as the source of colonisers. Three kinds of patches were established: large ones situated at relatively long …
Soil processes are not influenced by the functional complexity of soil decomposer food webs under disturbance
Abstract A 3 yr experiment, using field lysimeters with seedlings of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) growing in raw humus, was established to study how functional complexity of the soil decomposer food web affects ecosystem functioning. The functional complexity of decomposer system was manipulated by (1) allowing either microfauna (fine mesh) or microfauna+mesofauna (coarse mesh) to enter the initially defaunated systems, and (2) treating half of the lysimeters with wood ash. To test whether altering functional complexity of the decomposer community is related to the system's ability to resist disturbance, the lysimeters were later on disturbed with drought. Ecosystem function, measured as l…
Do enchytraeid worms and habitat corridors facilitate the colonisation of habitat patches by soil microbes?
Due to their high abundance and ubiquitous existence, microbes are considered to be efficient colonisers of newly established habitats. To shed light on the dispersal mechanisms of soil microbes, a controlled microcosm experiment was established. In these microcosms, the dispersal of microbes from a source humus patch to originally sterile humus patches (embedded in a mineral soil matrix) was followed for 16 months, applying 16S and 18S ribosomal DNA-based PCR-DGGE molecular methods. Specifically, the role of enchytraeid worms and habitat (humus) corridors as possible facilitators of microbe dispersal was studied. The results showed that enchytraeid worms function efficiently as vectors for…
Relationship between soil microarthropod species diversity and plant growth does not change when the system is disturbed
Soil microarthropods influence vital ecosystem processes, such as decomposition and nutrient mineralisation. There is evidence, however, that proper functioning of ecosystems does not require the presence of all its constituent species, and therefore some species can be regarded as functionally redundant. It has been proposed that species redundancy can act as an insurance against unfavourable conditions, and that functionally redundant species may become important when a system has faced a disturbance (the “insurance hypothesis”). We conducted a laboratory microcosm experiment with coniferous forest soil and a seedling of silver birch (Betula pendula). A gradient of microarthropod diversit…
Species richness and food web structure of soil decomposer community as affected by the size of habitat fragment and habitat corridors
While most ecologists agree that the effects of fragmentation on diversity of organisms are predominantly negative and that the scale of fragmentation defines their severity, the role of habitat corridors in mitigating those effects still remains controversial. This ambiguousness rests largely on various difficulties in experimentation, a problem partially solved in the present paper by the use of easily manipulated soil communities. In this 2.5-year-long field experiment, we investigated the responses of soil decomposer organisms (from microbes to mesofaunal predators) to habitat fragment size, in the presence or absence of habitat corridors connecting the fragments. The habitat fragments …
Influence of Cognettia sphagnetorum (Enchytraeidae) on birch growth and microbial activity, composition and biomass in soil with or without wood ash
In this laboratory study using microcosms with seedlings of silver birch (Betula pendula), we explored whether Cognettia sphagnetorum (Enchytraeidae) can retain its important role of accelerating decomposition processes in soils and stimulating primary production under disturbance. We established systems with or without wood ash amendment (first-order disturbance) in the soil, either in the presence or absence of C. sphagnetorum. To test whether the systems treated with wood ash are more sensitive to an additional disturbance than the ash-free systems, the microcosms were later on disturbed by drought. To determine the influence of two disturbances on the enchytraeids and populations of oth…