Application of algae in active biomonitoring of the selected holding reservoirs in swietokrzyskie province
Abstract During the years 2014-2015, biomonitoring studies were carried out at three holding reservoirs located in Swietokrzyskie Province (central Poland): Kielce artificial lake, Chancza reservoir and Sielpia reservoir. In sea water algae Palmaria palmata (Linnaeus) Weber & Mohr, exposed in the analysed waters, the increases of concentrations were determined by the atomic absorption spectrometry method (AAS), of the following: Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb. Conductivity and pH were also determined in the reservoirs waters. The differences between the increases of heavy metal concentrations in the samples of algae found along the coastline were indicated; they result from different distanc…
Innovation in Study of Physical and Technical Measurements. Czech-Polish Cooperation of Universities / Innowacje Studiów Fizyczne I Techniczne Metody Pomiarowe. Czesko-Polska Współpraca Uniwersytetów
Abstract In the Faculty of Science (University of Hradec Králové) the innovative program in chemistry for the study specialization Physico-technical Measurements and Computer Technology was developed. The innovation of chemistry filed study has been focused especially on increase in competitiveness and in graduates employment. Design of innovation enables graduates applying for the position of experts in physical measurements and informatics and at the same time they expand their competence in the service of the physico-chemical instrumentation in industrial ecology. Because Faculty of Science is not equipped yet in expensive instrumentation for nuclear spectrometry, cross-border cooperatio…
Modelling of Emissions from Large Biogas Plants
Abstract The main objective of the “Guidelines for the development of agricultural biogas plants in Poland within 2010-2020”, is a construction of biogas plants processing agricultural biomass resources with suitable conditions in each municipality. In the Czech Republic produces about 6.5% of energy from renewable sources. Biogas plants give - contrary to solar and wind electricity stations - the stable performance throughout the whole year. Biomass should be a key source for achieving the Czech EU commitment to produce 13% of energy from renewable sources in 2020. The experience, where 317 Agricultural biogas plants are currently in operation, has shown that there are considerable problem…
Innovative Educational Program for Biogas Production Carried Out at University of Hradec Králové (CZ) and at University of Opole (PL)
Abstract Recently, there is a growing pressure on a rapid construction of agricultural biogas plants, particularly in the Czech-Polish border region. It is an area with large expanses of agricultural land which can serve to supply biogas plants with biomass. This strategy should contribute to harmonize the common agricultural policy of the European Union. A need for qualified operators of these stations on this territory is also increasing. Therefore we first include a demonstration of an education program for students in the field of agricultural waste anaerobic fermentation and biogas production. We present here the first part of an innovative approach which we use in the teaching program…
Pb-210 isotope as a pollutant emission indicator= Izotop Pb-210 jako znacznik emisji zanieczyszczeń
Abstract Passive biomonitoring using 210Pb was used in the paper to evaluate pollutant deposition. Well-developed epiphytic foliose lichens Hypogymnia physodes growing on spruce branches were used in the studies. The samples of mosses Pleurozium schreberi and soil (raw humus) were collected from the area around the tree from which the samples of lichens were collected. The studies have shown that it is possible to identify dust emission sources using a radioactive lead isotope (210Pb). The highest activity of 210Pb was observed in areas with increased deposition of other pollutants, such as Ni, Cd, Cu and Pb, which may indicate that 210Pb is one of the emission components
Optimization of the sorption process of copper cations from aqueous solution by pine bark (Pinus sylvestris)
This study examined the effect of the chemical modification of pine bark (Pinus sylvestris) on the sorption efficiency of copper cations. The results were interpreted using pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order reaction models as well as Langmuir and Freundlich isothermal models. The sorption experiments were carried out using the batch technique. The study indicated the effect of the competitive sorption of copper cations and hydrogen cations as well as the adverse effect on the sorption efficiency of copper hydroxides formed under alkaline conditions. The need to assess the measurement uncertainty in determining the basic parameters of the sorption process was indicated. It was also …
Modelling of Mercury Emissions from Large Solid Fuel Combustion and Biomonitoring in CZ-PL Border Region
Abstract Tightening of norms for air protection leads to a development of new and significantly more effective techniques for removing particulate matter, SOx and NOx from flue gas which originates from large solid fuel combustion. Recently, it has been found that combinations of these environmental technologies can also lead to the reduction of mercury emissions from coal power plants. Now the greatest attention is paid especially to the coal power plant in Opatovice nad Labem, close to Hradec Kralove. Its system for flue gas dedusting was replaced by a modern type of cloth fabric filter with the highest particle separation efficiency which belongs to the category of BAT. Using this techno…
Translocation of Cations During Sorption of Copper in the System Solution - Algae (Spirogyra sp.)/Translokacja Kationów Podczas Procesu Sorpcji Miedzi W Układzie Roztwór - Glony (Spirogyra Sp.)
Zbadano kinetykę procesu sorpcji kationów miedzi w glonach Spirogyra sp. oraz towarzyszące mu procesy sorpcji kationów wodorowych i procesy uwalniania do roztworu kationów związanych w glonach: Na+, Mg2+, K+ i Ca2+. Stwierdzono, że w układzie statycznym, przy stałym stosunku masy glonów do objętości roztworu, procesy te zachodzą równocześnie, przy czym należy przypuszczać, że ilość uwalnianych soli ma wpływ na parametry heterofazowej równowagi wymiany jonowej. W warunkach prowadzenia eksperymentu ilość uwolnionych kationów była blisko 10-krotnie większa niż ilość kationów sorbowanych. Porównano parametry równowagi wyznaczone z modelu reakcji pseudo-drugiego rzędu z parametrami uzyskanymi po…
Investigation of committed radiation dose rate and relationships between alkaline metals concentrations in mushroom Xerocomus badius / Badanie wchłoniętej, skutecznej dawki promieniowania i zależności pomiędzy stężeniami metali alkalicznych w owocnikach Xerocomus badius
Abstract The fruiting bodies of fungi sprout from mycelium are capable of accumulating significant amounts of trace elements, both metals and metalloids. Content of these elements in fruiting bodies may exceed their concentration in the substrate where fungi develop. Among the elements the radioactive nuclides are also present. In this work health risk caused by increased radioactivity dose absorbed with Xerocomus badius bay bolete consumption was estimated. In analysis concentrations of radioactive isotopes 137Cs and 40K were taken into consideration. It was found that moderate ingestion of bay bolete does not create health risk due to increased radioactive substances intake. The amount of…
The Use of Bark in Biomonitoring Heavy Metal Pollution of Forest Areas on the Example of Selected Areas in Poland
Abstract In the year 2016, passive biomonitoring studies were conducted in the forest areas of southern and north-eastern Poland: the Karkonosze Mountains (Kark), the Beskidy Mountains (Beskid), Borecka Forest (P. Bor), Knyszynska Forest (P. Kny), and Białowieza Forest (P. Bia). This study used bark from the tree, Betula pendula Roth. Samples were collected in spring (Sp), summer (Su), and autumn (Au). Concentrations of Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb were determined for the samples using the atomic absorption spectrometry method with flame excitation (F-AAS). Based on the obtained results, the studied areas were ranked according to level of heavy-metal deposition: forests of southern Poland…