

Pb-210 isotope as a pollutant emission indicator= Izotop Pb-210 jako znacznik emisji zanieczyszczeń

Maria WacławekZbigniew ZiembikAgnieszka Dołhańczuk-śródkaJan KřížLidmila Hyšplerová


PollutantRadionuclideEnvironmental EngineeringbiologyChemistrybiology.organism_classificationHumusIndicator plantDeposition (aerosol physics)Environmental chemistryBiomonitoringEnvironmental ChemistryLichenPleurozium schreberi


Abstract Passive biomonitoring using 210Pb was used in the paper to evaluate pollutant deposition. Well-developed epiphytic foliose lichens Hypogymnia physodes growing on spruce branches were used in the studies. The samples of mosses Pleurozium schreberi and soil (raw humus) were collected from the area around the tree from which the samples of lichens were collected. The studies have shown that it is possible to identify dust emission sources using a radioactive lead isotope (210Pb). The highest activity of 210Pb was observed in areas with increased deposition of other pollutants, such as Ni, Cd, Cu and Pb, which may indicate that 210Pb is one of the emission components
