Gustavo Camps Valls

Image and Signal Processing Group

The ISP research group, http://isp.uv.es, has a long tradition in statistical analysis of data coming from imaging systems. These measurements depend on the properties of the scenes and the physics of the imaging process, and their relevance depends on the (natural or artificial) observer that will analyze the data. Our distinct approach to signal, image and vision processing combines machine learning theory with the understanding of the underlying physics and biological vision. Applications mainly focus on optical remote sensing and computational visual neuroscience. Empirical statistical inference, also known as machine learning, is a field of computer science interested in making predict…

research group

Use of neural networks for dosage individualisation of erythropoietin in patients with secondary anemia to chronic renal failure.

The external administration of recombinant human erythropoietin is the chosen treatment for those patients with secondary anemia due to chronic renal failure undergoing periodic hemodialysis. The goal is to carry out an individualised prediction of the erythropoietin dosage to be administered. It is justified because of the high cost of this medication, its secondary effects and the phenomenon of potential resistance which some individuals suffer. One hundred and ten patients were included in this study and several factors were collected in order to develop the neural models. Since the results obtained were excellent, an easy-to-use decision-aid computer application was implemented.

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Activities of the IEEE GRSS Spain Chapter

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