A Light Insight into Latvian and Lithuanian ICT Terminology: Whether Kindred Language Imply Kindred Terminology?
Lithuanian and Latvian are two closely related languages, the only two of the Baltic branch of Indo-European languages. They are quite similar and share a great deal of vocabulary and grammar features, but not close enough to make conversation possible. The paper reveals that commonalities between Latvian and Lithuanian information and communication technologies (ICT) terms are mostly due internationalisms, there are only small proportion of terms with common Baltic word-roots; influence of English language in Latvian and Lithuanian ICT terminology is moderate, if not minor; deliberately or unawares, Lithuanian terminologists follow the same rules as their Latvian counterparts.
Factors Affecting Attrition among First Year Computer Science Students: the Case of University of Latvia
<p class="R-AbstractKeywords"><span lang="EN-GB">The purpose of our study was to identify reasons for high dropout of students enrolled in the first year of the computer science study program to make it possible to determine students, who are potentially in risk. Several factors that could affect attrition, as it was originally assumed, were studied: high school grades (admission score), compensative course in high school mathematics, intermediate grades for core courses, prior knowledge of programming. However, the results of our study indicate that none of the studied factors is determinant to identify those students, who are going to abandon their studies, with great precisio…
Automatic construction of test sets: Practical approach
The problem of symbolic execution and test generation is considered both for sequential and concurrent programs. Practical methods for test construction for the given program path are presented.
Software Testing Overview on Different Generalization Levels
There are many different views on software testing co-exist even within the borders of one organization. That is why we have decided to prepare software testing overview on metalevel indicating main influencers that make this difference. While gathering the details about meta-level elements we have performed some structuring of elements from lower level of software testing such as testing oracles and testing approaches, methods, and techniques. The overview preparation has resulted into laying the scientific basis under proper use of such terms as testing approach, testing method, and testing technique. Our overview could be useful for making ordered introduction into software testing for f…
Usage habits of information technology terminology in public communication
Raksts iesniegts publicēšanai 3.Drezena konferences rakstu krājumā.
Informācijas tehnoloģijas terminu lietošanas paradumi publiskajā saziņā
Informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģijas (IKT) termini galvenokārt tiek radīti angļu valodā un pēc tam lokalizēti citās valodās. Valodu morfoloģisko un terminrades tradīciju atšķirību dēļ šāda lokalizācija mēdz būt diezgan haotiska. Latvijas IKT terminu lokalizētāji ir izstrādājuši samērā stingru, t.s. kvazialgoritmisko pieeju, ko aprobējuši vairāk nekā 15 gadu laikā. Šajā rakstā uz biežāk lietoto terminu piemēra parādīta pieejas dzīvotspēja. Noraidīts izplatītais uzskats, ka IKT terminu lokalizējumi piesārņo latviešu valodu ar svešvārdiem. Analizēta oficiāli apstiprināto terminu lietojamība tekstos un iemesli, kādēļ tie dažkārt sastop ikdienas lietotāju pretestību.
Computer Programming Aptitude Test as a Tool for Reducing Student Attrition
Submitted to the VTR conference to be held in Rezekne, June 2015
Heuristic Method to Improve Systematic Collection of Terminology
In this paper, we propose an experimental tool for analysis and graphical representation of glossaries. The original heuristic algorithms and analysis methods incorporated into the tool appeared to be useful to improve the quality of the glossaries. The tool was used for analysis of ISTQB Standard Glossary of Terms Used in Software Testing. There are instances of problems found in ISTQB glossary related to its consistency, completeness, and correctness described in the paper.
Can SQ and EQ Values and Their Difference Indicate Programming Aptitude to Reduce Dropout Rate?
A crucial problem that we are currently facing at the Faculty of Computing of the University of Latvia is that during the first study semester on average 30% of the first-year students drop out, whereas after the first year of studies the number of dropouts increases up to nearly 50%. Thus, our overall goal is to determine in advance applicants that most likely will not finish the first study year successfully. A hypothesis formulated in another research study was that programming aptitude could be predicted based on the results of two personality self-report questionnaires − Systemizing Quotient (SQ) and Empathy Quotient (EQ) − taken by students. The difference between the SQ and EQ scores…
Inventory of Testing Ideas and Structuring of Testing Terms
This is a preprint of the paper submitted for publication in "Baltic Journal of Modern Computing".
Informācijas tehnoloģijas nozares tiesību un standartu pamati
Fundamentals of laws and standards in information and communication technology sector are presented.
Strategies to Reduce Attrition among First Year Computer Science Students
The observed trend to lose from one-third to half of students in the first year of computing studies at the University of Latvia served as the motivation to explore the causes of dropout and to find methods, how to determine potential dropouts in advance. The study investigates students enrolled in the year 2013 using integrated data from surveys, management information system and e-learning environment. Several factors that could affect attrition were studied: admission score, compensative course in high school mathematics, intermediate grades for core courses, prior knowledge in programming. The research revealed that the trend of non-beginning studies might indicate the wrong choice of t…
New Forms of Work in the Light of Globalization in Software Development
Globalization in software development introduced significant changes in the way organizations operate today. Software is nowadays produced by team members from geographically, temporally and culturally remote sites. Organizations seek for benefits that global market offers and face new challenges. Naturally resistant to change, these organizations often do not realize necessity for tailoring existing methods for distributed collaboration. Our empirical investigation shows a great variety in the ways organizations distribute responsibilities across remote sites and conclude that these can be divided into two main categories: joint collaboration that requires investments in team building and …
Research Directions Profile in the Computing Museum of the Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Latvia (IMCS)
The article describes the development of information technology in Latvia, in IMCS, to the middle of the 1990s. The history of IMCS represents the usage of computers in typical computing centers in the former Soviet Union and the transformation from computing center to research institution. It also represents Latvian collaboration with the Nordic countries that provided political, scientific, and technological support. Historical documents, computer parts, and photos are collected in the Computer Museum of IMCS.
An Approach to Cadastral Map Quality Evaluation in the Republic of Latvia
An approach to cadastral map quality evaluation is proposed, which is elaborated and implemented by State Land Service of the Republic of Latvia. The approach is based on opinion of Land Service experts about cadastral map quality that depends on its usage points. Quality parameters of cadastral map objects identified by experts and its limit values are used for evaluation. The assessment matrix is used, which allow to define cadastral map quality that depends on its usage purpose. The matrix is used to find out, of what quality a cadastral map should be in order to be used for the chosen purpose. The given approach is flexible, it gives a possibility to change sets of quality parameters an…
IKST VNPC Teritoriāli telpiskā stratēģija V-10-D
LU vadības nozīmēts autoru kolektīvs gatavo IKST VNPC TTS, kas kopā ar citu dokumentāciju un citu ZI TTS tiks iesniegti IZM kā projekta pieteikums.