Daniel Boullosa
O Futuro da Saúde / Aptidão Física / Desempenho Esportivo
O exercício relativo à saúde / aptidão física e desempenho esportivo tem mostrado um papel evolutivo ao longo do tempo. São apresentados fatores primários de grande escala, que provavelmente nos ajudarão a entender o caminho evolutivo futuro da saúde / aptidão física e desempenho esportivo. Esses fatores incluem: 1) a história do exercício, 2) o exercício em sua relação com a saúde, 3) a necessidade de aptidão física entre os militares e os socorristas, 4) a relação conflitante entre o esporte (representando o ápice da capacidade genômica humana para o exercício) versus a natureza excessivamente competitiva e compensada do esporte. Predominantemente, a necessidade de exercício como medicina…
COVID-19 Lockdown
Purpose: To investigate differences in athletes’ knowledge, beliefs, and training practices during COVID-19 lockdowns with reference to sport classification and sex. This work extends an initial descriptive evaluation focusing on athlete classification. Methods: Athletes (12,526; 66% male; 142 countries) completed an online survey (May–July 2020) assessing knowledge, beliefs, and practices toward training. Sports were classified as team sports (45%), endurance (20%), power/technical (10%), combat (9%), aquatic (6%), recreational (4%), racquet (3%), precision (2%), parasports (1%), and others (1%). Further analysis by sex was performed. Results: During lockdown, athletes practiced body-weigh…
Training During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Knowledge, Beliefs, and Practices of 12,526 Athletes from 142 Countries and Six Continents
Abstract Objective Our objective was to explore the training-related knowledge, beliefs, and practices of athletes and the influence of lockdowns in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Methods Athletes (n = 12,526, comprising 13% world class, 21% international, 36% national, 24% state, and 6% recreational) completed an online survey that was available from 17 May to 5 July 2020 and explored their training behaviors (training knowledge, beliefs/attitudes, and practices), including specific questions on their training intensity, frequency, and session duration before and during lockdown (March–Jun…
Resistance Training Acutely Impairs Agility and Spike-Specific Performance Measures in Collegiate Female Volleyball Players Returning from the Off-Season
This study examined the acute effects of resistance training (RT) on volleyball-specific performance. Sixteen female volleyball players undertook their initial, pre-season RT bout. Countermovement jump (CMJ), delayed onset of muscle soreness (DOMS), and sport-specific performances (i.e., run-up jump, agility, and spiking speed and accuracy) were measured before, 24 (T24), and 48 (T48) hours after RT. A significant increase in DOMS was observed at T24 and T48 (~207.6% ±
Scientific discovery and its role in sports science
Scientific discovery is about a search for the Truth, for the consistent and predictable in how the universe works. Using a particular method of inquiry, the scientific method, and with acknowledgement of the inherently self-correcting nature of science, scientific inquiry moves forward incrementally to ever closer approximations of the Truth. This paper reviews the history of scientific inquiry, the methodology of the scientific method, including the necessity for hypothesis testing and development of the probability that a particular answer is a closer approximation of the Truth than previous answers have been. It also discusses some of the pitfalls of scientific inquiry, and areas in whi…