M. Gallo
Characterization and variation of bacterial and fungal communities from the sapwood of Apulian olive varieties with different susceptibility toXylella fastidiosa
AbstractEndophytes are symptomless fungal and/or bacterial microorganisms found in almost all living plant species. The symbiotic association with their host plants by colonizing the internal tissues has endowed them as a valuable tool to suppress diseases, to stimulate growth, and to promote stress resistance. In this context, the identification of cultivable endophytes residing the sapwood of Apulian olives might be a promising control strategy for xylem colonizing pathogens asXylella fatidiosa. To date, olive’s sapwood cultivable endophytes are still under exploration; therefore, this work pursues a study of diversity and occurrence variation of cultivable endophytes in the sapwood of di…
Polarization phenomena in Al/p-CdTe/Pt X-ray detectors
Over the last decades, CdTe detectors are widely used for the development of room temperature X-ray and gamma ray spectrometers. Typically, high resolution CdTe detectors are fabricated with blocking contacts (indium, aluminum) ensuring low leakage currents and high electric field for optimum charge collection. As well known, time instability under bias voltage (termed as polarization) is the major drawback of CdTe diode detectors. Polarization phenomena cause a progressive degradation of the spectroscopic performance with time, due to hole trapping and detrapping from deep acceptors levels. In this work, we studied the polarization phenomenon on new Al/p-CdTe/Pt detectors, manufactured by …
Characterization of the bacterial community isolated from a High Middle Age soil sample dated since 980 AD
Epidemiology of pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms. a gender perspective
Purpose: Pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms (PNENs) are a group of clinically rare and heterogeneous tumors of the pancreas. Currently there are no studies investigating the gender difference in PNEN susceptibility. Thus, the purpose of this study was aimed at examining how gender shapes risk factors, clinicopathological features, and comorbidities in PNENs. Methods: The study design consisted of an Italian multicenter, retrospective study. The study included all consecutive patients with PNENs followed at the participating centers. Two hundred and twenty-nine patients (105 males,124 females, age 54 ± 0.98 years) with PNENs were enrolled at the participating centers. The clinicopathologica…
Epidemiology and risk factors in osteoarthritis: literature review data from “OASIS” study
Ostheoarthritis (OA) is a social disease characterized by pain, inflammation and stiffness due to an involvement of articular cartilage, soft tissues and bone.OA is the most common rheumatic disease, every age can be affected but prevalence increases dramatically with age with a greater incidence in subjects between 40 and 50 years of age. Hip OA has an important correlation with weight, genetic factors, sex, previous traumas, occupational factors and age. People older than 35 have a prevalence of Hip OA of 10,8% that becomes 35,4% in people older than 85. Knee OA has a great correlation with weight ,life style and physical activity. An Italian study has demonstrated that the prevalence of …
In vitro effects of AGNPs exopolysaccharide from Klebsiella Oxytoca DSM29614 on breast cancer cells
Un lattante di 6 mesi maschio giunge alla nostra osservazione per comparsa di lesioni maculo-papulari alle guance estesesi, in poche ore, ai quattro arti ed evolventi in manifestazioni purpuriche su cute edematosa senza segno della fovea. All’EO all’ingresso si evidenziavano inoltre: angioedema dei padiglioni auricolari, aspetto a coccarda delle lesioni aventi diametro max di 2 cm con coinvolgimento anche dello scroto, cute del tronco e mucose integre, assenza di segni neurologici. Due giorni prima del ricovero e della comparsa delle manifestazioni cutanee il piccolo aveva presentato febbre (T max 39,5°C) e faringite trattata con amoxi-clavulanato. Esami al ricovero: PCR mossa (2,3 mg/dl; V…
A rare rarity: neuroendocrine tumor of the esophagus
Abstract Esophageal Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are rare, aggressive and lacking specific symptoms. This causes a diagnostic delay, worsening the prognosis. Numerous cases are reported in literature, without a consensus on the management. Our aim was to clarify epidemiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic, therapeutic management of esophageal NETs. Extensive literature search identified a total of 226 articles. One hundred twenty-five articles (n = 1676) met the inclusion criteria, showing that: the incidence of esophageal NET varies geographically; men (60–70 years) are more affected; smoking and alcohol abuse are the major risk factors; dysphagia, weight loss, appetite loss are the mo…
Nel presente lavoro si riferisce di una sperimentazione condotta su travi reticolari miste realizzate utilizzando un traliccio in acciaio preparato in stabilimento, avente come corrente inferiore un piatto metallico e come corrente superiore e aste di parete barre da c.a., successivamente annegato in un getto di calcestruzzo, ottenendo così una trave composta accaio-calcestruzzo. Per la specificità della tipologia, la trasmissione degli sforzi tra i due materiali non è assimilabile a quella delle travi composte tradizionalmente intese né a quella delle travi in c.a. La sperimentazione condotta attraverso prove di flessione su quattro punti ha avuto come scopo principale la valutazione della…
• Role of counseling in tobacco smoking cessation
• Role of counseling in tobacco smoking cessation
Biological activities of AgNPs-EPS on breast cancer cells in vitro
Introduzione: la sindrome da attivazione macrofagica (SAM) è una condizione clinica rara, di cui esistono forme primitive (es. deficit di perforine) e secondarie ad infezioni, farmaci, immunodeficit; nel 10% dei casi rappresenta una complicanza dell'artrite idiopatica giovanile sistemica (AIG). Criteri diagnostici: febbre, epatosplenomegalia, citopenia bilineare, aumento di ferritina, transaminasi, ipertrigliceridemia ed ipofibrinogenemia con segni di emofagocitosi all'aspirato midollare. Terapia: metilprednisolone a 30 mg/Kg/die ev e terapia della patologia di base; nei no-responders trova impiego l'uso dei farmaci immunosoppressori come ciclosporina, Anakinra per forme secondarie ad AIG, …
A.L. 9 anni ricoverato presso altro PO per febbre da 4 giorni, cefalea, artralgie diffuse, vomito, diarrea ed iperemia congiuntivale bilaterale. Per rigidità nucale esegue puntura lombare (negativa) ed inizia terapia con Ceftriaxone e teicoplanina.In 6° giornata di febbre comparsa di rash (tronco e arti superiori) e dolore addominale con quota fluida nello scavo pelvico all’ETG addome. Viene trasferito presso la nostra UO per competenze. All’ingresso: febbre da 8 giorni, edemi agli arti inferiori, epatosplenomegalia e riduzione del MV alle basi, alvo chiuso a feci, non ai gas. Esami radiologici: versamento addominale periepatico, fra le anse intestinali e nello scavo pelvico e colecistite, …
Klebsiella oxytoca DSM 29614 (KO) is a strain that produces, under anaerobic conditions, bacterial exopolysaccharides (EPSs), made of four rhamnose (Rha), two glucuronic acids (GlcA) and one galactose (Gal) bound by α and β glycosidic bonds1,2, showing metal-binding properties3. In particular, KO in the presence of AgNO3 is able to synthesize silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) incorporated within the EPS (AgNPs-EPS). The AgNPs-EPS, may contain Ag+1 when KO growing in the presence of oxygen and Ag° under anaerobic conditions, giving a different biological activity4. In the present study were evaluated the cytotoxic effects of AgNPs-EPS, produced under aerobic and anaerobic conditions, on breast ca…