Heikki Rusko
Neuromuscular and cardiovascular adaptations during concurrent strength and endurance training in untrained men.
This study examined the effects of concurrent strength and endurance training on neuromuscular and endurance characteristics compared to strength or endurance training alone. Previously untrained men were divided into strength (S: n=16), endurance (E: n=11) or concurrent strength and endurance (SE: n=11) training groups. S and E trained 2 times and SE 2 + 2 times a week for strength and endurance during the 21-week period. Maximal unilateral isometric and bilateral concentric forces of leg muscles increased similarly in S and SE by 20-28% (p<0.01) and improvements in isometric forces were accompanied by increases (p<0.05) of maximal muscle activation. Rate of force development of isometric …
Seasonal and annual changes in physical performance capacity of elite athletes
Seasonal and annual changes in physical performance characteristics of 10 female and 28 male cross-country skiers, 5 male nordic combination skiers and 7 male skijumpers were studied. Following parameters were investigated on most of the athletes: maximal oxygen uptake (maxVo₂) in leg and arm work, vertical running velocity (Vv), total isometric leg force (TLF), percentage of slow twitch muscle fibers (%ST fibers) and succinate dehydrogenase activity (SDH) in m. vastus lateralis. The measurements were made between the spring of 1973 and winter of 1976. The yearly measurement times were spring (the beginning of the basic training period), autumn (a change from the basic training period to sp…
Explosive-strength training improves 5-km running time by improving running economy and muscle power
To investigate the effects of simultaneous explosive-strength and endurance training on physical performance characteristics, 10 experimental (E) and 8 control (C) endurance athletes trained for 9 wk. The total training volume was kept the same in both groups, but 32% of training in E and 3% in C was replaced by explosive-type strength training. A 5-km time trial (5K), running economy (RE), maximal 20-m speed ( V 20 m), and 5-jump (5J) tests were measured on a track. Maximal anaerobic (MART) and aerobic treadmill running tests were used to determine maximal velocity in the MART ( V MART) and maximal oxygen uptake (V˙o 2 max). The 5K time, RE, and V MART improved ( P < 0.05) in E, but no…
The effect of fatigue on store and re-use of elastic energy in slow and fast types of human skeletal muscle
Stretch-shortening exercises are characterized by enhancement of performance when compared to the work output performed in shortening conditions. There is evidence that fast subjects are unable to re-use great amounts of elastic energy during stretch-shortening cycles performed with slow stretching speed and large stretching length. In the present study, 14 subjects possessing different fibre types in m. vastus lateralis performed vertical jumps with and without preliminary countermovement and with large angular displacement and slow stretching speed The jumping tests were executed before and immediately after fatigue induced by short intense exercises (60 s of continuous rebound jumping). …
Additional file 1: Table S1. of Physical activity, body mass index and heart rate variability-based stress and recovery in 16 275 Finnish employees: a cross-sectional study
Detection of heart rate variability-based stress and recovery. (DOCX 21 kb)
Physical activity, heart rate variability-based stress and recovery, and subjective stress during a 9-month study period.
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity (PA) and objective heart rate variability (HRV)-based stress and recovery with subjective stress in a longitudinal setting. Working-age participants (n = 221; 185 women, 36 men) were overweight (body mass index, 25.3–40.1 kg/m2) and psychologically distressed (≥3/12 points on the General Health Questionnaire). Objective stress and recovery were based on HRV recordings over 1–3 work days. Subjective stress was assessed with the Perceived Stress Scale and PA level with a questionnaire. Data were collected at three time points: baseline, 10 weeks post intervention, and at the 36-week follow-up. We adopted a late…
Additional file 2: Table S2. of Physical activity, body mass index and heart rate variability-based stress and recovery in 16 275 Finnish employees: a cross-sectional study
Characteristics (mean ± SD) of the measures derived from beat-to-beat R-R interval recording, by physical activity groups. Table S3. Characteristics (mean ± SD) of the measures derived from beat-to-beat R-R interval recording, by body mass index groups. Table S4. Characteristics (mean ± SD) of the measures derived from beat-to-beat R-R interval recording, by age groups. (DOCX 31 kb)
Effect of training on aerobic capacity of female athletes differing in muscle fibre composition
Abstract The effects of endurance training were studied in two groups of female cross‐country skiers who differed in muscle fibre composition. The ST‐group (n = 10) had 56–76% slow twitch (ST) muscle fibres and the FT‐group (n= 10) 40–55% ST fibres in the m. vastus lateralis. During a four‐month period, the subjects trained on the average 81 km per week. The intensive training (heart rate 0–15 beats per min below maximum) averaged 8.5 km per week. The differences in training between the two groups were not significant. The ST‐group significantly increased their cycling maximum oxygen uptake (C max, 4.6%, P <0.01) and the anaerobic threshold (AT, 2.8%, P <0.01) during the training period whe…
Effects of explosive type strength training on physical performance characteristics in cross-country skiers.
To investigate the effects of a combination of simultaneous strength and endurance training on selected neuromuscular and aerobic performance characteristics seven male cross-country skiers underwent training for a period of 6 weeks. The experimental group trained 6-9 times per week with a programme consisting of 34% explosive type strength training and 66% endurance training during the first 3 weeks of the experiment and 42% and 58% respectively during the last 3 weeks of the experiment. The total volume of training of the control group (eight skiers) was of the same magnitude but consisted of 85% pure endurance training and 15% endurance type strength training. The experimental training r…
Feasibility of a personal health technology-based psychological intervention for men with stress and mood problems: Randomized controlled pilot trial
BackgroundWork-related stress is a significant problem for both people and organizations. It may lead to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, resulting in increased work absences and disabilities. Scalable interventions to prevent and manage harmful stress can be delivered with the help of technology tools to support self-observations and skills training. ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of the P4Well intervention in treatment of stress-related psychological problems. P4Well is a novel intervention which combines modern psychotherapy (the cognitive behavioral therapy and the acceptance and commitment therapy) with personal health technologies to deliv…
Aerobic performance capacity in athletes
Aerobic performance capacity of 84 male and 5 female Finnish athletes practising 11 different sport events as well as 31 reference subjects was studied. The main parameters of aerobic performance capacity were maximal oxygen uptake (maxVo₂) in leg and arm work, succinate dehydrogenase activity (SDH) and percentage of slow twitch fibers (%ST fibers) in m. vastus lateralis (VL), m. gastrocnemius c.l. (GL) and m. deltoideus (D). The speed skaters (5.58 1 x min⁻¹), male cross-country skiers (5.42 1 x min⁻¹), canoeists (5.25 1 x min⁻¹) and long-distance runners (5.19 l x min⁻¹) had highest maxVo₂ in leg work. In ml x kg⁻¹ x min⁻¹ the male cross-country skiers, long-distance runners, speed skater…
Respiratory plasticity in response to changes in oxygen supply and demand
Aerobic organisms maintain O(2) homeostasis by responding to changes in O(2) supply and demand in both short and long time domains. In this review, we introduce several specific examples of respiratory plasticity induced by chronic changes in O(2) supply (environmental hypoxia or hyperoxia) and demand (exercise-induced and temperature-induced changes in aerobic metabolism). These studies reveal that plasticity occurs throughout the respiratory system, including modifications to the gas exchanger, respiratory pigments, respiratory muscles, and the neural control systems responsible for ventilating the gas exchanger. While some of these responses appear appropriate (e.g., increases in lung su…
A concept to empower self-management of psychophysiological wellbeing: preliminary user study experiences.
In prevention of chronic diseases, health promotion and early interventions based on self-management should be emphasized. Mental health problems and stress cause a significant portion of healthcare costs, and also complicate the management of other chronic conditions. In addition to physical health, psychophysiological and social wellbeing should be equally promoted. Thus, we have previously designed and reported the P4Well or Pervasive Personal and PsychoPhysiological management of WELLness concept for working-age citizens. The concept supports the stress and recovery management on a daily basis through improved health management strategies, and combines psychological methods with persona…
Additional file 4: Figure S1. of Physical activity, body mass index and heart rate variability-based stress and recovery in 16 275 Finnish employees: a cross-sectional study
An example (1 of the 3 days) of the feedback from the wellbeing assessment of the participants. (PDF 262 kb)
Neuromuscular characteristics and fatigue in endurance and sprint athletes during a new anaerobic power test
The purpose of this study was to investigate neuromuscular and energy performance characteristics of anaerobic power and capacity and the development of fatigue. Ten endurance and ten sprint athletes performed a new maximal anaerobic running power test (MARP), which consisted ofn x 20-s runs on a treadmill with 100-s recovery between the runs. Blood lactate concentration [la−]b was measured after each run to determine submaximal and maximal indices of anaerobic power (P 3mmol·1 −1,P5mmol·1 −1,P10mmol·1 −1andP max) which was expressed as the oxygen demand of the runs according to the American College of Sports Medicine equation: the oxygen uptake (ml·kg−1·min−1)=0.2·velocity (m·min−1) +0.9·s…
Aerobic performance capacity in athletes
Maximal oxygen uptake (max\(\dot V\)O2) in leg and arm work, succinate dehydrogenase activity (SDH) and percentage of slow twitch fibers (%ST fibers) in M. vastus lateralis (VL), M. gastrocnemius c.l. (GL) and M. deltoideus (D) were studied in 89 athletes practising 11 different sport events. It was found that maximal oxygen uptake correlated positively with %ST fibers and SDH activity in M. VL. The SDH activity and %ST fibers in M. VL correlated also with one another. The results suggest that oxidative capacity of the muscles is not the limiting factor for maximal oxygen uptake. The role of the oxidative capacity of the muscles might be important during submaximal work of long duration and…
Liikkeen kinemaattisista ominaispiirteistä, niiden psykofyysisistä selitysyhteyksistä ja näiden muutoksista psykomotorisen kuormituksen ja kestävyysharjoittelun vaikutuksesta = On the kinematic characteristics and psychophysical correlates of a human movement and their changes during psychomotor loading and endurance conditioning
Effects of Training on the Exercise-Induced Changes in Serum Amino Acids and Hormones
The purpose of this study was to examine power-type athletes to determine changes in amino acid and hormone concentrations in circulating blood following 2 different high-intensity exercise sessions before and after the 5-week training period. Eleven competitive male sprinters and jumpers performed 2 different running exercise sessions: a short run session (SRS) of 3 x 4 x 60 m (intensity of 91-95%) with recoveries of 120 and 360 seconds, and a long run session (LRS) with 20-second intervals (intensity of 56-100%) with recoveries of 100 seconds to exhaustion. The concentrations of serum amino acids, hormones, and lactate were determined from the blood samples drawn after an overnight fast a…
A concept for personal wellness management based on activity monitoring
Lifestyle related health problems are increasing rapidly. Many of them could be prevented or alleviated by sufficient physical activity, enough sleep, and a balanced diet. Individual citizens have the main responsibility for their own health and wellness management in their daily lives. Motivational tools based on modern technologies can support people in this task. Vivago Personal Wellness Manager (PWM) is a concept for personal wellness management, based on continuous activity monitoring with a wrist-worn device combined with immediate feedback on daily activity, e.g., sleep and physical activity. The concept allows long-term monitoring of activity patterns and includes PC software for de…
Associations of physical activity, fitness, and body composition with heart rate variability–based indicators of stress and recovery on workdays: a cross-sectional study
Background. The purpose of this study was to investigate how physical activity (PA), cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF), and body composition are associated with heart rate variability (HRV)-based indicators of stress and recovery on workdays. Additionally, we evaluated the association of objectively measured stress with self-reported burnout symptoms. Methods. Participants of this cross-sectional study were 81 healthy males (age range 26–40 y). Stress and recovery on workdays were measured objectively based on HRV recordings. CRF and anthropometry were assessed in laboratory conditions. The level of PA was based on a detailed PA interview (MET index [MET-h/d]) and self-reported activity class…
Heart rate variability related to effort at work
Changes in autonomic nervous system function have been related to work stress induced increases in cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Our purpose was to examine whether various heart rate variability (HRV) measures and new HRV-based relaxation measures are related to self-reported chronic work stress and daily emotions. The relaxation measures are based on neural network modelling of individual baseline heart rate and HRV information. Nineteen healthy hospital workers were studied during two work days during the same work period. Daytime, work time and night time heart rate, as well as physical activity were recorded. An effort-reward imbalance (ERI) questionnaire was used to assess ch…
Muscle enzyme adaptations to added load during training and nontraining hours in rats.
The effects of added load (20% of body mass) on the selected enzyme activities of red and white quadriceps femoris (QF), soleus, and gastrocnemius muscles of rats were studied. The rats were divided into sedentary control (SC), sedentary control with added load (SC+AL), endurance training (ET), and endurance training with added load (ET+AL) groups (n = 10 rats/group). After 6 wk, the SC+AL group had 57% higher (P less than 0.001) beta-glucuronidase (beta-GU) activity and 24% lower (P less than 0.05) citrate synthase activity in white QF than SC. Citrate synthase activity was also decreased in red QF (P less than 0.05) after the added load was used during nontraining hours. The training wit…
Serum hormone and myocellular protein recovery after intermittent runs at the velocity associated with VO(2max).
The responses of serum myocellular proteins and hormones to exercise were studied in ten well-trained middle-distance runners [maximal oxygen consumption (VO(2max)) = 69.4 (5.1) ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)] during 3 recovery days and compared to various measures of physical performance. The purpose was to establish the duration of recovery from typical intermittent middle-distance running exercises. The subjects performed, in random, order two 28-min treadmill running exercises at a velocity associated with VO(2max): 14 bouts of 60-s runs with 60 s of rest between each run (IR(60)) and 7 bouts of 120-s runs with 120 s of rest between each run (IR(120)). Before the exercises (pre- exercise), 2 h a…
Metabolic response of endurance athletes to training with added load.
Endurance athletes were divided into experimental (n=12) and control (n=12) groups to investigate the effects of extra-load training on energy metabolism during exercise. A vest weighing 9%–10% body weight was worn every day from morning to evening for 4 weeks including every (n=6) or every other (n=6) training session. After 4 weeks the control group had a lower blood lactate concentration during submaximal running, whereas the experimental group had significantly higher blood lactate and oxygen uptake (p<0.01–p<0.05), and a lower 2 mmol lactate threshold (p<0.05) and an increased blood lactate concentration after a short running test to exhaustion (p<0.05). Those experimental subjects (n=…
The relation between cycling time to exhaustion and anaerobic threshold.
This study investigated whether the anaerobic threshold (AnT) could be used to predict prolonged work capacity measured as cycling time to exhaustion (= endurance time) and which factors, in addition to relative exercise intensity, could explain variation in endurance time. Theoretical exercise intensities corresponding to certain endurance times were also calculated. The hyperbolic and exponential functions between cycling time and relative work rate (WR[%]), as well as between cycling time and relative oxygen uptake (VO2[%]) were fitted to the pooled data (n = 45) of 17 subjects. The WR(%) and VO2(%) were expressed as a percentage of the subject's own AnT- and maximum-values. At WR corres…
Does anaerobic threshold correlate with maximal lactate steady-state?
The aim of this study was to compare the 'anaerobic threshold' (AnT) of subjects determined during a continuous 2-min incremental exercise test until exhaustion and the 'maximal lactate steady-state' (BLaSsmax) determined during prolonged exercise at constant loads corresponding to the subjects' AnT and/or 5-25% above and below it. Seventeen subjects performed an incremental exercise test and 1-5 prolonged exercise tests on a cycle ergometer until exhaustion at intervals of 1 week, and work rates, oxygen uptake (VO2) values and brachial venous blood lactate (BLa) levels were measured. It was proposed that when exercising at a constant workload below AnT, BLa would fall after having reached …
Breakdown of high-energy phosphate compounds and lactate accumulation during short supramaximal exercise.
Muscle ATP, creatine phosphate and lactate, and blood pH and lactate were measured in 7 male sprinters before and after running 40, 60, 80 and 100 m at maximal speed. The sprinters were divided into two groups, group 1 being sprinters who achieved a higher maximal speed (10.07 +/- 0.13 m X s-1) than group 2 (9.75 +/- 0.10 m X s-1), and who also maintained the speed for a longer time. The breakdown of high-energy phosphate stores was significantly greater for group 1 than for group 2 for all distances other than 100 m; the breakdown of creatine phosphate for group 1 was almost the same for 40 m as for 100 m. Muscle and blood lactate began to accumulate during the 40 m exercise. The accumulat…
Post-exercise heart rate variability of endurance athletes after different high-intensity exercise interventions
Methodological problems have limited the number of studies on heart rate variability (HRV) dynamics immediately after exercise. We used the short-time Fourier transform method to study immediate (5 min) and slow (30 min) recovery of HRV after different high-intensity exercise interventions. Eight male athletes performed two interval interventions at 85% and 93% (IV(85) and IV(93)) and two continuous interventions at 80% and 85% (CO(80) and CO(85)) of the velocity at VO2max (vVO2max). We found no increase in high frequency power (HFP), but low frequency (LFP) and total power (TP) increased (P<0.05) during the first 5 min of the recovery after each intervention. During the 30-min recovery, HF…
Mechanical work and efficiency in treadmill running at aerobic and anaerobic thresholds
Mechanical work, mechanical power, energy consumption and mechanical efficiency were studied in constant-speed treadmill running of 5 min at seven different exercises around aerobic (AerT) and anaerobic (AnT) thresholds. The true efficiency of concentric (positive) mechanical work and gross efficiency of the whole body in seven male subjects were calculated. The total mechanical work was calculated from film through the translational, potential and rotational energy states as the sum of the changes of all the mechanical energy states in all body segments allowing energy transfer between segments and from energy state to state. The total energy consumption was measured by combining aerobic a…
A new method for the evaluation of anaerobic running power in athletes.
A new maximal anaerobic running power (MARP) test was developed. It consisted of n.20-s runs on a treadmill with a 100-s recovery between the runs. During the first run the treadmill speed was 3.97 m.s-1 and the gradient 5 degrees. The speed of the treadmill was increased by 0.35 m.s-1 for each consecutive run until exhaustion. The height of counter-movement jumps and blood lactate concentration ([la-]b) were measured after each run. Submaximal ([la-]b = 3 mmol.l-1 and 10 mmol.l-1) and maximal speed and power (W3mmol, W10mmol and Wmax, respectively) were calculated and W was expressed in oxygen equivalents according to the American College of Sports Medicine equation. Thirteen male athletes…
Physical activity, body mass index and heart rate variability-based stress and recovery in 16 275 Finnish employees : a cross-sectional study
Background Physical inactivity, overweight, and work-related stress are major concerns today. Psychological stress causes physiological responses such as reduced heart rate variability (HRV), owing to attenuated parasympathetic and/or increased sympathetic activity in cardiac autonomic control. This study’s purpose was to investigate the relationships between physical activity (PA), body mass index (BMI), and HRV-based stress and recovery on workdays, among Finnish employees. Methods The participants in this cross-sectional study were 16 275 individuals (6863 men and 9412 women; age 18–65 years; BMI 18.5–40.0 kg/m2). Assessments of stress, recovery and PA were based on HRV data from beat-to…
Muscle metabolism, blood lactate and oxygen uptake in steady state exercise at aerobic and anaerobic thresholds
Muscle metabolites and blood lactate concentration were studied in five male subjects during five constant-load cycling exercises. The power outputs were below, equal to and above aerobic (AerT) and anaerobic (AnT) threshold as determined during an incremental leg cycling test. At AerT, muscle lactate had increased significantly (p less than 0.05) from the rest value of 2.31 to 5.56 mmol X kg-1 wet wt. This was accompanied by a significant reduction in CP by 28% (p less than 0.05), whereas only a minor change (9%) was observed for ATP. At AnT muscle lactate had further increased and CP decreased although not significantly as compared with values at AerT. At the highest power outputs (greate…
Effects of oxygen fraction in inspired air on force production and electromyogram activity during ergometer rowing
Six male rowers rowed maximally for 2500 m in ergometer tests during normoxia (fractional concentration of oxygen in inspired air, F IO2 0.209), in hyperoxia (F IO2 0.622) and in hypoxia (F IO2 0.158) in a randomized single-blind fashion. Oxygen consumption (V˙O2), force production of strokes as well as integrated electromyographs (iEMG) and mean power frequency (MPF) from seven muscles were measured in 500-m intervals. The iEMG signals from individual muscles were summed to represent overall electrical activity of these muscles (sum-iEMG). Maximal force of a stroke (F max) decreased from the 100% pre-exercise maximal value to 67 (SD 12)%, 63 (SD 15)% and 76 (SD 13)% (P<0.05 to normoxia, AN…
Neuromuscular function and mechanical efficiency of human leg extensor muscles during jumping exercises
The influence of prestretch amplitude on the mechanical efficiency was examined with 5 subjects, who performed 5 different series of vertical jumps, each of which differed with respect to the mechanics of the knee joint action during the prestretch (eccentric) phase of the contact on the floor. Electromyographic activity was recorded from the major extensor muscles during the entire work period of 1 min per series. In addition, expired air was collected during the test and recovery for determination of energy expenditure. Mechanical work was calculated from the vertical displacement of the body during the jumps. The results indicated that high net efficiency of 38.7% was observed in conditi…
Muscle metabolic profile and oxygen transport capacity as determinants of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds
Aerobic and anaerobic thresholds determined by different methods in repeated exercise tests were correlated with cardiorespiratory variables and variables of muscle metabolic profile in 33 men aged 20–50 years. Aerobic threshold was determined from blood lactate, ventilation, and respiratory gas exchange by two methods (AerT1 and AerT2) and anaerobic threshold from venous lactate (AnTLa), from ventilation and gas exchange (AnTr) and by using the criterion of 4 mmol·l−1 of venous lactate (AnT4mmol). In addition to ordinary correlative analyses, applications of LISREL models were used. The 8 explanatory variables chosen for the regression analyses were height, relative heart volume, relative …
A new heart rate variability-based method for the estimation of oxygen consumption without individual laboratory calibration: Application example on postal workers
Traditionally, the estimation of oxygen consumption (VO2) at work using heart rate (HR) has required the determination of individual HR/VO2 calibration curves in a separate exercise test in a laboratory (VO2-TRAD). Recently, a new neural network-, and heart rate variability-based method has been developed (Firstbeat PRO heartbeat analysis software) for the estimation of VO2 without individual calibration (VO2-HRV). In the present study, the VO2-values by the VO2-HRV were compared with the values by VO2-TRAD in 22 postal workers. Within individuals the correlation between the two methods was high (range 0.80-0.99). The VO2-TRAD gave higher values of VO2 compared to VO2-HRV (19%) especially d…
Mechanical work and efficiency in ergometer bicycling at aerobic and anaerobic thresholds
Internal and external mechanical work, energy consumption and mechanical efficiency were studied in constant-load ergometer bicycling at five different power outputs below, equal to, and above the aerobic (AerT) and anaerobic (AnT) thresholds. The gross, net and true efficiencies of the whole body in five male subjects were calculated. The work against the external load was defined as the external mechanical work. The internal mechanical work was calculated as the sum of the increments of kinetic and potential energy in all body segments by using methods of film analysis. Total energy consumption was measured by combining aerobic and anaerobic energy production. When the power output of the…
Additional file 3: Table S5. of Physical activity, body mass index and heart rate variability-based stress and recovery in 16 275 Finnish employees: a cross-sectional study
The number of participants by age, physical activity and body mass index groups. (DOCX 21 kb)
Reproducibility of aerobic and anaerobic thresholds in 20-50 year old men.
The reproducibility of the aerobic (AerT) and the anaerobic (AnT) threshold was studied in 33 men aged 20–50 years. They completed two maximal exercise tests on a bicycle ergometer. The thresholds, as $$\dot V_{O_2 }$$ (l·min−1), were determined visually by two investigators using both the blood lactate and the respiratory indices. The respiratory variables were measured with a computerized breath-by-breath method; samples of venous blood were drawn every 2nd min and analysed enzymatically for lactate. The reproducibility of the AerT (r=0.94) and of the AnT (r=0.96) were equally good. The AnT can be determined either from blood lactate concentrations (AnTLa) or from ventilatory and gas exch…
Electromyographic activity related to aerobic and anaerobic threshold in ergometer bicycling
Electromyographic activity (EMG) of the knee extensor musculature (m. vastus lateralis, m. vastus medialis, m. rectus femoris), triceps surae (m. gastrocnemius, m. soleus) and m. tibialis anterior was studied in ergometer bicycling at five different power outputs around aerobic (AerT) and anaerobic (AnT) thresholds. EMGs were sampled with surface electrodes for ten revolutions at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of each work load and integrated (IEMG) separately for each of the muscles and for the descending (work) and ascending (rest) phase of the revolution. The mean power frequency (MPF) of the power spectral density function for the descending periods was also calculated. The…
Estimating oxygen consumption from heart rate and heart rate variability without individual calibration
Heart rate (HR) as an estimator of oxygen consumption (VO(2) ) usually requires HR to be individually calibrated in a separate test. This study examined the validity of a new HR - and HR variability-based method (Firstbeat PRO heartbeat analysis software) in the estimation of VO(2) in real-life tasks. The method takes into account the respiration rate determined from HR variability and the differences in the on/off dynamics of HR and VO(2) , and no calibration tests are needed. Ten men and nine women performed 25 tasks representing different types of daily activities. Portable devices were used to measure R-to-R intervals (ECG), VO(2) and respiration rate. In pooled regression analysis, the…
Anaerobic threshold, skeletal muscle enzymes and fiber composition in young female cross-country skiers.
Anaerobic threshold (AT) and maximum oxygen uptake (max VO2) were determined in 15 young female cross-country skiers, aged 15--20 years, during incremental bycycle ergometer exercise. Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), citrate synthase (CS) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were analyzed biochemically and percentage of slow twitch fibres (%ST fibres, myosin adenosine triphosphatase staining) histochemically in muscle samples obtained from m. vastus lateralis. Max VO2 correlated significantly with anaerobic threshold in ml x kg-1 x min-1 (mlAT) but when AT was expressed in percent of max VO2 (%AT) the correlation was insignificant. Significant correlations were found be…
Subjective stress, objective heart rate variability-based stress, and recovery on workdays among overweight and psychologically distressed individuals: a cross-sectional study
Background: The present study aimed to investigate how subjective self-reported stress is associated with objective heart rate variability (HRV)-based stress and recovery on workdays. Another aim was to investigate how physical activity (PA), body composition, and age are associated with subjective stress, objective stress, and recovery. Methods: Working-age participants (n = 221; 185 women, 36 men) in this cross-sectional study were overweight (body mass index, 25.3-40.1 kg/m(2)) and psychologically distressed (>= 3/12 points on the General Health Questionnaire). Objective stress and recovery were based on HRV recordings over 1-3 workdays. Subjective stress was assessed by the Perceived St…
Is work engagement related to healthy cardiac autonomic activity? Evidence from a field study among Finnish women workers
The present study investigated whether work engagement is related to and can explain healthy cardiac autonomic activity as indicated by decreased heart rate (HR; i.e., sympathetic and parasympathetic activity) and increased high-frequency power (HFP) of heart rate variability (i.e., parasympathetic activity). A total of 30 healthy Finnish female cleaning workers underwent an ambulatory monitoring period of two nights and two regular workdays, and mean values of work period HR and HFP were utilized as dependent variables. Correlations revealed that work engagement was, as hypothesized, negatively related to HR and positively to HFP. Furthermore, in hierarchical linear regression analysis, wo…
The effect of training on aerobic power characteristics of young cross-country skiers.
The influences of growth, training and various training methods were investigated by analysing long-term training effects in young cross-country and biathlon skiers (n = 129). Some athletes (n = 49) were studied six times in three years and some at least once a year during a four year period (n = 48). During three summer training periods skiers emphasized either intensive training or distance training or continued to train normally. The results indicated that maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 max) and heart volume increased between 15 and 20 years of age and the most significant changes in heart volume were observed between 16 and 18 years of age. International level skiers were able to increase t…
Warm underwater water-jet massage improves recovery from intense physical exercise
The effects of warm underwater water-jet massage on neuromuscular functioning, selected biochemical parameters (serum creatine kinase, lactic dehydrogenase, serum carbonic anhydrase, myoglobin, urine urea and creatinine) and muscle soreness were studied among 14 junior track and field athletes. Each subject spent, in a randomized order, two identical training weeks engaged in five strength/power training sessions lasting 3 days. The training weeks differed from each other only in respect of underwater water-jet massage treatments. These were used three times (20 min each) during the treatment week and not used during the control week. During the treatment week continuous jumping power decre…
P4Well Concept to Empower Self-Management of Psychophysiological Wellbeing and Load Recovery
Chronic health problems related to mental wellbeing are rapidly growing, calling for novel solutions focusing on individual as a psychophysiological being. We describe a novel technology-based concept for empowering citizen towards holistic self-management of her wellbeing: “P4Well” (Pervasive Personal and PsychoPhysiological management of WELLness). The primary focus of the concept is on management of stress and recovery from stress caused by daily life through improved health management strategies. The P4Well concept combines modern psychological methods with personal health technologies. The technologies include a web-portal and web-based tools, mobile phone with mobile client applicatio…
Effects of vigorous late-night exercise on sleep quality and cardiac autonomic activity
Sleep is the most important period for recovery from daily load. Regular physical activity enhances overall sleep quality, but the effects of acute exercise on sleep are not well defined. In sleep hygiene recommendations, intensive exercising is not suggested within the last 3 h before bed time, but this recommendation has not been adequately tested experimentally. Therefore, the effects of vigorous late-night exercise on sleep were examined by measuring polysomnographic, actigraphic and subjective sleep quality, as well as cardiac autonomic activity. Eleven (seven men, four women) physically fit young adults (VO(2max) 54±8 mL·kg(-1)·min(-1) , age 26±3 years) were monitored in a sleep labor…
Ability of short-time Fourier transform method to detect transient changes in vagal effects on hearts: a pharmacological blocking study.
Conventional spectral analyses of heart rate variability (HRV) have been limited to stationary signals and have not allowed the obtainment of information during transient autonomic cardiac responses. In the present study, we evaluated the ability of the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) method to detect transient changes in vagal effects on the heart. We derived high-frequency power (HFP, 0.20–0.40 Hz) as a function of time during active orthostatic task (AOT) from the sitting to standing posture before and after selective vagal (atropine sulfate 0.04 mg/kg) and sympathetic (metoprolol 0.20 mg/kg) blockades. The HFP minimum point during the first 30 s after standing up was calculated and…