Tim Gelhaar
Does successful attainment of developmental tasks lead to happiness and success in later developmental tasks? A test of Havighurst's (1948) theses.
This study tested Havighurst's (1948) contention that successful attainment of age-specific developmental tasks leads to happiness and success in achieving subsequent tasks. A longitudinal study on 146 participants was carried out to investigate the links between developmental progression in adolescence and young adulthood and happiness, which was assessed by two indices: high self-esteem and low symptomatology. The importance individuals place on achieving normative developmental tasks and current developmental status was assessed six times during adolescence and young adulthood, self-esteem and symptomatology were assessed five times. Results revealed a shift in the time frames for accomp…
Entwicklungsregulation im jungen Erwachsenenalter
Zusammenfassung. Die vorliegende Längsschnittstudie untersucht die Realisierung von Entwicklungsaufgaben zu zwei Zeitpunkten im jungen Erwachsenenalter. An einer Stichprobe von N = 102 Probanden wurde der gegenwärtige Entwicklungsstand und die intendierte Entwicklungsnorm in acht alterstypischen Entwicklungsaufgaben überprüft. Drei Entwicklungsaufgaben von besonderer Wichtigkeit (Partnerschaft, Berufseinstieg und Gründung eines eigenen Haushalts) wurden genauer analysiert. Zwei verschiedene Modelle zum Zusammenhang zwischen Entwicklungsstand und Entwicklungsnorm, das Realisierungsmodell (je höher die Entwicklungsnorm, desto höher der Grad der Realisierung) und das Adjustierungsmodell (die E…
Adolescent coping with everyday stressors: A seven-nation study of youth from central, eastern, southern, and northern Europe
The present study compares problem-specific coping strategies and coping styles of European adolescents from seven nations. The sample consisted of 3031 adolescent participants, aged 11 to 20, from Croatia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal, and Switzerland. The adolescents completed the Coping Across Situations Questionnaire (CASQ) by indicating which coping strategies (from 20 alternatives) they usually employed in dealing with age-specific problems (covering 8 different domains). The strategies can be collapsed to three coping styles: active coping, internal coping, and withdrawal. Results show that adolescents from all seven nations predominantly employed functional f…