J. Halenka
Pressure Shift and Gravitational Red Shift of Balmer Lines in White Dwarfs. Rediscussion
The Stark-induced shift and asymmetry, the so-called pressure shift (PS) of $H_\alpha$ and $H_\beta$ Balmer lines in spectra of DA white dwarfs (WDs), as masking effects in measurements of the gravitational red shift in WDs, have been examined in detail. The results are compared with our earlier ones from before a quarter of a century (Grabowski et al. 1987, hereafter ApJ'87; Madej and Grabowski 1990). In these earlier papers, as a dominant constituent of the Balmer-line-profiles, the standard, symmetrical Stark line profiles, shifted as the whole by PS-effect, were applied to all spectrally active layers of the WD atmosphere. At present, in each of the WD layers, the Stark-line-profiles (e…
Tables of the partition functions for nickel, Ni I - Ni X
We present extensive tables of the atomic partition function (APF) for nickel ions, Ni I - Ni X. Partition functions are given over wide range of temperature, 10^3 K < T < 10^6 K, and lowering of ionization energy (0.001 eV < LIE < 5.0 eV), both taken as independent variables. Our APF take into account all energy levels predicted by quantum mechanics, including autoionization levels. The tables can be applied for the computations of model stellar atmospheres and theoretical spectra over very wide range of spectral classes, from the coolest K-M dwarfs up to the hottest main sequence, giant, and white dwarf stars. This include also model spectra of supersoft X-ray sources and accr…
Experimental and theoretical Stark broadening studies of the hydrogen Paschen beta line.
Experimental and theoretical Stark broadening studies of the Paschen beta line of hydrogen (lambda=1.28 microm) are reported. Line shape measurements were performed at electron densities of the plasma between 3.5 x 10(15) cm(-3) and 7.5 x 10(15) cm(-3), applying as the light source a wall-stabilized arc operated at atmospheric pressure in a helium-hydrogen gas mixture. The radiation of the plasma, emitted from nearly homogeneous plasma layers in the end-on direction, was registered with the use of a grating spectrometer equipped with a charge coupled device detector. The measured light outputs were calibrated against signals obtained from a tungsten strip radiation standard. The experimenta…
Comparison of hydrogen Balmer-alpha Stark profiles measured at high electron densities with theoretical results
Profiles of the H-alpha line calculated using the full computer simulation method (FCSM) and the standard theory (ST) agree excellently with a measured profile (at an electron density of Ne = 9.0 × 1016 cm−3 and temperature T = 12 600 K) in an argon–hydrogen (minority) arc plasma. Calculated widths (FCSM) and shifts (ST) also agree well with experimental data from flash-tube plasmas and gas-linear pinch plasmas. Some discrepancies are probably caused by experimental flaws. Our analysis of the so-called generalized theory (GT) shows that this theory is burdened with un-physical approximations, and consequently so are all subsequent modifications based on GT. It is shown that the so-called ac…
Comment on "Highly nonlinear, sign-varying shift of hydrogen spectral lines in dense plasmas".
The shift of hydrogen and hydrogenlike spectral lines in dense plasmas, calculated with the full computer simulation method, in nonquenching, classical path, dipole approximation for plasma-emitter interaction, is equal to zero. In the paper commented on, Escarguel et al., Phys. Rev. E 62, 2667 (2000) the electron concentrations ${N}_{e}$ and the corresponding temperature values T are shown to have been determined incorrectly.
Calibration of the width of the NI spectral line at for electron density determination
Abstract The Stark broadening of a NI spectral line at 7915.42 A has been calibrated for electron density determination of low temperature plasmas. The determined simple formula based on measured FWHM is applicable in the electron density range from 3×1015 to 10 16 cm −3 .
Paschen β line shape studies in low-temperature plasmas
Line shape calculations and measurements of the Paschen β line of hydrogen (λ=12818 Å) are reported. Measurements were performed at electron densities of the plasma between 1015 cm-3 and 1016 cm-3. A wall-stabilized arc operated at atmospheric pressure in a helium-hydrogen gas mixture was applied as the excitation source. The radiation of the plasma, originating from nearly homogeneous plasma layers, in the end-on direction, was analyzed. A grating spectrometer equipped with a CCD detector was used for the radiation detection. The measured line profiles are compared with results of available experimental and theoretical Stark broadening data e.g. based on simulation techniques, applied also…
Perturber's charge effect on Stark broadened hydrogen lines in helium plasmas
Abstract The Stark line profiles for hydrogen Ly α , Ly β , Hα, and Hβ are calculated using the computer simulation method for helium plasmas in the range of electron concentration from 1018 to 10 19 cm −3 at increasing temperature values kT from 7 to 10 eV , according to the experimental measurements in dense plasmas (Bochum experiment). The calculation was carried out at two limiting assumptions about the perturbers: (a) in the helium plasma only singly ionized helium ions occur, and (b) in the plasma the doubly ionized ions exclusively exist. In the paper the ratio of the calculated full half-widths, FWHM(b)/FWHM(a), for these lines are presented. The ratio equals about to 1.1 for Lyβ an…
Experimental Stark-broadening studies of the NI multiplet $\mathsf{(^{1}D) 3s^{2}D - (^{1}D)3p^{2}P^{o}}$ at 7904.5 �
Experimental Stark-broadening studies of the NI multiplet $(^{1}{\rm D})3s$ $^{2}{\rm D} - (^{1}{\rm D})3p$ $^{2}{\rm P}^{\rm o}$ are reported. Line shape measurements were performed using a wall-stabilized arc operated at atmospheric pressure in helium with small amounts of nitrogen and hydrogen. The radiation of the plasma emitted from nearly homogeneous plasma layers in end-on direction was measured using a grating spectrometer equipped with a charge-coupled device (CCD) detector. The arc current was varied from 35 to 50 A in order to obtain different plasma conditions (electron densities and temperatures). The so-called j(x) profiles of Griem, convoluted with the corresponding Doppler a…
A critical analysis of the advanced generalized theory: Applicability and applications
Abstract A recent series of theoretical works (“advanced generalized theory”) has been proposed and applied to the analysis of hydrogen lines, particularly H α in plasmas. The “advanced generalized theory” (AGT) [JQSRT 1994;51:129, Phys Rev E 1999;60:R2480, JQSRT 2000; 65:405] is critically examined, both theoretically and in applications to the analysis of experimental data. A number of serious flaws are exposed and discussed. The major flaws include using an inconsistent perturbation theory and erroneous Weisskopf radius-type arguments to access dynamic behavior. Further, the results derived from calculations using the theory are in disagreement with both exact analytic results and benchm…
Abstract Based on a quantum statistical many-particle theory, the shift and the width of some He II lines have been evaluated. Ion dynamics have been treated within the model microfield method. Furthermore, fine structure splitting has been taken into account in order to check whether this effect is the cause for the existing large discrepancies between theoretical and experimental line widths. Besides the electronic contributions to the line shift, the shift due to the inhomogeneities of the ionic microfield as well as that due to the quadratic Stark effect has been included.
Stark broadening of the hydrogen Paschen ? transition at electron densities of the order of $ \mathsf {10^{15}}$ cm $ \mathsf {^{-3}}$
Stark broadening measurements and calculations of the Paschen γ spectral line of hydrogen ( λ = 1.094[: MU :] m) are reported. Investigations have been performed at plasma electron densities between 1.4×10 15 cm -3 and 3.7×10 15 cm -3 . As the light source a wall-stabilized arc operated in a helium-hydrogen gas mixture at atmospheric pressure has been applied. The radiation of the plasma emitted from nearly homogeneous plasma layers in end-on direction, was measured with the use of a grating spectrometer equipped with a charge coupled device (CCD) detector. The radiance calibration was carried out against light outputs originating from a tungsten strip radiation standard. The measured FWHM …
Tables of the partition functions for iron, Fe I -- Fe X
We present extensive tables of the Atomic Partition Function for iron ions, Fe I -- Fe X, and discuss details of the computational method. Partition functions are given in wide range of temperatures, 10^3 K < T < 10^6 K, and lowering of ionization energy (0.001 eV < LIE < 5.0 eV). Our APF take into account all energy levels predicted by quantum mechanics, including autoionization levels. The tables can be applied for the computations of model stellar atmospheres and theoretical spectra over all existing spectral and luminosity classes.