Comparison of hydrogen Balmer-alpha Stark profiles measured at high electron densities with theoretical results
W. OlchawaJ. HalenkaHans R. Griemsubject
PhysicsElectron densityField (physics)Plasma parametersBalmer seriesElectronWarm dense matterCondensed Matter PhysicsSpectral lineAtomic and Molecular Physics and Opticssymbols.namesakesymbolsAtomic physicsLine (formation)description
Profiles of the H-alpha line calculated using the full computer simulation method (FCSM) and the standard theory (ST) agree excellently with a measured profile (at an electron density of Ne = 9.0 × 1016 cm−3 and temperature T = 12 600 K) in an argon–hydrogen (minority) arc plasma. Calculated widths (FCSM) and shifts (ST) also agree well with experimental data from flash-tube plasmas and gas-linear pinch plasmas. Some discrepancies are probably caused by experimental flaws. Our analysis of the so-called generalized theory (GT) shows that this theory is burdened with un-physical approximations, and consequently so are all subsequent modifications based on GT. It is shown that the so-called acceleration of the electron by the ion field (AEIF) effect is no new effect, but only a drastically simplified alternative model involving physical and algebraic errors, compared with traditional theory (ST, FCSM, etc) of the ion–electron interactions. A corrected, but still somewhat faulty, AEIF model yields an up to 15% increase of the half width of the H-alpha line (about 10% being contributed by unavoidable approximations and 3–5% by the pure AEIF effect, and worsening the agreement with experimental data) in contrast to the originally reported 25% decrease of the half width. Finally, we find that for plasma parameters Γ≤ 0.25 there is neither theoretical nor experimental evidence for the existence of the new 'warm dense matter effects' claimed in Escarguel et al (2000 Phys. Rev. E 62 2667), Flih et al (2003 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 36 283), Escarguel et al (2000 J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer 64 353) and Flih and Vitel (2001 Proc. 15th Int. Conf. on Spectral Line Shapes).
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2005-03-23 | Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics |