Marta Llorca-pellicer
Fiabilidad y validez de constructo de la traducción al valenciano/catalán del Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el trabajo (CESQT) en docentes no universitarios
The aim of this study was to evaluate the reliability and construct validity of the Valencian/Catalonian version of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) in a sample of non-university teachers from the Valencia province (Spain). The sample consisted of 1359 teachers (67.2% were women). This instrument contains 20 items distributed into four dimensions: Enthusiasm toward the job (5 items), Psychological exhaustion (4 items), Indolence (6 items) and Guilt (5 items). The psychometric properties were examined through the following analyses: confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and reliability (Cronbach’s alpha). All items achieved appropriate values for both statistical and psychometric parameters,…
The Role of Guilt in the Relationship Between Teacher’s Job Burnout Syndrome and the Inclination Toward Absenteeism // El papel de la culpa en la relación entre el síndrome de quemarse por el trabajo y la inclinación al absentismo de profesores de Enseñanza Secundaria
Estudios anteriores han demostrado que los sentimientos de culpa parecen estar involucrados en el proceso del sindrome de quemarse por el trabajo (SQT). Sin embargo, la naturaleza exacta de la relacion entre el SQT, culpa, y la inclinacion al absentismo no es clara. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el papel de la culpa en la relacion entre el SQT y la inclinacion al absentismo. La muestra de este estudio transversal estuvo compuesta por 120 profesores espanoles. Se ha testado un modelo de path analisis. El modelo hipotetizado mostro un ajuste de datos adecuado, incluyendo el papel mediador de la culpa en la relacion entre el SQT y la inclinacion al absentismo. Los resultados de este…
Validación psicométrica de la batería UNIPSICO en valenciano/catalán: análisis de las escalas que evalúan las variables psicosociales de demanda
Objetivo: Analizar las propiedades psicométricas de las escalas de demandas de la batería UNIPSICO del contexto de trabajo en valenciano/catalán.
 Método: La muestra la constituyen 2114 trabajadores de centros públicos de la Generalitat Valenciana, de la provincia de Valencia. La recogida de datos se realizó mediante las escalas de la batería UNIPSICO que evalúan factores psicosociales de demandas en el trabajo (33 ítems), que se agrupan en 6 escalas: Conflicto de rol (5 ítems), ambigüedad de rol (5 ítems), carga de trabajo (6 ítems), conflictos interpersonales (6 ítems), inequidad en los intercambios sociales (5 ítems), y conflicto trabajo-familia/familia-trabajo (6 ítems). Se realizó…
Influence of Some Psychosocial Factors on Mobbing and its Consequences Among Employees Working with People with Intellectual Disabilities
Background The problem of mobbing has attracted a great deal of attention over the past few years. This concern has increased the study of the phenomena, which has resulted in many scientific publications. Mobbing has been characterized as an emerging risk at work. The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of some psychosocial factors at work ‐ role clarity, interpersonal conflicts and social support ‐ on mobbing and its consequences ‐ that is, inclination towards absenteeism and psychosomatic disorders. Materials and methods The sample included 422 employees working with people with intellectual disabilities. Structural equation modelling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. Res…
Development of Burnout Syndrome in Non-university Teachers: Influence of Demand and Resource Variables.
Psychosocial risks at work are an important occupational problem since they can have an impact on workers' health, productivity, absenteeism, and company profits. Among their consequences, burnout stands out for its prevalence and associated consequences. This problem is particularly noteworthy in the case of teachers. The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of some psychosocial factors (demand and resource variables) and risks in burnout development, taking into consideration the levels of burnout according to the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI). This paper contributes to advancing knowledge on this issue by analyzing the influence of work characteristics and personal characteris…
Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Spanish Burnout Inventory Among Professionals Across 17 Countries and Regions
AbstractStudies on the prevalence of burnout in professionals in service organizations who work in direct contact with the clients or users of the organization have concluded that burnout is a serious health disorder that has increased due to the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant advantage of the Spanish Burnout Inventory (SBI) over other instruments is that it provides a broader conceptualization of burnout by including feelings of guilt as a dimension of burnout to explain its development. However, the measurement invariance of the SBI across countries has not been investigated. The purpose of this study was to test the measurement invariance of the SBI among professionals across 17 countr…