Ch. Dreisbach
K− over K+ multiplicity ratio for kaons produced in DIS with a large fraction of the virtual-photon energy
The K$^{-}$ over K$^{+}$ multiplicity ratio is measured in deep-inelastic scattering, for the first time for kaons carrying a large fraction $z$ of the virtual-photon energy. The data were obtained by the COMPASS collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam and an isoscalar $^6$LiD target. The regime of deep-inelastic scattering is ensured by requiring $Q^2>1$ (GeV/$c)^2$ for the photon virtuality and $W>5$ GeV/$c^2$ for the invariant mass of the produced hadronic system. Kaons are identified in the momentum range from 12 GeV/$c$ to 40 GeV/$c$, thereby restricting the range in Bjorken-$x$ to $0.010.75$. For very large values of $z$, $i.e.$ $z>0.8$, we observe the kaon multiplicity ratio to fall …
Search for muoproduction of X(3872) at COMPASS and indication of a new state X˜(3872)
Abstract We have searched for exclusive production of exotic charmonia in the reaction μ + N → μ + ( J / ψ π + π − ) π ± N ′ using COMPASS data collected with incoming muons of 160 GeV/c and 200 GeV/c momentum. In the J / ψ π + π − mass distribution we observe a signal with a statistical significance of 4.1 σ. Its mass and width are consistent with those of the X ( 3872 ) . The shape of the π + π − mass distribution from the observed decay into J / ψ π + π − shows disagreement with previous observations for X ( 3872 ) . The observed signal may be interpreted as a possible evidence of a new charmonium state. It could be associated with a neutral partner of X ( 3872 ) with C = − 1 predicted b…
Contribution of exclusive diffractive processes to the measured azimuthal asymmetries in SIDIS
Hadron leptoproduction in Semi-Inclusive measurements of Deep-Inelastic Scattering (SIDIS) on unpolarised nucleons allows one to get information on the intrinsic transverse momentum of quarks in a nucleon and on the Boer-Mulders function through the measurement of azimuthal modulations in the cross section. These modulations were recently measured by the HERMES experiment at DESY on proton and deuteron targets, and by the COMPASS experiment using the CERN SPS muon beam and a $^6$LiD target. In both cases, the amplitudes of the $\cos\phi_h$ and $\cos 2\phi_h$ modulations show strong kinematic dependences for both positive and negative hadrons. It has been known since some time that the measu…
First measurement of the Sivers asymmetry for gluons using SIDIS data
The Sivers function describes the correlation between the transverse spin of a nucleon and the transverse motion of its partons. It was extracted from measurements of the azimuthal asymmetry of hadrons produced in semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering of leptons off transversely polarised nucleon targets, and it turned out to be non-zero for quarks. In this letter the evaluation of the Sivers asymmetry for gluons in the same process is presented. The analysis method is based on a Monte Carlo simulation that includes three hard processes: photon-gluon fusion, QCD Compton scattering and leading-order virtual-photon absorption process. The Sivers asymmetries of the three processes are simul…
Sivers asymmetry extracted in SIDIS at the hard scales of the Drell-Yan process at COMPASS
Proton transverse-spin azimuthal asymmetries are extracted from the COMPASS 2010 semi-inclusive hadron measurements in deep inelastic muon-nucleon scattering in those four regions of the photon virtuality $Q^2$, which correspond to the four regions of the di-muon mass $\sqrt{Q^2}$ used in the ongoing analysis of the COMPASS Drell-Yan measurements. This allows for a future direct comparison of the nucleon transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions extracted from these two alternative measurements. Various two-dimensional kinematic dependences are presented for the azimuthal asymmetries induced by the Sivers transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution function. The inte…
Antiproton over proton and K$^-$ over K$^+$ multiplicity ratios at high $z$ in DIS
The $\bar{\rm p} $ over p multiplicity ratio is measured in deep-inelastic scattering for the first time using (anti-) protons carrying a large fraction of the virtual-photon energy, $z>0.5$. The data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration using a 160 GeV muon beam impinging on an isoscalar $^6$LiD target. The regime of deep-inelastic scattering is ensured by requiring $Q^2$ > 1 (GeV/$c$)$^2$ for the photon virtuality and $W > 5$ GeV/$c^2$ for the invariant mass of the produced hadronic system. The range in Bjorken-$x$ is restricted to $0.01 < x < 0.40$. Protons and antiprotons are identified in the momentum range $20 ��60$ GeV/$c$. In the whole studied $z$-region, the $\…
Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry A1p and spin-dependent structure function g1p of the proton at small values of x and Q2
Abstract We present a precise measurement of the proton longitudinal double-spin asymmetry A 1 p and the proton spin-dependent structure function g 1 p at photon virtualities 0.006 ( GeV / c ) 2 Q 2 1 ( GeV / c ) 2 in the Bjorken x range of 4 × 10 − 5 x 4 × 10 − 2 . The results are based on data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN using muon beam energies of 160 GeV and 200 GeV . The statistical precision is more than tenfold better than that of the previous measurement in this region. In the whole range of x , the measured values of A 1 p and g 1 p are found to be positive. It is for the first time that spin effects are found at such low values of x .
Transverse extension of partons in the proton probed in the sea-quark range by measuring the DVCS cross section
Physics letters / B B793, 188-194 (2019). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2019.04.038
Corrigendum to “Transverse extension of partons in the proton probed in the sea-quark range by measuring the DVCS cross section” [Phys. Lett. B 793 (2019) 188]
Physics letters / B B 800, 135129 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2019.135129
Measurement of the cross section for hard exclusive π0 muoproduction on the proton
Physics letters / B B805, 135454 (2020). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2020.135454
New analysis of ηπ tensor resonances measured at the COMPASS experiment
We present a new amplitude analysis of the $\eta\pi$ $D$-wave in $\pi^- p\to \eta\pi^- p$ measured by COMPASS. Employing an analytical model based on the principles of the relativistic $S$-matrix, we find two resonances that can be identified with the $a_2(1320)$ and the excited $a_2^\prime(1700)$, and perform a comprehensive analysis of their pole positions. For the mass and width of the $a_2$ we find $M=(1307 \pm 1 \pm 6)$~MeV and $\Gamma=(112 \pm 1 \pm 8)$~MeV, and for the excited state $a_2^\prime$ we obtain $M=(1720 \pm 10 \pm 60)$~MeV and $\Gamma=(280\pm 10 \pm 70)$~MeV, respectively.
First Measurement of Transverse-Spin-Dependent Azimuthal Asymmetries in the Drell-Yan Process
The first measurement of transverse-spin-dependent azimuthal asymmetries in the pion-induced Drell-Yan (DY) process is reported. We use the CERN SPS 190 GeV/$c$, $\pi^{-}$ beam and a transversely polarized ammonia target. Three azimuthal asymmetries giving access to different transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) parton distribution functions (PDFs) are extracted using dimuon events with invariant mass between 4.3 GeV/$c^2$ and 8.5 GeV/$c^2$. The observed sign of the Sivers asymmetry is found to be consistent with the fundamental prediction of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) that the Sivers TMD PDFs extracted from DY have a sign opposite to the one extracted from semi-inclusive deep-inelastic sc…
Transverse-momentum-dependent Multiplicities of Charged Hadrons in Muon-Deuteron Deep Inelastic Scattering
A semi-inclusive measurement of charged hadron multiplicities in deep inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target was performed using data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN. The following kinematic domain is covered by the data: photon virtuality $Q^{2}>1$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$, invariant mass of the hadronic system $W > 5$ GeV/$c^2$, Bjorken scaling variable in the range $0.003 < x < 0.4$, fraction of the virtual photon energy carried by the hadron in the range $0.2 < z < 0.8$, square of the hadron transverse momentum with respect to the virtual photon direction in the range 0.02 (GeV/$c)^2 < P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 3$ (GeV/$c$)$^2$. The multiplicities are pres…
Triangle Singularity as the Origin of the a1(1420)
The COMPASS Collaboration experiment recently discovered a new isovector resonancelike signal with axial-vector quantum numbers, the a 1 ( 1420 ) , decaying to f 0 ( 980 ) π . With a mass too close to and a width smaller than the axial-vector ground state a 1 ( 1260 ) , it was immediately interpreted as a new light exotic meson, similar to the X , Y , Z states in the hidden-charm sector. We show that a resonancelike signal fully matching the experimental data is produced by the decay of the a 1 ( 1260 ) resonance into K * ( → K π ) K ¯ and subsequent rescattering through a triangle singularity into the coupled f 0 ( 980 ) π channel. The amplitude for this process is calculated using a new a…
Multiplicities of charged kaons from deep-inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target
Precise measurements of charged-kaon multiplicities in deep inelastic scattering were performed. The results are presented in three-dimensional bins of the Bjorken scaling variable x, the relative virtual-photon energy y, and the fraction z of the virtual-photon energy carried by the produced hadron. The data were obtained by the COMPASS Collaboration by scattering 160 GeV muons off an isoscalar 6 LiD target. They cover the kinematic domain 1 (GeV/c)2 < Q2 < 60 (GeV/c)^2 in the photon virtuality, 0.004 < x < 0.4, 0.1 < y < 0.7, 0.20 < z < 0.85, and W > 5 GeV/c^2 in the invariant mass of the hadronic system. The results from the sum of the z-integrated K+ and K- mu…
Final COMPASS results on the deuteron spin-dependent structure functiong1dand the Bjorken sum rule
Final results are presented from the inclusive measurement of deep-inelastic polarised-muon scattering on longitudinally polarised deuterons using a 6 LiD target. The data were taken at 160 GeV beam energy and the results are shown for the kinematic range 1(GeV/c)2 4GeV/c2 in the mass of the hadronic final state. The deuteron double-spin asymmetry A1d and the deuteron longitudinal-spin structure function g1d are presented in bins of x and Q2 . Towards lowest accessible values of x , g1d decreases and becomes consistent with zero within uncertainties. The presented final g1d values together with the recently published final g1p values of COMPASS are used to again evaluate the Bjorken sum rul…