Johanna Seemann
Cation exchange-based post-processing of 68Ga-eluate: A comparison of three solvent systems for labelling of DOTATOC, NO2APBP and DATAm
Interest in (68)Ga has led to a number of innovations for its provision suitable for clinical application. Several post-processing methods are available to reduce eluate volume and remove metal trace impurities. In this work three cation exchange resin based post-processing methods (acetone, ethanol and NaCl) have been compared, using three model precursors (DOTATOC, NO2AP(BP) and DATA(m)), in terms of labelling yield and reproducibility. The acetone and ethanol based methods provided greater reproducibility and yields that makes subsequent purification unnecessary.
Approaching ‘kit-type’ labelling with 68Ga : the DATA chelators.
The DATA chelators are a novel class of tri-anionic ligands based on 6-amino-1,4-diazepine-triacetic acid, which have been introduced recently for the chelation of (68)Ga. Compared with macrocyclic chelators based on the cyclen scaffold (i.e., DOTA, DO3A, and DO2A derivatives), DATA chelators undergo quantitative radiolabelling more rapidly and under milder conditions. In this study, a systematic evaluation of the labelling of four DATA chelators--DATA(M), DATA(P), DATA(Ph), and DATA(PPh)--with (68)Ga is presented. The results highlight the extraordinary potential of this new class of chelators for application in molecular imaging using (68)Ga positron emission tomography (PET).