Maisa Martin

Koodinvaihdosta kielenvaihtoon? Magdolna Kovács, Code-Switching and Language Shift in Australian Finnish in comparison with Australian Hungarian.

Kirja-arvio Kovács, Magdolna: Code-switching and language shift in Australian Finnish in comparison with Australian Hungarian nonPeerReviewed

research product

CEFLING: Combining Second Language Acquisition and Testing Approaches to Writing

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Suomi ja viro oppijan mielessä. Näkökulmia taivutusmuotojen prosessointiin

Kielenoppijan aidinkielen eli lahdekielen (L1) ja opittavan kielen eli kohdekielen (L2) rakenteita ja sanastoa vertaillaan usein toisiinsa, koska havaittujen erojen ja yhtalaisyyksien oletetaan olevan jossakin suhteessa kielenoppimisen kulkuun ja oppijoiden kielellisiin tuotoksiin. Oletus perustuu kaytannon kokemuksiin, mutta enenevasti myos tutkimustietoon (ks. erityisesti Kaivapalu 2005). Lahde- ja kohdekielen suhteen olemuksen tutkimuksellinen maaritteleminen on kuitenkin haastavampi ja mutkikkaampi tehtava kuin pelkka kielten ja oppijoiden puheen ja kirjoituksen vertailu.

research product

Koulun kahlitsemat - arjen selviytyjät : näkökulmia kielen oppimiseen

This article discusses written narratives about foreign language learning. The stories were collected in a contest organised by KVS Foundation (Kansanvalistusseura), a Finnish organisation for adult education. Over 500 texts were sent for the contest, representing writers of both sexes, various language backgrounds and many professions. The age of writers varied from 8 to 80. In this article we discuss the nature of the data and the creation of a data base. Some preliminary observations are reported and a case study discussed. The relation between the academic and everyday views of language learning is also dealt with. peerReviewed

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Sanat kantavat valtaa

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Perception of phonemic length and its relation to reading and spelling skills in children with family risk for dyslexia in the first three grades of school.

Purpose To examine the ability to discriminate phonemic length and the association of this ability with reading accuracy, reading speed, and spelling accuracy in Finnish children throughout Grades 1–3. Method Reading-disabled (RDFR, n = 35) and typically reading children (TRFR, n = 69) with family risk for dyslexia and typically reading control children (TRC, n = 80) were tested once in each grade of Grades 1–3 using a phonemic length discrimination task. Reading, spelling, IQ, verbal short-term memory, phonological memory, and naming speed were assessed. Results The RDFR group made more errors in phonemic length discrimination than the TRC group in Grades 2 and 3. After taking into accoun…

research product

Negative constructions in nonliterate learners' spoken L2 Finnish

This chapter discusses the development of Finnish expressions of negation in four initially nonliterate women with very low oral skills during their first ten-month language course. While many studies have been published describing the learning of L2 Finnish by educated adult learners, hardly any research is available on how nonliterate adults learn Finnish. Yet research-based knowledge is needed for both pedagogical and resource-related decision making. The theoretical approach to additional language learning in this study is usage-based (e.g., Bybee 2008), with construction as the unit of analysis (Eskildsen 2012) and classroom as the interactional setting. In standard Finnish, the negati…

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Kielestä yleensä

Kirja-arvio: [Ojutkangas, Krista & Larjavaara, Meri & Miestamo, Matti & Ylikoski, Jussi: Johdatus kielitieteeseen] nonPeerReviewed

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Laulaen sujuvaksi kirjoittajaksi?

Arvioitu teos:
 Jenni Alisaari: Songs and poems in the second language classroom. The hidden potential of singing for developing writing fluency. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja. Annales Universitatis Turkuensis B 426. Turku: Turun yliopisto 2016. Johdanto 64 s. ja kolme artikkelia. isbn 978-951-29-6672-1.

research product

Hyvän kielenopijan niksit

The term good language learner is used by researchers interested in language learning strategies. The aim of studying the behaviour of such individuals is to dissect the individual and social qualities and situations which lead to successful language acquisition, with the motivation of possibly transferring useful strategies to other learners. In this article, good language learner refers to people who over several decades have studied many languages and are eager and able to describe their ways and paths of learning. The material was collected via a popular magazine which published a request to send in language learning tricks and stories. The most extensive stories are analysed here from …

research product

Suomi ja viro oppijan mielessä : näkökulmia taivutusmuotojen prosessointiin

Kielenoppijan äidinkielen eli lähdekielen (L1) ja opittavan kielen eli kohdekielen (L2) rakenteita ja sanastoa vertaillaan usein toisiinsa, koska havaittujen erojen ja yhtäläisyyksien oletetaan olevan jossakin suhteessa kielenoppimisen kulkuun ja oppijoiden kielellisiin tuotoksiin. Oletus perustuu käytännön kokemuksiin, mutta enenevästi myös tutkimustietoon (ks. erityisesti Kaivapalu 2005). Lähde- ja kohdekielen suhteen olemuksen tutkimuksellinen määritteleminen on kuitenkin haastavampi ja mutkikkaampi tehtävä kuin pelkkä kielten ja oppijoiden puheen ja kirjoituksen vertailu. peerReviewed

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Avainrakenneanalyysillä uusia ikkunoita suomen oppimiseen

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Kirjoitusprosessi suurennuslasin alla

Arvioitu teos:
 Olga Gaitšenja: Venekeelsete eesti keele õppijate kirjutamisprotsess. Tallinn: Tallinna ülikool 2019. 254 s. isbn 978-9949-29- 466-4. Saatavilla verkossa osoitteessa http://www.digar.ee/id/nlib-digar:406495.

research product

Iso apu meille ja muille

Kirja-arvio Hakulinen, Auli & Vilkuna, Maria & Korhonen, Riitta & Koivisto, Vesa & Heinonen, Tarja Riitta & Alho, Irja (toim.): Iso suomen kielioppi peerReviewed

research product

Tietokoneavusteinen suomen kielen kvantiteetin harjoittelu: venäjänkielisen suomea opettelevan lapsen ja suomenkielisen luku- ja kirjoitushäiriöisen lapsen vertailu

Kaksi ensiluokkalaista lasta, oppimispulmaton venäjänkielinen suomenoppija ja suomenkielinen luku- ja kirjoitushäiriöinen lapsi, joilla kummallakin oli ongelmia vokaalikvantiteetin tunnistustaidossa, osallistuivat tietokonepohjaiseen kvantiteettipeli-interventioon. Tunnistustaito mitattiin jakson aikana seitsemän kertaa, ja kielelliset ja kognitiiviset taidot alku-, loppu- ja seurantamittauksessa. Venäjänkielisen lapsen tunnistustaito sekä kvantiteetin yleinen erottelutaito paranivat heti harjoittelun myötä. Myös kvantiteetin luku- ja oikeinkirjoitustarkkuus, foneemien ja grafeemien tuntemus ja fonologinen tietoisuus parantuivat. Lukuja kirjoitushäiriöisellä lapsella tunnistustaito parantui…

research product

Assessing learners’ writing skills in a SLA study: Validating the rating process across tasks, scales and languages

There is still relatively little research on how well the CEFR and similar holistic scales work when they are used to rate L2 texts. Using both multifaceted Rasch analyses and qualitative data from rater comments and interviews, the ratings obtained by using a CEFR-based writing scale and the Finnish National Core Curriculum scale for L2 writing were examined to validate the rating process used in the study of the linguistic basis of the CEFR in L2 Finnish and English. More specifically, we explored the quality of the ratings and the rating scales across different tasks and across the two languages. As the task is an integral part of the data-gathering procedure, the relationship of task p…

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The simultaneous development of receptive skills in an orthographically transparent second language

Learning to read in an orthographically very shallow language may seem easy. However, for adults who are non-literate in their first language (L1), have no experience of formal education, and have to acquire literacy in a new language (L2), learning to read at all can be a formidable task. In this article, the results of a case study of the outcome of the first 10 months of Finnish literacy training for five immigrant women (24–45 years of age) are presented. Relationships are sought between the participants' achieved reading skills, their oral receptive vocabulary, their knowledge of letters, their phonological working memory and their visual memory. The results of the study show that even…

research product

Perceived similarity between written Estonian and Finnish : Strings of letters or morphological units?

The distance or similarity between two languages can be objective or actual, i.e. discoverable by the tools and methods of linguists, or perceived by users of the languages. In this article two methods, the Levenshtein Distance (LD), which purports to measure the objective distance, and the Index of Perceived Similarity (IPS), which quantifies language users’ perceptions, are compared. The data are the quantitative results of a test measuring conscious perceptions of similarity between Estonian and Finnish inflectional morphology by Finnish and Estonian native speakers (‘Finns’ and ‘Estonians’) with no knowledge of and exposure to the other (‘target’) language. The results show that Finns s…

research product

Precursors and consequences of phonemic length discrimination ability problems in children with reading disabilities and familial risk for dyslexia.

Purpose The authors investigated the importance of phonemic length discrimination ability on reading and spelling skills among children with reading disabilities and familial risk for dyslexia and among children with typical reading skills, as well as the role of prereading skills in reading and spelling development in children with reading disabilities. Method Finnish children with reading disabilities and discrimination problems (RDDP, n = 13), children with reading disabilities and typical discrimination abilities (RDTD, n = 27), and children with typical reading skills (TR, n = 140) were assessed between the ages of 1 and 6.5 years for language, phonological awareness, IQ, verbal memor…

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Designing and Assessing L2 Writing Tasks Across CEFR Proficiency Levels

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The Map and the Rope. Finnish Nominal Inflection as a Learning Target

research product

Computer game as a tool for training the identification of phonemic length.

Computer-assisted training of Finnish phonemic length was conducted with 7-year-old Russian-speaking second-language learners of Finnish. Phonemic length plays a different role in these two languages. The training included game activities with two- and three-syllable word and pseudo-word minimal pairs with prototypical vowel durations. The lowest accuracy scores were recorded for two-syllable words. Accuracy scores were higher for the minimal pairs with larger rather than smaller differences in duration. Accuracy scores were lower for long duration than for short duration. The ability to identify quantity degree was generalized to stimuli used in the identification test in two of the childr…

research product

Suomen kielen U-verbit taitotason indikaattorina

Artikkelin lahtokohtana on kysymys lingvistisista indikaattoreista eri funktionaalisia kielitaitotasoja osoittamassa. Tutkimuskohteena ovat suomen kielen U-verbit, joiden on aiemman tutkimuksen perusteella todettu tuottavan ongelmia hyvin edistyneillekin suomenoppijoille. U-verbit ovat intransitiivisia verbijohdoksia, joiden kantaverbeilla on tavallisesti A-vartalo, esim. vaihtaa > vaihtua ja jatkaa > jatkua . U-verbit voivat olla esimerkiksi refleksiivisia tai automatiivisia. Automatiivisuudella tarkoitetaan, etta jotakin tapahtuu ei-intentionaalisesti tai ilman elollista agenttia. Aineistona ovat otokset kolmesta suomenoppijoiden korpuksesta: 12–16-vuotiaiden koululaisten kirjoitelmista (…

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Variaatio oppimisen osoittajana ja ohjaajana

Arvioitu teos:
 Sirkku Lesonen: Valuing variability. Dynamic usage-based principles in the L2 development of four Finnish language learners. Groningen Dissertations in Linguistics 184. Groningen: Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 2020. 310 s. isbn 9789403426747. Saatavilla verkossa osoitteessa http://urn.fi/URN:ISBN:978-94-034-2675-4.

research product

Säilyyko suomen kieli Ruotsissa? Arvostelu Pirjo Janulfin väitöskirjasta Kommer finskan i Sverige att fortleva? En studie av språkkunskaper och språkanvänding hos andragenerationens sverigefinnar i Botkyrka och hos finlandssvenskar i Åbo.

research product

Käyttötaajuus ja tarkkuus toisen kielen kehityksessä

The path of learning a new language must find a route between the need to express oneself and the desire to do so accurately. The article discusses this relationship between learning to use various constructions and getting them right. The pseudolongitudinal data consist of about 1200 texts written by young and adult learners of Finnish as a second language, assessed to represent the functionally determined Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) levels A1–C2. The results are sifted from a large number of studies which have followed the use and accuracy of a given construction in these texts. The results show that an increase of use often precedes an improvement in accuracy at the nex…

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Yhteistä ja erityistä – Johdantoa teemanumeron kirjoituksiin

research product

U-verbit - suomalaista kohteliaisuutta parhaimmillaan? Kirsti Siitonen Agenttia etsimässä. U-verbijohdokset edistyneen suomen oppijan ongelmana.

research product

Kirsti Siitonen 1951-2020

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Monikielisyys muutoksessa

Sana 'monikielisyys' sisältää uusia ja vanhoja merkityksiä, joiden syntyä avataan tässä artikkelissa. Kehityskuluilla on yhteyksiä moniin kielenkäytön ja kielitieteen näkökulmien muutoksiin, erityisesti toisen kielen oppimisen alalla. Pohdiskelut tarjoavat aineksia myös perheiden ”kielipoliittiseen” päätöksentekoon. nonPeerReviewed

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Book review: Mastering Finnish by Börje Vähämäki

Arvioitu kirja/Reviewed book: Börje Vähämäki: Mastering Finnish. Textbook and two cassettes. Second edition. Aspasia Books, Beaverton. Ontario, Canada. 1999. ISBN 0-9685881-0-7. p. 288

research product

Suomea kaiken ikää – kotouttamistyötä tukevaa täydennyskoulutusta

Täydennyskoulutus rajoittuu usein yhden ammattiryhmän muutaman aktiivin käynteihin lyhytkursseilla. Suomea kaiken ikää -koulutuksen ideana oli tarjota moniammatillisille ryhmille tukea uudentyyppisen kotouttamistyön toteuttamiseen ja saattaa erilaisia asiantuntijoita yhteen pitkäjänteisemmin. nonPeerReviewed

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