Raphaël Laurin
Les enquêtes quantitatives : de la corrélation à la causalité. Méthodologies utilisées pour investiguer le besoin d’acceptation sociale et l’état de pleine conscience (papiers crayons, plateforme Qualtrics, etc.).
Nous présenterons des études que nous avons mises en place pour étudier la sensibilité à l’acceptation sociale et l’état de pleine conscience (mindfulness). Des études ont d’abord été mises en place pour tester l’existence de liens de corrélation entre les variables ciblées : les variables A et B sont-elles liées ? Des études ont ensuite été menées pour tester des liens de causalité : la variable A, a t’elle un effet sur la variable B ? Des supports variés ont été utilisés pour mesurer et/ou manipuler nos variables : questionnaires papiers, questionnaires en ligne (sur la plateforme Qualtrics), mises en situations variées. Nous présenterons la façon dont nos outils ont été sélectionnés et a…
Is Andy Murray More British Than Scottish? It Depends on His Success! Game Outcome and the MOATing Effect
Prior research indicates that when we shared a part of a social identity with others, we tend to include or exclude them from our in-group depending on their success and failure. In this research, we investigated the extent to which this strategy (i.e., MOATing, “moving others away/toward the in-group”) is used for self-enhancement as compared to self-protection. Our experiment included a stereotype measure that assessed whether others were perceived as more typical of the in-group or the out-group. The results generally replicate those of prior research and suggest that MOATing primarily serves a self-enhancement function. We discuss theoretical and methodological implications.
Effets de l'accompagnement d'un projet personnel sur l'estime de soi de stagiaires d'un centre de formation de football
L’objectif de cette etude etait d’evaluer les effets de l’accompagnement d’un projet personnel sur l’evolution de l’estime de soi de stagiaires d’un centre de football en fin de formation. 22 stagiaires ont ete repartis au hasard en deux groupes egaux : un groupe experimental (accompagnement de projet) et un groupe controle (tâche neutre). L’intervention proposait aux participants des entretiens individuels visant l’elaboration et la planification d’un projet oriente principalement sur les domaines sportif et scolaire. 10 mesures repetees toutes les 3 semaines (4 avant et 6 apres l’intervention) de l’estime globale de soi, de la valeur physique percue et des sentiments de competence la cons…
Vécu psychosocial des footballeurs camerounais après un passage dans les clubs européens et maghrébins.
International audience
Effects of a Personal Goal Management Program on School and Football Self-Determination Motivation and Satisfaction of Newcomers within a Football Training Centre
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a personal goal-based intervention on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within football training centres. Twenty-three trainees were divided randomly into two groups, either a treatment group or a control group. The treatment proposed to the participants was the Personal Goal Management Program. Trainees’ school and football motivation and satisfaction were measured before, during and after the intervention. Results indicated a beneficial influence on football motivation and satisfaction, and overall trainee satisfaction. Methodological and applied suggestions are made to favour adjus…
Casual spectators and die-hard fans’ reactions to their team defeat: A look at the role of territorial identification in elite French rugby
This research investigated the role of two foci of identification (team and territory) on identity management strategies used by sport followers in the particular context of elite French rugby union. In study 1 which dealt with casual spectators (N = 153), the results corroborated numerous studies conducted in the North-American context and showed that team identification constitutes a strong driver for offensive and loyalty reactions. In study 2 which dealt with die-hard fans (N = 64), it appeared that team identification seems to be the best predictor of team loyalty strategy whereas territorial identification seems to be the first predictor of offensive strategies. Taken together, the st…
Effet de l'accompagnement de projet sur la motivation footballistique et scolaire de stagiaires de centre de formation de foot. Journées Nationales d' Etudes de la SFPS
Awareness level of gender stereotype and stereotype threat effect on ingroup favoritism bias in mixed-gender basketball teams.
Conscientiousness, self‐determination, and satisfaction in soccer academies: A longitudinal perspective
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate from a longitudinal perspective the relationships between conscientiousness, soccer and school self‐determination, and satisfaction in soccer academies. Newly recruited French soccer athletes responded to satisfaction and self‐determination measures three times, once every four months, and to conscientiousness measure in Time 2. Results showed that soccer self‐determination of trainees decreased and that its relationship with satisfaction was stronger over time. Moreover, results indicated that the relationship between trainee conscientiousness and satisfaction depends on the level of soccer self‐determination (S S‐D); when it was relatively hi…
The impacts of legitimacy appraisal of defeat on supporters’ identity management strategies: Testing the role of emotions
Emotion is a central feature of many competitive sports. In this regard, re- search revealed that defeats have powerful impacts on athletes who can feel deep- ly distressed or annoyed. Comparatively, relatively few studies have directly ad- dressed the emotional experience of supporters associated with losing teams. This is surprising when taking into account the negative consequences of emotions on intergroup relations (i.e., fans riots). To fill this gap, it is crucial to identify to whom these emotions are addressed. In this study, we proposed that the ob- ject of specific emotions would trigger the use of specific identity management strategies depending on the legitimacy appraisal of t…
Stereotype Threat Effect on a Simple Motor Task: An Investigation of the Visuo-Spatial Working Memory
Purpose: Based on the Chalabaev et al. (2013) study showing that in a Stereotype Threat (ST) situation the velocity of force production in a simple motor task can be affected, this study aimed to r...
Effects of personal goal management program on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within a football training centre
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a personal goal-based intervention on school and football self-determination motivation and satisfaction of newcomers within football training centres. Twenty-three trainees were divided randomly into two groups, either a treatment group or a control group. The treatment proposed to the participants was the personal goal management program (Bouffard, Labelle, Dubé & Lapierre, 1999). Trainees' school and football motivation and satisfaction were measured before, during and after the intervention. Results indicated a beneficial influence on football motivation and satisfaction, and overall trainee satisfaction. Methodological and applied su…
Appropriation générationnelle des aspects nutritionnels : activité physiques et fruits et légumes. Journée d'étude du Collectif Régional Activité Physique et Nutrition de Bourgogne (CRAN).
An Investigation of the Roles of Group Identification, Perceived Ability, and Evaluative Conditions in Stereotype Threat Experiences
The Multi-Threat Framework distinguishes six qualitatively distinct stereotype threats. Up to now, few studies have been performed to identify the situational and individual determinants of different stereotype threat experiences. This study investigates the role of group identification, perceived ability, and evaluative conditions (private/public) in six stereotype threat experiences for 261 French Physical Education Students. The results show that the expression level of the different stereotype threats does not vary according to evaluative conditions. In contrast, group identification affects all the forms of stereotype threats, and for three forms of stereotype threats, this effect is …
A self-report of adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers : the Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale
Self-Reported Adjustment of Teenagers at Soccer Training Centers: The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale
The aim of this study was to develop a questionnaire to measure adjustment of teenagers at soccer training centers, particularly newcomers. The Soccer Trainee Adjustment Scale was adapted from the Institutional Integration Scale and assesses the trainee's adjustment to operating and social activities. The scale was tested on a sample of 136 trainees from four soccer centers. Exploratory analysis indicated that the 13 items formed five factors: peer adjustment, boarding supervisor adjustment, soccer adjustment, scholastic adjustment, and boarding adjustment. These factors had internal consistency reliability ranging from .76 to .94.
Working memory capacity does not always promote dual-task motor performance: The case of juggling in soccer.
The aim of this research was to refine our understanding of the role of working memory capacity (WMC) on motor performances that require attentional control in dual-task situations. Three studies were carried out on soccer players. Each participant had to perform a juggling task in both normal and dual-task conditions. In Study 1, the interfering task was a mental calculation test performed under time pressure (strong cognitive load). In Study 2, the interfering task was a count-down test (low cognitive load). In Study 3 an intra-individual design in which participants perform dual-tasks increasingly complex has been proposed. Results showed a positive relationship between participants' WMC…