Markku Leskinen

Benefits of Integrating an Explicit Self-Efficacy Intervention With Calculation Strategy Training for Low-Performing Elementary Students

This study examined the malleability of math self-efficacy (SE) among children with poor calculation fluency via an intervention that targeted four sources of SE (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, social persuasions, and emotional and physiological states). The effect of pure strategy training was contrasted with an intervention that integrated strategy training and explicit SE support. Moreover, the changes in SE source experiences and their relation with math SE, as well as the relation between math-SE profiles and calculation fluency development, were examined. In a quasi-experimental design, 60 Finnish children with calculation fluency problems in Grades 2 to 4 participated in…

research product

Ennaltaehkäisevä tuki : suuntaviivoja tutkimusperustaisuudelle

Tämän katsauksen tavoitteena on esitellä ennaltaehkäisevän tuen viitekehystä tukitoimien jäsentämiseen ja kuvata sen etuja tutkimuksen ja oppilaiden yksilöllisen tukemisen yhteydessä. Sekä Suomessa että Yhdysvalloissa koululainsäädäntö määrää, miten lasten kehitystä tuetaan ennaltaehkäisevän tuen avulla. Kummassakin maassa kehitystä ja oppimista tuetaan portaittaisin mallein. Tuen erityisyys, yksilöllisyys ja intensiteetti kasvavat siirryttäessä tuen tasolta toiselle. Molempien maiden malleissa tuen tarpeen tunnistamisen ja tuen menetelmien tulisi olla tutkimusperustaisia eli niiden herkkyydestä ja vaikuttavuudesta tulisi olla tutkimusnäyttöä. Jotta menetelmien tutkiminen ja käytäntöön sove…

research product

Predictors of completion of upper secondary education of young adults with severe physical and multiple disabilities in Finland

ABSTRACTPrior studies have shown that young adults with severe physical and multiple disabilities are less likely to complete upper secondary education. This study aimed to identify whether these s...

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A meta-analysis of the relation between RAN and mathematics.

Several studies have shown that rapid automatized naming (RAN) is a significant predictor of mathematics, but the nature of their relationship remains elusive. Thus, the purpose of this meta-analysis was to estimate the size of their relationship and determine the conditions under which they correlate. We used a random-effects model analysis of data from 38 studies (33 unique samples, 151 correlations, 7,135 participants) to examine the size of the RAN–mathematics relationship and the role of different moderators (i.e., math measure and variable, type of RAN task, math age, study design, and sample characteristics). The results showed a significant correlation between RAN and mathematics (r…

research product

Meta-analysis of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education

Abstract This meta-study aims to examine the size of the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education of K-12 students with special educational needs and to identify potential moderators (publication, sample, and research procedure characteristics). We synthesized the research conducted from 1994 to 2018, and 41 studies were included. Bare-bones meta-analysis with random effect model revealed a sample size weighted correlation coefficient between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes as r ¯  = 0.35 (CI = 0.31-0.39). The between-study variations were not associated with hypothesized publication and sample characteristics. However, the self-efficacy me…

research product

Teacher satisfaction at the educational placement of students with special educational needs

This study conducted a large-scale survey to investigate the satisfaction of Finnish primary school teachers toward the current educational placement of their students with special educational needs (SEN). Teachers were asked to recommend the most suitable educational placement for each of their SEN students from a pool of six alternatives: a mainstream classroom, part-time special education, a special classroom in the mainstream school, a special school, a state special school, or an institution. Data were obtained from 980 students representing 68 schools. The results showed that, in the majority of cases, teachers recommended a different level to the current level of placement for their …

research product

Individual variance in responsiveness to early computerized mathematics intervention

Abstract We examined the effects of short, intensive computerized intervention in early number skills for kindergarteners with poor addition skills (below 1.5 SD ). The mathematical content of the software was hierarchically organized, starting from one-to-one correspondence, comparing and ordering, and proceeding via number concept and counting to basic addition. The results showed positive within-group effects for basic addition (Wilcoxon ES ( r ) = .59), verbal counting (.56), and the Number Sets Test (.45; see Geary, Bailey, & Hoard, 2009 ). The effects remained stable over a 9-week follow-up period. However, there was no significant between-group difference in terms of gain scores as c…

research product

Sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien lasten sosiaalinen asema lähikoulussa luokilla 1-4

Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata sisäkorvaistutetta käyttävien oppilaiden (jatkossa SI-oppilaiden) sosiaalista asemaa lähikouluissa luokilla 1–4. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, oliko SI-oppilaille muodostunut ystävyyssuhteita ja vastavuoroisen torjunnan suhteita muiden luokkalaisten kanssa ja olivatko he osana kaveriryhmiä. Lisäksi tutkittiin, muuttuiko heidän sosiaalinen asemansa luokilla 1–4. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli kuusi lähikoulun luokkaa, joissa opiskeli SI-oppilas. Tutkimus tehtiin sosiometrisellä menetelmällä, jossa luokkien oppilaat valitsivat kolme mieluisinta ja kolme vähiten mieluista leikkitoveria. Tulokset analysoitiin muodostamalla nimeämisten perusteella sosiogra…

research product

Meta-analysis of the relationship between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education

This meta-study aims to examine the size of the relationship between teachers' self-efficacy and attitudes toward inclusive education of K-12 students with special educational needs and to identify potential moderators (publication, sample, and research procedure characteristics). We synthesized the research conducted from 1994 to 2018, and 41 studies were included. Bare-bones meta-analysis with random effect model revealed a sample size weighted correlation coefficient between teachers’ self-efficacy and attitudes as r¯ = 0.35 (CI = 0.31-0.39). The between-study variations were not associated with hypothesized publication and sample characteristics. However, the self-efficacy measurement m…

research product

Services for Young Children and Families: Evaluating Intervention Cycles

To advance the national early intervention agenda, priority must be assigned to the evaluation of services for families of infants and young children with developmental disabilities. This priority for evaluation rests on current considerations for accountability to families, accountability to fundin

research product

Subjective quality of life among youth with severe physical disabilities during the transition to adulthood in Finland

Purpose: This study examined the subjective quality of life among youth with severe physical disabilities during the transition to adulthood.Method: A purposive sample of 74 youths (mean age 20.19)...

research product

Cognitive Skills, Math-Related Emotions, and Beliefs Explaining Response to Arithmetic Fluency Intervention

We examined the associations of cognitive skills, math-related emotions and beliefs, and gender with responses to an arithmetic fluency intervention. Elementary school children with dysfluent arithmetic skills (N=69) participated in an arithmetic fluency intervention (with and without self-efficacy support) implemented in small groups in schools for 12 weeks. Hierarchical regression models including cognitive skills or math-related emotions and beliefs predicted 21% to 50% of the variation in the intervention response, i.e., improvement in arithmetic fluency. Cognitive skills were associated with the response mainly among boys, whereas math-related emotions and beliefs explained more among …

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