Florian Koch

Allianz Arena, Orange Vélodrome & Co. Zur Akzeptanz von Fußballfans bei der kommerziellen Neu- bzw. Umbenennung ‚ihres‘ Stadions im deutsch-französischen Vergleich

Der professionelle Fußball ist zunehmend von einer durchdringenden Kommerzialisierung geprägt. Wesentlicher Bestandteil dieser Entwicklung ist das – speziell aus der Perspektive der Onomastik – bisher wenig untersuchte Phänomen des (Re-)Namings von Fußballstadien. Ziel des Beitrages ist es, ein soziodiskursives Modell zu entwickeln, das Einflussfaktoren aufzeigt, die die Akzeptanz der Fans bei der kommerziellen Neu- bzw. Umbenennung ˈihresˈ Fußballstadions beschreiben. Dabei werden Erklärungsansätze aus unterschiedlichen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen miteinander verknüpft und um die Auswertung von Fanforenbeiträgen und Interviews mit Fans vom FC Bayern München, Hannover 96, Olympique de Marseill…

research product

ECR2 Economic Crisis: Resilience of Regions

The picture of the economic situation in Europe resulting from the crisis that began in 2008 looks rather asymmetrical and diverse with regions that were not or hardly touched by the crises at all, with regions that were touched but that seem to recover rather progressively and with regions that still suffer quite a lot from the crisis. The fast and successful recovery of some particular regions strikes the eye and raises the question of what is behind this success. The economic crisis and recovery are at the core of all recent policy initiatives that set the framework for territorial development and cohesion policy. The objective of this project is to expose territorial evidence that suppo…

research product

Sociolinguistic Resilience Among Young Academics. A Quantitative Analysis in Germany and France

International audience; Already Friedrich Schiller was convinced that language mirrors a nation. If this is the case, then the often deplored ‘brutalization of language’, which has almost become a buzzword in the wake of the refugee crisis in Germany that started in 2015, points to a serious social crisis by raising questions of (national) identity and self-understanding. Based on newly introduced sociolinguistic resilience concept in line with the concept of group focus enmity (GFE) combining the dimensions of co-adaptation and co-evolution of linguistic signs, this article presents preliminary empirical evidence of a ‘classroom’ survey conducted among students in four university towns in …

research product

« Stadien-Namen in der Sponsoring-Ära: ein patternbasierter Ansatz zur Analyse von Stadien-Namen in vier europäischen Sprachen »

International audience

research product

Die Abwertung des Anderen mittels Sprache. Einflussfaktoren bei der Bewertung alltäglicher verbaler Gewalt im Amateurfußball

International audience; The present study seeks to examine the underrepresented transnational phenomenon of everyday verbal abuse in amateur football. Based on 34 semi-structured interviews with German and French amateur referees, a contrastive sociolinguistic model was developed which allows to identify type-specific influencing factors on the evaluation of verbal abuse. Although individual referee related characteristics have similar values across different types, especially the high intrinsic motivation, active communication, the disturbing influence of third parties, and the identification of alleged perpetrator groups, the comparative analysis shows that personal ambition, knowledge of…

research product

A European mind? Europeanisation of football fan discussions in online message boards

Across Europe, national professional football leagues have seen increasing numbers of players from other EU states, while the Champions League and the Europa League have become a focal point for ma...

research product

L´expression de l´inclusion et l´exclusion. Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d’équipes de football amateur.

Une analyse sociolinguistique des discours dans le contexte d'équipes de football amateur.

research product

Cosmopolitans and communitarians: A typology of football fans between national and European influences

International audience; The past 25 years have seen an unprecedented Europeanisation of the structures and governance in football across the continent. A European (and global) transfer market for players and managers has become the norm and a pan-European league system has been established that regularly exposes supporters to transnational competitions and players from all over Europe. At the same time, manifold typologies of football fans have been established, distinguishing groups of fans based on, for example, fan intensity, fan behaviour or their attitudes towards different actors in the field. The attitudes towards Europe and the self-identification of these fans within Europeanised f…

research product

Le dénigrement de l’autre par le biais de la langue. Une étude pilote dans le domaine du foot en France.

International audience; This article presents an exploratory study that aims to link social sciences, linguistics and sport. Based on the group-focus enmity concept which focuses on existing depreciations among individuals due to their alleged affiliation to a specific social group, we ask how theses alleged social groups treated like entities are concretely devaluated by using words, especially in highly competitive fields like sport. Even this innovative concept is a fundamentally open concept into which further elements can be integrated, we focus on 5 key elements: racism and xenophobia (1), anti-semitism (2), homophobia (3), sexism (4) and anti-capitalism (5). Even this article can onl…

research product

« Renommer un stade : opportunité économique, défi linguistique »

International audience

research product

Fandiskurse über das (Re-)Naming von Stadionnamen in Deutschland und Frankreich ein diskurslinguistischer Ansatz

International audience; Aktualität und RelevanzDer neueste Versuch eine European Super-League einzuführen verdeutlichte einmal mehr, dass Fußballfans nur noch als bloße Konsumenten des Produkts Fußball betrachtet werden. Allerdings belegten die Reaktionen von Politikern (The Economist 2021) und den Fans selbst, dass im europäischen Fußball andere Gesetzmäßigkeiten gelten als von Investoren angenommen. Gewinnmaximierung unter Ausschluss des sportlichen Wettbewerbs und ohne Berücksichtigung gewachsener Strukturen, Traditionen und Fankulturen scheint (noch) nicht vermittelbar (Mustroph 2021). Dass dennoch immer neue Geldquellen erschlossen werden, zeigt das wachsende Phänomen des Namensponsori…

research product

Renommer un stade : opportunité économique, défi linguistique

Dans ce contexte, la pratique du naming, changer le nom des stades de foot pour y associer un sponsor, s’avère particulièrement intéressante. Outre un choix économique, nos réflexions invitent aussi à les considérer comme une décision linguistique aux implications sociales non négligeables. Elle mérite ainsi une réflexion particulière pour les entreprises désireuses de sponsoriser des enceintes.

research product

Counter Speech : Une nouvelle stratégie politico-linguistique en Allemagne face à une crise globale

International audience; This presentation presents preliminary findings of a second enlarged exploratory study embedded in a comprehensive research project in the field of sociolinguistics. Our theoretical approach is based on the resilience concept which we adapted to the field of sociolinguistic. This approach allows us to explore at the same time the co-evolution and co-adaption of interlocutors and language especially by facing a crisis. This analysis shows that especially in Germany the ongoing refugee crisis exacerbates heavily political tensions. The increasing use of « Counter speech » in order to respond to « Hate speech » leads to an « evolutionary and adaptive spiral » in Germany…

research product

The Formation of a Collective Identity Through Expressions of ‘Love’ and ‘Hate’: An Exploratory Analysis of the Discourse of Football Fans in Germany and France

International audience; Football is an exemplary platform where the social dynamics within and between societies can be regularly observed. In addition, online message boards are a rich resource of everyday expressions where football fans express their ‘love’ of their clubs as well as their ‘disdain’ for others. We conducted a qualitative content analysis during two seasons of Olympique de Marseille and FC Bayern Munich as well as Toulouse FC and Hannover 96. Our analysis illustrates that hateful expressions that differentiate groups are much more prevalent and therefore more determinant in the formation of a collective identity. Furthermore, the analysis confirms that the self-conception c…

research product

La crise des réfugiés de 2014/2015 sur la base de la résilience sociolinguistique. Une analyse qualitative et comparative entre l’Allemagne et la France

International audience; This article presents preliminary findings of a second enlarged exploratory study embedded in a comprehensive research project in the field of sociolinguistics. Our theoretical approach is based on the resilience concept which we adapted to the field of sociolinguistic. This approach allows us to explore at the same time the co-evolution and co-adaption of interlocutors and language especially by facing a crisis. This analysis shows that especially in Germany the ongoing refugee crisis exacerbates heavily political tensions. The increasing use of « Counter speech » in order to respond to « Hate speech » leads to an « evolutionary and adaptive spiral » in Germany, whe…

research product

Europeanised identifications among football fans. The analysis of discussions in online message boards.

International audience; Across Europe, national professional football leagues have seen increasing numbers of players from other EU states, while the Champions League and the Europa League have become a focal point for many teams. This article seeks to investigate how far this Europeanisation on the organisational level of football is reflected in identities and discourses of fans. We develop a framework to analyse Europeanisation of identities among football fans. In the empirical part we conduct a qualitative content analysis of fan discussions on publicly available message boards among fans of four first league teams in England and Austria. Our empirical findings indicate that fans’ iden…

research product

« Allianz-Arena, Orange Vélodrome & Co: zum Werbepotenzial kommerzieller Namen von Sportplätzen im deutsch-französischen Vergleich »

International audience; Aktualität und Relevanz Der neueste Versuch, eine European Super-League einzuführen, verdeutlichte einmal mehr, dass Fußballfans meistens nur noch als bloße Konsumenten des Produkts Fußball betrachtet werden. Allerdings belegten die Reaktionen von Politikern (The Economist 2021) und von den Fans selbst, dass im europäischen Fußball andere Gesetzmäßigkeiten gelten als von Investoren angenommen. Gewinnmaximierung unter Ausschluss des sportlichen Wettbewerbs und ohne Berücksichtigung gewachsener Strukturen, Traditionen und Fankulturen scheint (noch) nicht vermittelbar (Mustroph 2021). Dass dennoch immer neue Geldquellen erschlossen werden, zeigt das wachsende Phänomen d…

research product

Non-elite conceptions of Europe: Europe as reference frame in English football fan discussions

International audience; Discursive approaches to Europe usually focus on elite discourses and target a narrow political understanding of Europe. Against the backdrop of rising Euroscepticism and the known elite-mass divide on issues of European identity, it seems important to shift the focus toward non-elite discourses on Europe. Given that club football is largely Europeanised (player markets, continent-wide club competitions and broadcasting of matches), we analyse how fans of the English Premier League club Manchester United discursively construct ‘Europe’ in relation to their sport. Our main research question aims at identifying how identifications of fans have been unconsciously Europe…

research product