Paolo Cherubini


New Tree-Ring Evidence from the Pyrenees Reveals Western Mediterranean Climate Variability since Medieval Times

Paleoclimatic evidence is necessary to place the current warming and drying of the western Mediterranean basin in a long-term perspective of natural climate variability. Annually resolved and absolutely dated temperature proxies south of the European Alps that extend back into medieval times are, however, mainly limited to measurements of maximum latewood density (MXD) from high-elevation conifers. Here, the authors present the world’s best replicated MXD site chronology of 414 living and relict Pinus uncinata trees found >2200 m above mean sea level (MSL) in the Spanish central Pyrenees. This composite record correlates significantly ( p ≤ 0.01) with May–June and August–September mean …

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Le Bibbie spagnole in visigotica

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Una nuova ricetta in volgare per rigare la pagina (secolo XV)

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Il registro d'imbreviature di Parente di Stupio da Sarzana

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Insegnamento scolastico della scrittura ed evoluzione delle forme grafiche della Paleografia latina. Inaugurazione del Corso Biennale Anni Accademici 2010-2012

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Integrated biomonitoring of airborne pollutants over space and time using tree rings, bark, leaves and epiphytic lichens

The integrated use of tree rings and outer tissues, and lichens, was tested for monitoring how pollutant concentrations vary in space and over time nearby an incinerator in industrial area in Central Italy. Trace elements in thalli of lichen Xanthoria parietina and in leaves, bark, wood of Quercus pubescens, as well as carbon, oxygen and nitrogen isotope ratios in tree rings were analyzed. Some trace elements in the leaves differed significantly between the plots, though this was not the case in lichens and bark. The values of δ13C and δ18O showed the same trend in all plots, while the values of δ15N were higher in the distal plot. The results indicated that trace elements were intercepted …

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Un manoscritto occitanico della Legenda aurea con note di bottega in volgare (Reg. lat. 534)

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Ancora una lettera di notifica di Bonifacio VIII (dall'Archivio Capitolare di Agrigento)

Viene illustrata e pubblicata una lettera del 1299 con cui il pontefice Bonifacio VIII invia a un destinatario non indicato, ma presumibilmente da ricercare in qualche prelato di rilievo attivo sulla scena della crisi siciliana con il papato successiva all'incoronazione di Federico III d'Aragona, un canone estratto dal suo Liber Sextus (Quoniam in baptismo), con cui si deroga al divieto di amministrare i sacramenti in caso di interdetto. Il documento è di notevole interesse, oltre che per la particolare natura giuridica dell'atto documentato, soprattutto per il fatto di essere finora nota soltanto in altri due testimoni analoghi, conservati uno a Bari e l'altro a Lubecca.

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Charcoal and stable soil organic matter as indicators of fire frequency, climate and past vegetation in volcanic soils of Mt. Etna, Sicily

Abstract Charcoal fragments in soils are useful to reconstruct past vegetation because the level of preservation is often good enough to determine the tree genus. All forest ecosystems have the potential to burn as a result of naturally occurring or human-induced fires. Forest fires are coupled to climate and are a not-negligible factor of pedogenesis in Mediterranean areas, where they occur frequently. Furthermore, soil organic matter (SOM) is prone to undergo peculiar changes due to forest fires, both in terms of quantity and quality. A soil sequence along an elevational gradient ranging from Mediterranean to subalpine climate zones on slopes of Mt. Etna (Sicily, Italy) was investigated i…

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Scritture e scriventi a Roma nel secolo XV: gruppi sociali, presenze nazionali e livelli di alfabetizzazione

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La bolla di Paolo II: un commento diplomatistico con qualche notizia dai Registri Vaticani

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The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructions.

Tree-ring chronologies underpin the majority of annually-resolved reconstructions of Common Era climate. However, they are derived using different datasets and techniques, the ramifications of which have hitherto been little explored. Here, we report the results of a double-blind experiment that yielded 15 Northern Hemisphere summer temperature reconstructions from a common network of regional tree-ring width datasets. Taken together as an ensemble, the Common Era reconstruction mean correlates with instrumental temperatures from 1794–2016 CE at 0.79 (p < 0.001), reveals summer cooling in the years following large volcanic eruptions, and exhibits strong warming since the 1980s. Differing in…

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Il numero come elemento di disturbo: ipotesi sull'evoluzione della mercantesca

L'introduzione della matematica araba in Occidente grazie alla mediazione del Liber abaci di Leonardo Fibonacci creò non pochi problemi al mondo degli scriventi. La ricerca effettuata su materiale originale (i Libri d'abaco e di mercatura in volgare) evidenzia come, dopo una iniziale difficoltà a superare lo scoglio della nuova rappresentazione 'simbolica' del numero e soprattutto il sovrapporsi di inediti 'registri' nella scrittura del libro volgare di mercatura, costituiti dalla sequenza numerale da una parte e dalla lingua volgare dall'altra, dove il rischio di ambiguità determinato dalla somiglianza di segni alfabetici e numerici del nuovo sistema, sia stato superato dapprima attraverso…

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Paleografia latina. Tavole

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I manoscritti e il copista

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Insensitivity of Tree-Ring Growth to Temperature and Precipitation Sharpens the Puzzle of Enhanced Pre-Eruption NDVI on Mt. Etna (Italy)

On Mt. Etna (Italy), an enhanced Normalized Difference in Vegetation Index (NDVI) signature was detected in the summers of 2001 and 2002 along a distinct line where, in November 2002, a flank eruption subsequently occurred. These observations suggest that pre-eruptive volcanic activity may have enhanced photosynthesis along the future eruptive fissure. If a direct relation between NDVI and future volcanic eruptions could be established, it would provide a straightforward and low-cost method for early detection of upcoming eruptions. However, it is unclear if, or to what extent, the observed enhancement of NDVI can be attributed to volcanic activity prior to the subsequent eruption. We conse…

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Iacopo Ammannati Piccolomini e il cenacolo umanistico

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Note occitaniche di bottega dell'inizio del secolo XIV in un codice della Legenda aurea (Reg. lat. 534)

Le ms. Reg. lat. 534 de la Bibliothèque Vaticane (Jacques de Varazze, Légende dorée) a été copié à Toulouse, peut-être dans des milieux dominicains, aux débuts du siècle XIVe, donc seulement quelques années après que l’Auteur avait apporté à son oeuvre les dernières modifications. Le texte est pourvu d’une très riche décoration qui en établit le rythme à travers l’alternance de lettres incipitaires somptueusement enluminées et des miniatures qui illustrent les scènes principales de chaque vie. À coté de certaines de ces images il y a, sur les marges du manuscrit, de microscopiques notes d’attente en occitan, au moyen desquelles le chef de l’atelier apprend l’art à un jeune apprenti peintre,…

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La scrittura latina

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Ancora "litterae" prestampate nell'età degli incunaboli

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Start of the dry season as a main determinant of inter-annual Mediterranean forest production variations

Abstract Recent investigations have highlighted the dependence of Mediterranean forest production on spring rainfall. The current work introduces the concept of the start of the dry season (SDS) and performs a three-step analysis to determine the effect of SDS on Mediterranean forest production. Seven forest zones of Tuscany (Central Italy), which present differently pronounced Mediterranean features, are considered. First, a statistical analysis investigates the influence of spring water budget on forest Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) inter-annual variations during July–August. The analysis is then extended to assess the impact of inter-annual SDS variability on forest gross…

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Studiare da banchiere nella Roma del Quattrocento. Introduzione di Giuseppe Vigorelli (Ciclo di conferenze e seminari "L'Uomo e il denaro". Milano 4 giugno 2007, Quaderno 22)

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La Biblia de Danila

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Il copista: Ugo Comminelli "de Maceriis supra Mosam in Francia"

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Paleografia latina. L'avventura grafica del mondo occidentale

L'opera ripercorre in maniera storico-critica l'evoluzione della scrittura latina dalle sue origini e prime attestazioni nel VI secolo a. C sino alla prima diffusione della stampa, procedendo oltre il XV secolo soltanto per quelle manifestazioni grafiche che mostrino caratteristiche tali da essere individuate e descritte con il metodo paleografico. Divisa in cinque parti, analizza dapprima l'età romana e il passaggio dalla maiuscola alla minuscola per entrare quindi nel periodo del particolarismo grafico e da qui alla riunificazione in età carolingia e ottoniana. Con il passaggio dall'alto al basso medioevo cambia radicalmente il panorama grafico europeo, sempre più caratterizzato dai nuovi…

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Towards a dendrochronologically refined date of the Laacher See eruption around 13,000 years ago

Highlights • Previous age estimates of the Laacher See Eruptions (LSE) around 12,900 years are still diverging and imprecise. • The combination of dendrochronology, wood anatomy, and 14C measurements holds the potential to establish a precise LSE date. • An absolute calendric date of the LSE would improve the synchronization of European Late Glacial to Holocene archives. Abstract The precise date of the Laacher See eruption (LSE), central Europe’s largest Late Pleistocene volcanic event that occurred around 13,000 years ago, is still unknown. Here, we outline the potential of combined high-resolution dendrochronological, wood anatomical and radiocarbon (14C) measurements, to refine the age …

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L'intensa attività di un notaio di Camera: Gaspare Biondo

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I contributi sul Quattrocento, in Presentazione deli studi in memoria di Agostino Sottili (Milano, Università Cattolica, 7 dicembre 2005), pp. 871-893

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